
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald...

Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 56


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"The president is back!"

Listening to the cheers of the crowd and looking at their smiling faces, Makarov felt that although these children like to cause some little trouble to him, they are still very good.

"Now, President, the people in the Council didn't give you any trouble, right?"Lisanna immediately poured a glass of milk for Makarov. After all, she always felt that Makarov couldn't grow taller because he drank too little milk.

"Well... next time I think you can get me a glass of wine. Makarov looked at Lisanna, who let him drink a glass of milk every day, and drank it in one sip with twitching eyes,"Council?" I fell asleep as soon as the trial started, and I didn't wake up until it was over. Anyway, the final result was that we were not guilty."

Makarov smacked his lips, feeling too uncomfortable. He grabbed Kana's wine barrel and drank it hard.

"Oh oh oh oh, you are indeed the president!"

"Although Raphael told us not to worry, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief now!"

"Fortunately, Natsu is not here, otherwise he will cause trouble again~"

Makarov only then realized that Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Lucy were all gone, even Raphael, who usually drank milkshakes, was not there.

"Where did they go? And that brat Raphael said it was all my fault and ran away."

Makarov casually returned the barrel to Kana, ignored Kana's bulging face, walked to his exclusive position, climbed up and sat down comfortably, then turned to look at Mirajane and asked

"Natsu and his friends were currently doing a mission in Impatiens Village. The four of them had become a fixed team, working together every day. There was even a blue figure following them from time to time."

"The blue figure? Is this the little wife that Raphael said was destined for Grenadine?"Makarov saw the very frustrated Juvia squatting on the ground and drawing small circles in the corner, and said with twitching eyes,"Then let's find an opportunity to let him join the guild, although I don't know how she escaped from the Council. came out, but just in case there was a misunderstanding, it was better to join in early to protect her."

Miraj smiled and put a glass of wine in front of Makarov, and then said

"As for Raphael, he seems to be with Granny Polyusica. In his words, he is learning some medical skills, so that he can give first aid to someone who is injured next time. Anyway, he is so mysterious and doesn't let me know anything. Humph!"

Miraje was angry when he talked about Raphael. That dead wood, I thought he would express something to me after the ghost incident, but I didn't expect him to disappear now.

Raphael... It seems that he has discovered his own problem... Makarov drank thoughtfully.

Then he looked at the angry Miraje with an aunt's smile. This silly girl, doesn't she know Raphael well? How can she not distinguish between lies and truth? Raphael's brain can't even learn my giant magic. It's better to expect him to grow taller than to expect him to learn medical skills. I really don't understand.

But when he turned around and saw Juvia crying silently on the ground with resentment, Makarov seemed to understand something. The corner of his eyes twitched and he drank silently.

Women... It's really troublesome...


"It was solved easily~Victory!"

Lucy commanded Taurus to knock down the last enemy and jumped up with joy.

"Ah~ Too weak, they are too weak!" Gray and Natsu continued to beat these"kids" out of boredom.

As for Erza... she stepped on a minion who was trying to escape, and nodded when she saw that everyone had completed the task:"It seems that we have booked a hotel for one more day, so let's stay in this village leisurely for one night before going back."

"Loki?"Lucy on the side noticed Loki wandering around the village with sharp eyes, and quickly shouted at him.

"What a coincidence! Are you also doing the mission here?"

"You too?"Loki didn't expect to see Natsu and the others here.

"I haven't thanked you for helping me find the key, Loki!" Lucy smiled and was about to step forward

"Ah! Um... you're welcome! I still have a mission! I'm leaving first!" Loki waved his hand quickly, then turned around and ran away, as if he was hiding from some plague god!

"Lucy, what did you do to him? He actually ran away when he saw you!"Gray asked Lucy doubtfully. Although he knew that Loki was shunned by the Celestial Spirit Mage, this was the first time he saw Loki running away as fast as if he had seen a ghost!

"I don't know what that guy is doing!"Lucy looked at Loki's escaping figure and felt so angry that her chest hurt.

At night, Lucy, who struggled to escape from Natsu's pillow-blasting fight, was entangled by two gangsters again.

Lucy, who wanted to get rid of him quickly, Xi was horrified to find that he couldn't move. It turned out that the two gangsters were magicians!

At this moment, a figure appeared. First, he punched Huang Mao, who had been shaking his head, and knocked him to the ground. Then he jumped up and spun around. He kicked the other man with a bun and knocked him unconscious.

He turned to look at Lucy:"Are you okay?"

"Loki?!" Lucy looked at him in surprise.

It turned out that this person was Loki, and it was Loki who saved her.

"sorry!"When Loki saw it was Lucy, he hurriedly hid behind the bamboo and poked his head out to apologize to her.

"Why do you have to say sorry?" Lucy covered her face helplessly.

"That... these two people are the targets of my mission. They are magicians who specialize in targeting women."

Loki scratched his head and walked out, then took the two people's hands and prepared to drag them away:"Okay, I have to take them back. Goodbye!"

"Wait a moment! Lucy stopped Loki,"Thank you for saving me and helping me find the key. Well... stay with me for a while if you want.""

Lucy's smile was bright and cheerful, and she stretched out her hand to invite Loki. Loki was silent for a while and nodded.

The two little ones next to him looked at Lucy and Loki with loving eyes. They were exposed. Saitoto (cat, dog?) gave a blast of chestnuts

"Do you have to be so far away from me?" Lucy looked at Loki, who was four or five stools away from her, and looked at him unhappily.

"Oh...I'm sorry...."Loki lowered his head and dared not to look at Lucy

"I've always wanted to ask, did anything happen between you and the Celestial Spirit Mage?" When

Lucy finished speaking, she saw that Loki was still so far away from her with his head down, and his face suddenly puffed up. Loki had to slowly move to Lucy's side.

There was a long silence, and Lucy shook her head:" Forget it, if you don't want to say it, I won't force you. I just want you to know that I am me and that person is that person. You don't need to be so afraid of me. We are partners after all, right?"

"Well...I'm sorry. If I hurt you, I apologize. You should just forget about me."Loki lowered his head and played with his fingers.

"What are you doing? You talk like a couple breaking up." Lucy shook her head helplessly, stood up and said to Loki with a smile,"Forget it, forget it, I'm just asking. No matter what, thank you for helping me. I seem to understand why those girls like you so much. I'm leaving first."

At this moment, Loki grabbed Lucy's wrist, stood up and pulled her into his arms, hugging Lucy tightly. Lucy blushed at Loki's action.

His low voice rang in Lucy's ears:"Lucy... I'm dying...."

Lucy was stunned. Loki let go of Lucy. After a moment of silence, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Lucy, I lied to you, this is a trick to chase girls, this is a way to make them cry, what do you think? Scared?"


Lucy slapped Loki's glasses away, and said angrily to Loki:"I... hate this kind of joke the most!!!"

Then he pulled Happy and Blue by their tails and walked out of the tavern, slamming the door shut.

Loki watched Lucy leave with a smile. The moment the door closed, he lowered his head again.

What am I doing...I was almost exposed, I can't involve Lucy... I've...


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