
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald...

Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 46


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"Those bastards are just working for a living. If you can, go to Raphael. Why are you looking for me? They even scolded me. They are really a bunch of bastards!"

Makarov had just left the council in a carriage. He came out and kept muttering in his mouth.

Suddenly, Makarov's expression changed, he stopped the carriage, and looked ahead with a solemn expression.

I saw a figure walking in front of Makarov's carriage, wearing a tall wizard hat, a bat-shaped cloak, and a pair of shoes with curved toes on his feet, with a pair of With bat-like wings, the whole person looks like a little devil

"Joseph! What are you doing here?!"Makarov looked at the man with an evil smile in front of him with a serious expression.

This person was the president of the Phantom Ruler, Joseph Pola!

Joseph did not intend to answer Makarov's question, but just smiled evilly and looked at Makarov:"Oh my, my big brother, we haven't seen each other for six years, don't be so unfamiliar!"

Makarov didn't buy it at all, and questioned more harshly:"Estrange? I don't think I have any feelings for people who play tricks on our guild. If it weren't for the rules of the Council, you would have been destroyed long ago!"

Joseph took a few steps forward with an ugly expression, looking down at Makarov:"Come if you can! But you didn't realize that I am a thought body, otherwise I really don't know where you get the confidence to destroy me!"

Makarov looked at Joseph with cold eyes:"What is your purpose?! I don't believe that you will ignore the ban of the Council for no reason and take action directly!"

"Ouch, what a scary look!"Joseph lowered his head and looked at Makarov, his eyes equally cold, and his words gradually became more excited,"What do I want to do?! I'm going to destroy your guild! Why is the honor all yours? Why does the good reputation belong to you? It's obvious that he's just causing destruction all the time!

Joseph's excited words made Makarov frown:"That's it?""

Joseph choked at Makarov's words, coughed twice, stood up straight and regained his elegant look:"Huh, you won't understand anyway. This is my purpose anyway, so you can just watch. Watch your guild destroyed!"

Makarov looked at Joseph calmly at this moment:"You are acting so despicably and shamelessly, which insults the name of the Ten Holy Wizards. You obviously have a bright future, but you attack a junior because of such a trivial matter. Are you shameless? You are so shameless!"

Makarov is actually very optimistic about Joseph. After all, he is considered a young Saint. Although there was a conflict six years ago, he was still very positive at that time. I just don't know what he has experienced in the past six years. What made it look like this?

"enough! Put away your self-righteous teachings! who do you think You Are?! Just wait for your guild and all your members to turn into ashes!"

Joseph pointed at Makarov with an ugly expression. He hated being lectured the most. It was like this six years ago, and it is still like this now. But he is only a few years older than him, and he looks like an old-timer. He thought Who are you?

Then his face instantly turned into a sinister smile, even worse than Sichuan facial makeup:"Since you are so ignorant, I will tell you my purpose. I need someone from your guild. , as for why I want to attack your guild, it's purely because that person is in your guild. I don't think your guild will hand her over obediently, so I can only destroy your guild first!"

Looking at Makarov's increasingly angry face, Joseph laughed wildly with satisfaction:"Hahahaha, that's right, your guild was just destroyed by the way, by the way!"

"Damn it, you bastard, why are you coming at me? How can you attack the children of the guild?!"Makarov's whole body exploded with magic in anger! The terrifying magic fluctuations shook the surrounding land apart.

"Oh my, what a terrible magic power, but I am a thought body, you can't hit me! Hahahaha" Joseph looked at Makarov with a playful look on his face and laughed even more crazily.

Makarov just clenched his fists angrily and stared at Joseph, standing there with an ugly face.

"Oh, by the way, since I have told you the main core purpose, let me tell you about the next plan. First, we will take you down, and then we will take down the monster Raphael in your guild and the so-called Fairy Queen Erza, then no one will stop us!"

Joseph looked at Makarov meaningfully.

Makarov was instantly stimulated to lose his mind, and directly burst out his magic power and rushed towards Joseph:"Asshole! I said! No! Right! Kids! Move! Your hands!"

Joseph just smiled evilly on his face. Makarov suddenly felt something and hurriedly wanted to turn around to defend!

A huge figure with his hands clasped together suddenly appeared behind him, and his bandaged eyes were crying madly.

"This is my guild's wind elemental, Alia! He can knock you down instantly...."

"How sad! A great wizard is about to die...." boom!

"Sadness, you big-headed dog!!!" With a roar, Alia, who was about to release magic to get rid of Makarov, was instantly beaten into the soil. The soil was instantly branded by Alia. You are in me, I am in you, congratulations.

Joseph's pupils dilated instantly, and without saying a word, he immediately cancelled the thought body and disappeared.

"Raphael?" Makarov squinted his eyes and looked at the figure in the sun.

"Ah, old man, they didn't do anything to you, right?"This figure turned his head, and it was Raphael.

"It's okay, I'm just concerned about what Joseph said."Makarov nodded to Raphael and lowered his head in thought.


"He said that the main purpose was for someone in our guild. Who is that person?"

"That's it, I know!"Raphael walked up to Makarov and looked at Makarov with a smile.

"you know?!"Makarov looked at him in surprise.

"In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will understand," Raphael sat cross-legged next to Makarov,"Phantom didn't come to play earlier or later, but just came when new players joined, so you can imagine who his target is."

"You mean... Lucy?" Makarov turned around and looked at Raphael in surprise.

"Ah, yes, and do you know what Lucy's last name is? Raphael looked at Makarov meaningfully,"Heartfilia!" Sounds familiar?"

"Hart... is that the tycoon? I see, so his purpose is to kidnap Lucy and blackmail her father?"

"No, that's right, but they didn't kidnap Lucy, but Lucy's father sent a commission to retrieve Lucy, and then the ghost happened to be interested in making money!"

Makarov jumped up instantly and wanted to rush to the guild!

Raphael quickly took Makarov's hand:"Anxin, it's okay. I have arranged for Natsu and Gray to protect her. The rest I also gathered all the members in the guild in the name of the banquet. Now it's time to see if Joseph can't help but take action personally!"

Makarov's expression instantly relaxed a lot, but he still quickly set up the carriage and hurried back to the guild.

Raphael looked at the sky outside the window, his eyes playfully looking in the direction of the ghost.

Take action, ghost, so I can I can justifiably get rid of you directly!


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