
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald...

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58 Chs

Chapter 37

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The plane on the other side just crashed... No, Lucy, who probably fell into a rat, was very lucky. Even the rat was knocked unconscious, but she was unscathed, except for a slight headache.

Lucy slowly got up holding her dizzy head and glanced around, but did not find Shirley who was following the falling rat.

Just as Lucy was wondering, Shirley's voice came from a small cliff nearby. Lucy quickly turned around and was surprised to find that she was actually shedding tears.

"You did a great job, Miss Fairy!"Shirley's tears continued to fall, and she covered her hands at her heart with a painful expression,"You caused me to lose the trust of Emperor Ling, and you also caused Angelica to fall like that...."

"You! Unforgivable!"Shirley's expression instantly became ferocious, and a thread faintly appeared on her hand. Then the giant tree next to Lucy instantly turned into a terrifying tree man.

""Go! Wooden puppet!" With Shirley's order, the tree man broke free from the tree roots and swung the branches at Lucy.

Lucy had no time to escape and was kicked away by the tree man... a tree root. Lucy endured the pain, took out the Taurus key, and opened the door of Taurus in mid-air.

""Open it! Taurus Gate - Talos!"

A doorbell rang, and a muscular minotaur holding a huge axe emerged from the smoke. The moment he appeared, he chopped the tree man with his axe, and the tree man instantly broke into two halves. Lucy's crisis was resolved, and she took the opportunity to adjust her posture in mid-air and landed like a black widow.

"That golden key... the so-called zodiac." Shirley looked at Lucy in surprise,"Astral magic, celestial wizard..."

""Well done, Talos!" Lucy praised Talos from behind, and then looked at Shirley seriously,"Come on! I have Talos here! Any attack will be cut in half by it!"

"MO~Miss Lucy is right! Miss Lucy has the most perfect figure!"Talos excitedly raised his giant ax and shouted

"You are so shameless, you actually taught your own protoss to praise you like this!" Shirley covered her mouth and looked at Lucy, ignoring Lucy's retort, and said with an unknown smile,"But, I seem to be the nemesis of the Celestial Spirit Mage!"

"Really, listen to what others say, that's what he wants to say!" Lucy was furious, and she was a little annoyed when she saw Shirley. She pointed her finger at Shirley and ordered Taros,"Taros, defeat her!"

But Taros was not moved at all. Instead, he turned around and stared at Lucy fiercely, then turned around and gave Lucy an axe.

"what happened?! What did you do to Talos?"Lucy dodged Talos's ax attack in embarrassment, and shouted to Shirley with a puzzled and surprised expression.

Shirley did not answer her, but manipulated Talos to continue to step forward to subdue Lucy. Lucy was in embarrassment. When he dodged Talos's ax blow, his old strength was exhausted. Before his new strength was generated, Talos pushed him to the ground and strangled his neck.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Miss Lucy, I can't control myself and carry out your instructions!"

Talos explained helplessly to Lucy with sweat on his face.

"Don't you want to know what I did to this cow? My magic is [Puppet Attack], which can control all creatures except humans!"

Shirley raised her hands, moved them slightly, and looked at Lucy with disdain at the corners of her mouth.

"The same goes for the protoss, since they're not human, so... Talos, take off her clothes!"Shirley kept waving her hands, controlling Talos to start tearing Lucy's clothes off.

"Damn it, Talos, cheer up! Close the door! Close the Taurus Gate!" Lucy struggled with an ugly face, but it was completely useless under Talos's huge force.

"It's useless. If you want to close the door, both parties must agree. Under my control, the cow will not agree. In other words, you cannot close the door unilaterally, so you can enjoy this feast obediently. Bar! Ha ha ha ha!"

Shirley laughed wildly and waved her hands faster and more vigorously.

"please! Give me...close!!!"Lucy felt Talos's movements getting faster and faster, and she couldn't help but become anxious. She used the last strength and magic power in her body and shouted,"Close! Taurus Gate!"

There was a sound of closing the door, and Talos instantly turned into bubbles. Lucy forced the door to close and drove him back.

"Ju... can actually force the door to close?!"Shirley was stunned for a moment, because this was the first time she met a Celestial Mage who could force a door to close by itself.

"I...I did it! Force close I did it! i grew up..."Lucy looked at her hands, turned them over and saw the seal of the Fairy Tail. She smiled confidently, stood up, pointed the whip at Shirley,"Don't underestimate me, I am also a member of Fairy Tail after all!"

"So what? Don't forget, your Celestial Spirit magic has no effect on me!"Shirley looked at Lucy mockingly

"So what to do? Lucy slowly picked up a key and looked at Shirley sarcastically,"I seem to have many powerful star spirits. Are you sure you can control them all?""

"Turn it on! The Gate of Canis Minor! Blue!"The doorbell rang, and a cute little man with a sharp nose appeared in front of Lucy.

"Huh, no matter what star spirit you use, they are all my puppets! Puppet Attack: Puppet Manipulation!"

Shirley raised her hands sarcastically and moved her fingers slightly. Blue, who had just come out, was instantly manipulated and attacked Lucy's feet.

"What?! It's actually a low-level star spirit! Unmanipulate!"Shirley's face changed instantly when she saw that Blue couldn't do any harm to Lucy, and was even a little cute!

"You got Fooled!"

Lucy took the opportunity to rush up and give Shirley a whip. Shirley hurriedly stepped back to avoid it.

"You guy... Doll Attack Rock Doll!"Shirley couldn't accept that she was actually deceived by a big-breasted and brainless person. She angrily manipulated the surrounding rocks to quickly assemble it.

"Don't struggle mindlessly. As long as I destroy it with the Star Spirits first and then force the door to close and recall it, you..."

Lucy looked at Shirley with confidence, but when she saw the rocks gathering more and more and finally turning into a rock giant, Lucy's smile froze instantly!

"Then I want to see how you destroy my rock giant doll! Attack me!"Shirley sat in the head of the rock giant, looking at the frozen and panicked Lucy below, she couldn't help but burst into laughter, and then attacked Lucy with a grin!

Lucy could only flee in embarrassment, while running, thinking about which of her star spirits could solve this problem, but the more she thought about it, the more desperate she became, because none of her star spirits could solve this rock giant on land!

Lucy's thinking distracted her, and she didn't notice the rocks under her feet at all, and she tripped and fell on the beach!

She saw the sea water in front of her, and a light bulb went off, and she thought of a good solution!

She hurriedly ran towards the sea water. Seeing this, Shirley sneered:"What? Want to use the sea water to decompose my rock giant? It's useless. Under the control of my magic, it will never disintegrate without my permission!"

Shirley controlled the rock doll to make a big jump, and jumped directly in front of Lucy, blocking her way!

"Huh, I wouldn't use such a stupid method!"Lucy raised a golden key again and put it in the water to open the door,"Open the door of Aquarius! Akuya!"

The doorbell rang, and a half-human, half-fish woman appeared in front of the two of them holding a jar!

"Akuya?! You actually have such a powerful star spirit!"Shirley looked at Lucy in surprise, and then showed a sarcastic smile,"You are so stupid. I told you that I can control your star spirit, but you actually summoned such a powerful star spirit to attack the puppet. I control it!"

Shirley activated magic directly on the top of the rock giant's head, and Akuya was instantly controlled.

"It seems that today is your anniversary! Aquia, make this woman disappear!"Shirley grinned and manipulated Aquia to attack! A huge wave swept towards Lucy!

"Do you really think I don't remember your abilities?!"

Lucy showed a meaningful smile. Shirley was startled. She didn't have time to think about it. She was instantly swept into the waves and rolled with Lucy in the vortex formed by the waves.

After a long time, Akuya stopped attacking. , Lucy and Shirley appeared on the beach in a daze. Looking at Lucy's appearance, they muttered:"Huh, what about forcing the door to close? I can close it myself!" idiot!"

After saying that, she looked at Lucy's stern eyes with a flash of relief, then closed the door and went back to sleep for a beauty sleep.

At this time, the two people who were too dizzy to walk began to fight each other, although they couldn't touch each other. arrive

"Akuya is a star spirit who will baptize her with the sea regardless of friend or foe!"Lucy punched Shirley, but because she was so dizzy, she only hit the air next to Shirley!

"I see, you are so cunning, but my rock doll has not been knocked down yet!" Shirley punched Lucy back and also knocked down the air.

"It's okay, I just want to make you dizzy so that you can't control the puppet!"After all, Lucy is a wizard of Fairy Tail, she is not dizzy anymore.

"It's actually...it's actually like this..."Shirley was still so dizzy that she couldn't find her head, but that didn't stop her from spouting wild words,"Humph, thanks to you, you are still a Fairy Tail mage. Despite all the tricks, you still tied with me, and when I recovered, I still lost." you!"

"Yeah? What about this?!"

Lucy, who was no longer fainting, stepped forward and threw Shirley over her shoulder with all her strength!

"I actually...lost..."Shirley fell down with a look of surprise and regret, and the rock doll next to her collapsed instantly.

"Avenge me! Angelica..."Before passing out, Shirley gives her final instructions to her pet rat!

"What?! Isn't that her puppet?" Lucy was shocked. She looked at the big rat attacking her and struggled to dodge it. However, she had already used up all her strength. She closed her eyes and waited for death to come.

"Ah la la, although I am a bit of a germaphobe, I can't let you kill my companion like this! Just one punch!"

Lucy heard Raphael's voice and opened her eyes in surprise. She saw a tall figure standing in front of her, slowly putting away his fist, and the big rat had disappeared.

"Raphael..."Lucy cried with joy and wanted to say something to Raphael!

Raphael shook his head, stepped forward to help Lucy up, and smiled at her:"I'm sorry, I'm late, but you're great and have grown up."

Lucy shook her head and smiled brightly at Raphael:"Not too late, just right!"

Under the moonlight, Lucy's smile was particularly charming and beautiful, and Raphael was stunned.

Then he shook his head and helped Lucy walk towards the village. Under the moonlight, the shadows behind the two gradually intersected.


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