
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald...

Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 36


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"Remember this! It was you who killed Uru! You don't deserve it! You don't deserve to call her name!"

Leo shouted at Gray angrily, and then directly hit Gray with an ice hammer and sent him flying.

"Leo, you..."Gray fell in the ruins and looked at Leo angrily

"What's wrong? Are you too guilty to attack me because of what you said?"Leo stared at Gray fiercely,"Then don't hinder me from resurrecting Deliora!"

"I won't let you succeed!" Leo's words stimulated Gray severely, and he stood up again.

"Huh, let me watch! ICEMAKE·Eagle!"

Leo threw away the mask and raised his right hand. A magic circle appeared, a burst of light flashed, and a group of ice birds pecked at Gray.

Gray also activated magic and created a huge lotus-shaped ice shield. The flying bird that blocked Leo

"It seems that you have forgotten that my magic is different from your magic!"

Leo waved his hand and saw that the ice eagle that was supposed to be blocked directly bypassed Gray's ice shield and attacked Gray from behind and from both sides. Gray could only protect his key parts.

"My shape magic is good at [movement], while your shape magic is good at [stillness]. How can a small ice shield block my attack?!"

Leo increased the number of ice eagles. Gray had no choice but to roll to the side to avoid the attack of the ice eagles. Then Gray put his hands together and launched a magic attack on Leo.

"ICEMAKE·"Big Ice Hammer"

A huge ice hammer quickly formed above Leo's head, and then the gravity accelerated and quickly smashed down on Leo's head.

Leo was not panicked at all, and stretched out one hand upwards like a sword, and cast a magic spell. A huge ice ape quickly formed, and crossed his hands and raised them above his head to block the ice hammer.

"It's so vulnerable. After so much time, you still haven't made any progress. You are still using your hands to cast magic."

Leo shook off the ice on his robe and looked at Gray with disdain.

"Did you forget what Uru taught us? It's easy to lose balance when releasing modeling magic with one hand, only two hands can keep you stable!"

Gray panted and looked at Leo

"I'm different! My ability has surpassed Uru!"Leo looked at Gray calmly.

"You...don't be so self-righteous!" Gray gritted his teeth and looked at Leo.

"That's what I want to say. Have you ever hit me so far?" Leo laughed at Gray.

"I am different from before!"Gray gritted his teeth, clasped his hands together, and used all the magic in his body to cast his magic,"Bingqianquan!"

In an instant, icicles as big as stone pillars headed towards Leo. The place where Leo was was suddenly covered by densely packed huge icicles.

The next moment, all the icicles collapsed, and Leo's figure was in the air. Looming in the mist

"Same, nothing has changed. I am your senior brother. I was stronger than you before, and I am stronger than you now!"

Leo's voice pierced Gray's heart like a devil's voice.

Suddenly, Leo raised his hand, and a giant dragon made of ice lifted Gray up to the sky. Gray was pushed by the ice dragon and spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Our paths and time stopped from that moment! My goal is Uru, I want to surpass her!"Leo walked up to Gray and kicked Gray away.

"But it's because of you! Because of your fault! Uru is dead!" Leo shouted angrily at Gray,"I lost the chance to surpass her. My only chance now is that Deliora! That's why I have to melt the ice and clear the blocked road!"

Leo turned his back to Gray and said,"That Deliora can't even deal with Uru. If I can solve it, it will prove that I am better than Uru, and I can surpass her! Then my dream can come true!"

Gray stood up with difficulty and sneered at Leo,"Do you really think it's possible? You know how powerful that monster is. Don't even think about it. You can't do it!"

Leo was angered by Gray's words. He turned around angrily, waved his hand and used the same magic on Gray. The huge ice block instantly froze Gray's limbs and torso, and continued to destroy Gray's body functions.

"You told me to stop? You say this is impossible? We also said this to you at that time, right? But how did you do it?! Leo made a fist, and the ice that froze Gray exploded instantly, blowing Gray into the shape of Yamcha,"It was because you insisted on challenging Deliora that you killed Uru!" You have no right to say her name, you have no right!"

Leo waved his hand downwards towards the sky angrily, and stabbed Gray with sharp ice swords, vowing to kill Gray on the spot.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Gray, it was Raphael , he punched casually, and the densely packed ice swords in the sky instantly turned into powder and disappeared with the wind.

""That's enough. Gray was wrong, and you are not much better!" Raphael helped Gray up and said to Leo with a frown.

Raphael didn't expect that he was distracted for a while, and Gray was beaten into an amoeba. Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise Leo would not need to exist. Although he knew that Leo would not kill Gray, after all, the dense ice swords seemed to be many, but only one or two were aimed at the arm, and they were just the degree of scratching the skin.

As for why he was distracted, we have to praise Ultear. She could make the ground under her feet all broken and fragile in an instant, and then she took advantage of the moment when Raphael was unstable and went deep into the mountain. Then, it instantly reinforces the surface, which makes it difficult for Raphael to decide whether to fight or not.

If he fights, Ultear will turn into meat paste, but Raphael still admires her. After all, at the end of the original work, she sacrificed all her time in exchange for that crucial minute, and she even thought she had failed and blamed herself madly. How can we not feel sorry for such a girl?

If he doesn't fight, with Ultear's current ability, it will still cause some trouble. After all, Raphael hates trouble the most.

After a long time, Raphael sighed and chose to let Ultear go. After all, this girl is really too miserable.

"I was wrong? What was wrong with me? He was wrong, Gray! I was not wrong!" When Leo heard that Raphael and Gray did not understand him and even blamed him, he became even angrier.

He raised his hands in anger, and even used his hands to release magic for the first time, creating nine huge ice dragons. When the nine ice-blue dragons appeared, the sky above the entire ruins was covered by ice dragons. Then Leo waved his hands downward, and the nine ice dragons slammed towards Raphael.

Raphael looked at the giant dragon that was attacking him aggressively, shook his head and sighed, put Gray down, looked up at the ice dragon, clenched his fists and swung upwards.

A huge black and red magic circle appeared in Raphael's sky. The next second, the giant dragon in the sky instantly turned into powder, and even the shrouded dark clouds were dispersed.

"How... how is it possible!"Leo looked at Raphael in disbelief. From the time the ice dragon appeared to the time the ice dragon turned into powder, the interval was less than two and a half minutes. Only then did Leo know what it means to only call the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

""Let's go!" Ultear instantly appeared beside him, and then disappeared with Leo in the next second.

Raphael did not chase after him, but just quietly turned his back to Gray and watched the direction where Leo ran away.

"Why...why didn't you keep him? You obviously could have done it!"

Gray's voice came from behind Raphael, sounding a little complaining and angry.

"Remember what I said to Natsu before we set off?" Raphael turned and looked at Gray,"I will not interfere with this mission, unless your life is in danger."

"But you obviously can..."Gray was lying on the ground, anxiously trying to say something.

Raphael interrupted him, squatted down to help Gray up, stared into his eyes and said,"Will you accept this?"

Gray was silent. He silently looked at the hole in the distance, as if he could see Deliora through the hole.

Yes... I won't accept this. That bastard said something about transcendence... I will stop him with my own hands!


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