
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald...

Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 35


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"Put your hopes on these two? Forget it, Shirley can take care of them all anyway!"

Leo shook his head, gave up chasing Natsu and the others, and said to Gray calmly:

"Don't talk to me like a senior, you are no longer Uru's disciple, Leo!" Gray shouted angrily at Leo.

"But neither are you! Because Uru is no longer in this world."Leo took off his mask and looked at Gray calmly.

"That was because she lost her life to seal Deliora, but as a disciple, you want to destroy what she left with her life!"Gray yelled at Leon angrily.

"But... Ulu was killed by you, right? Leo looked at Gray indifferently,"You can really live without shame."..."

Gray was trembling all over, looking at Leo with an unpleasant expression, but he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

On the other side, Raphael was confronting Ultear, who was using the alias of Saludili... Although he was standing crookedly and his legs were shaking, it could probably be considered a confrontation.

'Damn it! I didn't expect to encounter this monster. It's not a good day to go out.'

Ultear, who was sitting opposite him, was not so relaxed. A few drops of cold sweat flowed down her masked face. Although she had just tricked Raphael, it was because Raphael didn't want to care at all. If Raphael took it seriously, he would be subdued the moment she cast the magic.

"Don't be nervous, let's just watch a show. I don't want to do anything right now because I'm tired."

Raphael's voice came from behind her, and Ultia's pupils shrank instantly:"What... when..."

Raphael put his hands on her shoulders and forcefully pulled her over to watch Gray and Leon fight together.

Feeling the faint force on her shoulders, Ullutiya could only sigh and watch the show quietly.

On the other side, Natsu and Lucy, who were rushing to the village, met the Shirley trio on the way, but one was on the ground and the other was in the air!

I saw the Shirley trio sitting on the back of the big mouse. The big mouse was holding a huge bucket and flying with its tail as a propeller.

"Found you!"Natsu sprayed flames directly into the sky with a big fire breath, and Shirley quickly controlled the big mouse to narrowly avoid it.

"You bastard, you are very dangerous!" Toby shouted angrily to Natsu below.

"Get down here!"

"Huh, I originally wanted to use it on those villagers, but since you want to stop it, let me let you try it first! Shirley snorted coldly,"Angelica, fall down!""

I saw the big bucket in the big mouse's hand tilted, and some green liquid fell from the sky. The strange thing was that these liquids were like jelly, one by one, and in huge quantities, they formed a sky-like giant net. Natsu and Lucy on the ground were enveloped and gone

"The flame in the left hand merges with the flame in the right hand......"Habib pulled Natsu and flew up into the air. Natsu put the flames in his hands together, formed a calyx shape with his hands, and struck directly towards the liquid sky."Brilliant Flame!"

I saw a huge flame coming from Natsu's hands. It spurted out, directly scattering the liquid light curtain around.

The liquid scattered onto trees, grass, and stones, and was melted cleanly in an instant, even leaving a small pit on the ground.

"It was so scary, but luckily Natsu broke it up!"Seeing the scene in front of her, Lucy patted her chest in fear and breathed a sigh of relief.

"They actually used fire to shatter it... What kind of monster is this?"Shirley and her group looked incredulous.

At this moment, the fire that had just shattered the liquid sky came straight towards them, and they were in shock and were hit by the fire before they could react. The three people and the rat who were still flying in the sky were forced to land urgently.


"Hey, hey, you damn bastards, it seems I have to deal with you first before I can complete Lord Zero's commission!"Shirley walked out of the smoke and looked at Natsu and Lucy and said fiercely.

"Ouch, it's long overdue!"Toby said with excitement.

"Sigh~ Hurry up and get rid of it, I'm so sleepy!"Yuka said in an old-fashioned way.

"Well, I'll leave this to you. It's just two against two. I'd better go and solve Lord Zero's request first!"Shirley changed the subject and left this task to the two of them.

"ah?! Not together?!"Toby howled with a surprised look on his face.

"You don't understand, this is love~ Angelica, let's go!" The big rat stood up instantly, Shirley jumped into the palm of the big rat's hand, and swooped directly past Natsu!

"Damn it, Lucy, we...eh?"Natsu was about to invite Lucy to join him, but as soon as he turned around, Lucy disappeared.

"I...why did I subconsciously hug this thing?..."Lucy heard Natsu's cry and quickly opened her eyes, only to find that she was hugging the big mouse's toes with a look of confusion on her face.

"...Then...that's a fool, right?..."Natsu's eyes widened and the corners of his mouth twitched as he said

"Hubby, go and save..."Before Natsu could finish his words, he saw the big mouse crashing.

"Why does it feel like I'm watching an animation?"Yuka shook his head helplessly.

"I'll leave this to you Natsu, I'll go see Lucy!"Habi flew away before he finished speaking.

"You're the only one left...."Toby laughed.

"Then it's up to me..."Natsu grinned at them and clenched his fists,"I'll take care of you!"

Natsu pushed the ground with his right foot and ignited a flame to boost him. He quickly rushed in front of Toby. Toby could only stare with his eyes wide open.Before he could react, Natsu knocked him to the ground with a headbutt.

Then Natsu's mouth bulged, and with the help of the downward force after hitting Tobi, he somersaulted, and sprayed the roar of the fire dragon directly at Yuka, and a blazing flame swept towards Yuka!


With a loud noise, the flames directly hit Yuka who had no time to react. Natsu had just eased the force of his forward somersault and stood firm on the ground.

After hitting the enemy continuously, Natsu did not look happy, but had a serious look on his face.

"You are worthy of being a wizard of Fairy Tail. With such violence, you must be the legendary fire dragon in this guild, right?"

The smoke cleared, and Yoka, who had just been hit by the flames, was unharmed, while Toby, who had just been hit by a head hammer, also stood up like a carp.

"We used to be magicians of a famous guild, but attacks like yours can't defeat us!"

Yuka and Tobi surrounded Natsu one after another.

"You should know the Guild of Snake Princess Scales, right?..."Tobi and Yuka walked towards Natsu slowly while talking.

Before he finished speaking, Natsu spread his hands and fired a big fire at each of them.

"You bastard, listen to what I'm saying!" Yuka used magic to block the flames and said to Natsu angrily.

"Tsk, who cares about you? I don't care who you are or which guild you belong to. As long as you prevent me from completing the commission, you are my enemy!"Natsu looked at Yuka with disdain,"Just knowing this is enough!"

"hateful…Toby, please don't interfere, I'll deal with him alone!"Yoka stared at Natsu, gritting his teeth to stop Tobi from joining forces.


Yuka raised his right hand, put his fingers together to form a palm knife, and cast a magic spell on Natsu. A half-moon-shaped light wave formed by the air flew towards Natsu.

Natsu clenched his fist and was about to break the crescent-shaped light wave. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something and quickly rolled sideways to avoid it. The light wave brushed his body and flew away, leaving a deep gully on the floor.

"A keen intuition..."Yuka waved his arms to block the flames that Natsu sprayed at him when he fell to the ground, and said slowly,"The waves created by my hands can neutralize any magic, so your magic is ineffective against me, but I can cause harm to you!"

"No wonder I just felt defenseless against my flames!"Natsu stood up, wiped the dust from his face, stared at Yuka and said

"When I was a mage in Serpentine's Scale, my job was to fight against the mage...."Yuka's hands stirred the air, and two huge light waves slowly emerged in his hands."In other words, all the magicians are helpless in front of me!"

Yuka waved his hand, and the two light waves moved toward me. It flew towards Natsu, getting bigger and bigger on the way, and when it arrived in front of Natsu, it was like two huge meteorites smashing towards Natsu!

The light wave hit Natsu directly without any surprise, and the huge energy exploded the grass into gravel and soil.

"Why not try it and you will know! Natsu took Yuka's magic and rushed forward, his left hand burning with fire quickly hitting Yuka.

Yuka opened the shield with one hand, blocking Natsu's attack and invalidating Natsu's magic.

Natsu was not surprised to see that the attack was blocked, because his right hand did not use any magic to pass through Yuka's wave barrier and hit Yuka.

""Alas~ Who told you that getting close is my weakness? You don't need your hands anymore!"

Yuka sighed, and added vibrations to the barrier. The intense and rapid vibrations made Natsu scream miserably.

Suddenly, Yuka and Toby were frightened by Natsu, because Natsu put his head in, and the constantly vibrating head looked like a devil.

"Since magic doesn't work, then using your body will work! Hahahaha!" Natsu grinned and looked at Yuka while enduring the pain.

"Humph, come on if you can! You can't use magic in the wave, let's see what you can do!"Yuka came back to his senses from his surprise, looking at Natsu's overestimation of his own abilities, he grinned and mocked Natsu

"I see, thank you for reminding me!"

Natsu grinned wildly, and flames began to emerge from his elbow outside the wave.

"Fire Dragon's Elbow!"

The fierce flames turned into a driving force, and Natsu's right hand hit Yuka as fast as a rocket. The huge force instantly knocked Yuka back a long distance and fainted.

"That's amazing, you managed to defeat Yuka, but you can't defeat me!" Toby stretched out his sharp claws,"My hands have a secret effect that can paralyze people!"

"...Damn it!" Natsu looked at him calmly and uttered a few words slowly.


Toby was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Natsu could guess his ability right away.

"You are awesome, but so what? As long as I touch you, you are at my mercy, hahahaha!" Toby licked his paws and fell down instantly.

"...What an idiot!"Natsu looked at the fallen Tobi with black lines on his head.

Natsu turned his head and looked in Gray's direction, then turned around and ran towards the village

"These guys have gone too far! Whether it's the village or the villagers, they must be restored to their original state!"

And you, Gray... don't die!


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