
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald...

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58 Chs

Chapter 28


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"Oh, I'm finally out. Fresh air!"

Natsu returned to the guild the next day after being released from prison, running around like a husky, holding a wine glass and jumping for joy.

Raphael looked at Natsu with a frown on his face:"I should have let him stay in prison for a few more days."

Lucy collapsed on the table, breathed a sigh of relief and said happily:"It turned out to be just a formal arrest. I was scared to death."

She looked like a salted fish that had lost its dream.

Gray on the side suddenly clapped his hands as if he suddenly realized something:"So the frog was asked to come because he will be back soon! (In Japanese, frog and home are homophones - the explanation in the original book)"

Elfman shuddered instantly and looked at Gray speechlessly:"As expected of a wizard who uses ice, even his jokes are colder than those of ordinary people."

Then Elfman seemed to remember something and turned to Natsu and asked:"Natsu, what about your manly battle with Erza? What's the result?"

Natsu, who was still spinning around in place, suddenly remembered that his battle with Erza had not yet been decided, and said directly to Erza:"Hey! Erza, our battle is not over yet!"

Erza, who was quietly eating a small cake on the side, directly refused:"Forget it, I don't want to compete, I'm tired!"

Raphael knew that she had not completely come out of the Zekrein who looked like Jellal before, and was still secretly worried. The stubborn Natsu didn't care whether you agreed or not, and rushed up directly!

Erza shook her head helplessly, and then her hands suddenly transformed into a big hammer and hit Natsu with it,"Really, since you insist, let's start!"

Natsu was hit by the hammer and flew out, breaking four or five tables, then rolled on the floor for several times, and finally hit the wall of the guild directly, and fainted! Gray

, Lucy and Elfman were so frightened that their mouths opened wide, and Raphael silently prayed for Natsu in his heart. Cold sweat as big as stones flowed down their heads.

"Ai! Erza wins!"The Happy jumped up happily. After all, he used all his wealth to buy Erza to win.


"Natsu, you are so lame!"

Thunderous laughter broke out in the guild, turning into a sea of joy.

Mirajane covered her mouth and laughed. She turned around and saw the president sitting unsteadily. She asked in confusion,"What's wrong? President?"

The president nodded his head up and down like a chicken eating rice. He shook his head and said,"It's okay. I'm a little sleepy. It seems that guy is here."

"yes..."Before Mira finished her words, she collapsed instantly. Raphael quickly hugged Mira and slowly laid her flat on the table.

After all, if Mira was in a position where she fell because she fell asleep, she would probably be overwhelmed by all kinds of plates and cups.

As Mira fell, as if some debuff had been triggered, people in the entire guild fell one after another, like dominoes.

Even the famous Fairy Queen Erza is not immune.

In the end, only Makarov and Raphael were left awake in the entire guild.

Compared to the sleepy Makarov, Raphael was not affected at all and was as energetic as if he had taken Xuanmai.

When most of the people in the guild fell asleep, a man wearing a black windbreaker walked in from outside the guild door.

His head was wrapped in a black turban, and his face was wrapped in a patterned square scarf. He wrapped himself so tightly that only a pair of eyes could be seen.

"Mistgun!"Makarov called him with his head hanging down.

"You let them all fall asleep, and you wrapped yourself up so tightly, aren't you hot?" Raphael tapped the table with his fingers and complained

"It's not hot, and you complain about this every time. I'm a little tired of it. Besides, you know why I'm like this."

Mistergang answered Raphael's question while walking to the task bar to take over the task and report to the president.

""Ah... that's right, who told you to look exactly like that guy, it's so unfair to you."

Raphael couldn't help but sigh. After all, for Mistgun, looking exactly like Jellal meant that he could never appear in front of the guild, or strictly speaking, he couldn't appear in front of Erza.

After all, they were partners in the same guild, and he didn't want to hurt his partners, so he would rather wrap himself up tightly and become the most mysterious S-class wizard in everyone's mouth.

"Forget it, I can't say anything. When you leave, remember to remove the hypnosis magic, otherwise the old man will roll down from the bar."

Looking at Makarov who was about to collapse, Raphael wanted to see him roll down, but thinking of the president's narrow-mindedness in the future, Raphael still reminded Mistgang.

"Don't worry, the moment I walk out of the door is the time limit for unlocking the magic!"Mistergang walked out of the door without looking back, and the people in the guild also woke up one after another.

"Ah...this feeling...Mistgun is back! Mirajane sat up, rubbed her head and said helplessly, but she secretly glanced at Raphael from the corner of her eyes, with a trace of blush on her face.

"That bastard!"Makao said angrily, rubbing his head, because his head fell directly on the table and is still hurting.

"His hypnotic magic is still as powerful as ever!"Elfman said with a sigh.

""Mistergang?" Lucy asked in confusion. Her mind was still not clear. The harpy in front of her seemed to have turned into two or three

"He is one of the strongest male candidates in Fairy Tail!"Loki didn't know when he was standing beside her.Loki , who had just answered Lucy's question, suddenly felt that the voice was a little familiar. He turned around and saw that it was Lucy. He was so scared that he quickly stepped back a distance.

"I don't know why, but he seems to mind that others see his face, so he makes everyone fall asleep every time he comes to the guild to receive a task. This is why he is called the most mysterious man."

Gray rubbed his temples to explain Lucy's confusion.

"This... this is too weird and strange!" Lucy was surprised. After all, they were all from the same guild, and no one would laugh at him, so why couldn't they let everyone know his true face?

"Therefore, only the president and Raphael in the entire guild have seen his true appearance. Gray simply lay on the table, as if this would make him more comfortable.

"snort! Not necessarily, I know it too!"A voice came from the second floor.

Everyone looked up to the second floor. A burly figure walked to the railing on the second floor, held up his face, smoked a cigar, and looked at the people downstairs with an unruly look.

This The figure looks young, and seems to be about the same age as Erza and others. He has short golden hair, wears earphones with sharp corners, and has a lightning-like scar on his right eye. He looks like a bad boy.

"Laxus?! You're here?" Everyone exclaimed. After all, Laxus didn't come back to the guild for many years, and it was harder to see him than to see Mistgun.

"This is another one of the strongest candidates. Gray changed his posture, supported his face and explained to Lucy consciously.

"Mistergang is a very shy person. He has his own reasons. Don't delve into it any further! Laxus looked at everyone with disdain, his tone was very arrogant, but when his eyes saw Raphael, his expression turned ugly for a moment.

Raphael squinted and smiled, raising the strawberry milk to Laxus. Sass gestured.

Laxus snorted and looked away.

"Laxus, fight with me!"Natsu didn't know which muscle was wrong, and suddenly he became angry again. He raised his head and pointed at Laxus and launched a challenge!

"Humph, forget it, you can't even beat Erza, and you still want to fight me?" Laxus looked at Natsu with a disdainful sneer.

"what are you saying?! Erza clenched her fists in displeasure and stared at Laxus with an ugly expression, as if she was going to rush up and fight Laxus in the next second.

"Be cold...calm down...don't be impulsive!"The guild members next to her quickly stopped Erza. If they really wanted to fight, the guild would probably be dismantled.

"What am I talking about? I said I am the strongest in the guild! Laxus opened his hands, pointed at Raphael and said,"Even if it's you!" Raphael, I can beat him too!

Raphael put down the milk, looked at Laxus, turned his back to Makarov and asked,"Can I beat him now?" After not beating him for a long time, he felt like he was okay again!"

Makarov sighed and advised:"Hey~ forget it, beating him in front of so many people will make him lose face, and he will be even more rebellious by then. Let him go, he will suffer in the future. You will know that you have repented.

Raphael turned to look at Makarov:"Are you sure?" If you continue to let him go like this, I think it will be you, President, who will regret it in the end."

After all, he started a civil war and even forced the people in the guild to kill each other.

Makarov was silent and didn't say a word. Raphael shook his head and then turned to watch the show.

"I don't care, you have to fight me today!"Natsu rushed up to the second floor to fight Laxus regardless of it.

The next second, Natsu was slammed to the ground by Makarov's huge fist:"You can't go up, you are still here. Can't!"

""Hey, come up quickly, I'm waiting for you, but it seems that someone has made the old man angry~" Laxus lay on the railing and mocked Natsu.

"Laxus! That's enough!" Raphael's smile also completely disappeared, staring at Laxus and speaking calmly, that look seemed to pierce Laxus!

"snort!"Although Laxus is not afraid of Raphael, the experience of being beaten before still makes him a little scared.

"Never mind. It's boring...."Laxus turned and walked towards the interior of the second floor. When he was about to walk in, he turned and sneered at everyone,"I am the strongest person in Fairy Tail, and I will not give up this throne to anyone, not even Mystergon. Erza is still the same man, even Raphael!"

"I'm the"

"The strongest!"


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