
Chapter 89 Doom

"It's really an unwise choice to challenge me in my home ground with just Lui Gu and your two(2) guards," 

"You guys should show up," prince Han said.

Wusshh! Wushhh! Wusshh!

Perceiving the auras of the three(3) cultivators who appeared after prince Han called out, Lu Jin found it difficult to breathe.

"We should leave," he said to Tu Feng and Co.(Shan Buhan and Ju Gan)

"Qua Tak, what are you doing?" house master asked.

"House master's way of running business has made other prestigious families think of acquiring the Royal Betting Plaza as their own," Qua Tak said.

"Isn't he the second(2nd) vice master?"

"He is,"

"Why is he against Prince Bhun and the house master?"

"Prince Han has five(5) martial king cultivators on his side, how can prince Bhun cope?"

"Prince Bhun has the house master, who is a rank five(5) martial king cultivator and three(3) other martial king cultivators. They are actually tied,"