
I have only the way of the sword

Arising from the shadows, the new organization of assassins and renowned cultivators came together under the banner of the shadow legion, created by a sword cultivating genius named, Lu Jin. Having the goal of replacing the heavenly dao with his organization, the shadow legion, he set off to different cities and dynasties, establishing his organization and leaving it to cultivators he brought under his control. With seven leaders behind masks backing this organization, the world of Gu Gongy experiences the terror brought by the immense success and non-existent of this organization. The true terror of a secret organization is that it remains secret. Never forget that Jesus loves you and seeks what's best for you. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VXmcEedsKj From Author_X

Akugbo_Larry · Fantasy
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219 Chs

Chapter 65 The Martial Tower

"He's heading to the martial tower,"

"He's only a rank three(3) body tempering realm cultivator, what does he think he can prove?"

"Maybe he wants to train his sword skills,"

"The martial tower isn't a place for training but a place to gauge one's martial skills,"

"I heard that no student from the academy has tried out their academy's martial tower for over six(6) months now,"

"They don't gain anything except they break the record kept by their predecessors,"

"Young lord Shan Buhan has gone in,"

"It's time,"

Entering the martial tower, Shan Buhan saw a young cultivator sitting cross-legged on a stone stool.