
I have only the way of the sword

Arising from the shadows, the new organization of assassins and renowned cultivators came together under the banner of the shadow legion, created by a sword cultivating genius named, Lu Jin. Having the goal of replacing the heavenly dao with his organization, the shadow legion, he set off to different cities and dynasties, establishing his organization and leaving it to cultivators he brought under his control. With seven leaders behind masks backing this organization, the world of Gu Gongy experiences the terror brought by the immense success and non-existent of this organization. The true terror of a secret organization is that it remains secret. Never forget that Jesus loves you and seeks what's best for you.

Akugbo_Larry · Eastern
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219 Chs

Chapter 23 Tu Feng's Breakthrough

Spitting out blood as he stood up, Lu Jin left the golem arena, heading to the sword room.

Facing the sword room, Lu Jin didn't feel any aura, it was just like any other room.

The same voice that spoke to him in the golem arena said, "to enter for an hour is 200 academy's points, if you want to leave before an hour is up, the countdown for your time will stop."

"Ok, I wish to pay for an hour," Lu Jin said

"Place your card on the door and send 200 academy's points," the voice spoke.

Doing so, Lu Jin had only 100 academy's points left.

Looking at his card, Lu Jin said could not help but say, "I really need to go on missions to top up my points."

"You can step in now," the voice said

Entering the room, Lu Jin was drown by the amount of sword intent in the room.

"There are more than 100 rank one sword intent here, no wonder students will have no qualms in using 200 academy's points for an hour," Lu Jin said as he began walking to the center of the room.

A huge stone tablet was placed at the center of the room.

Walking forward Lu Jin could see that the sword intents were getting stronger and the number were getting smaller.

"Rank two sword intents, although they are not as much as those of rank one, they were way more powerful than those of rank one," Lu Jin said as he move closer to the stone tablet.

Looking at the stone tablet, Lu Jin could only see five sword intents carved on it.

"Peak rank two sword intents, for a xiantian realm student to carve it, he or she must really be a genius," saying so, Lu Jin was about to start comprehending when he remembered something

"Do I really have to go through all that trouble, sighhhh, you must lose something inorder to gain another thing," Lu Jin said as he went back to the entrance.

"If he doesn't bring me enough benefits, I will cut off his hand," sitting cross-legged on the ground, Lu Jin began comprehending the rank one sword intents of other students.

Due to him taking Tu Feng as his disciple, Lu Jin could not just focus on himself, he has to be able to solve his disciple's problems and lead him to enlightenment.

The aim or goal of every sword cultivator is to totally understand the sword and it's concepts.

As each cultivator is different, so is their understanding of the sword different, but no matter the differences in their understanding, progressing in the understanding of the sword in their own way will lead to the same destination, that is, the total understanding of the sword.

Comprehending the sword intent of others, helps in progressing in one's own understanding of the sword.

No matter how powerful 1 rank two sword intent is, it could not compare to more than 100 rank one sword intents in terms of knowledge.

Lu Jin knows that when comprehending the peak rank two sword intent, his sword intent will advance to rank two sword intent faster than when he is comprehending rank one sword intents but the knowledge he would gain from so many rank one sword intents, just 1 or even 30 rank two sword intents can never compare.

"I will first comprehend sword intents that have similarities with mine,"

Sword intents have different types, grisly type, bloodthirsty type, overbearing type, sneaky type, righteous type, peaceful type, solemn type, illusion type, misty type, sacred type, void type, destruction type, and more.

After searching through over 20 sword intents, Lu Jin said, "is it me or do all this sword intents have similarities with mine."

Not believing, Lu Jin moved forward as he searched, after going through over 50 sword intents, Lu Jin was sweating

"It is said that everyone will have their own understanding to the way of the sword and although they will be similarities among 8 or 9 sword intents, it is impossible for a sword intent in just rank one to have similarities with more than 10 sword intents and now my sword intent have similarities with more than 70 sword intents," Lu Jin said as he tried to calm his breath.

Although having such advantage is a good thing, Lu Jin know that if people find out, especially sword cultivators, he will be a lab rat for them to experiment on.

"I have to keep this a secret through out my entire life, even Tu Feng under heaven's oath should not learn of it," Lu Jin said as he sat cross-legged on the ground.

The only thing that Lu Jin knew could give him that advantage, was how he comprehended his sword intent.

His sword intent came when he understood the uses of each components of a sword.

Although sword cultivators understands the uses of each components of a sword, it never leads to the comprehension of sword intent.

It is said that sword intent comes from your understanding of the sword, corresponding to the characteristics of the sword.

Lu Jin focused on the bloodthirsty type of sword intent around him after sitting down.

*Massacre*, the sword move he created has similarities with the bloodthirsty type of sword intent around.

Taking 54 minutes to comprehend just one sword intent, Lu Jin was about to continue when he heard a voice, "you have one minute before you leave."

Opening his eyes, Lu Jin activate his sword intent, it was no longer silver but blood red.

He said, "looks like the sword intent I comprehend later can change the color of my original sword intent and my sword intent is sharper and more vicious than before."

Seeing the sword intent all around, Lu Jin licked his lips, he was no longer seeing the sword intent around as anything precious but as food for him to devour.

"You all should wait for me, I will put you all to good use," Lu Jin said as he left the sword room.

"Is that Lu Jin, he is different from when he came"

"Yes, is like he is more dangerous, I just can't pinpoint it"

"He is coming from the sword room, do you think he has comprehended sword intent?

"Do you think sword intent is so easy to comprehend, he might have gotten a lot of gain, as this is his first time of entering the sword room"


Going back to his room, Lu Jin brought out 2 origin energy stone, crushing it, he absorbed the energy qi using his life spirit, directing the energy qi towards the seal on the second section of his dantian.

Cracck! The seal cracked as the origin energy qi bombarded the on the seal of the second section of his dantian.

After exhausting the origin energy qi, the crack on the seal stop increasing and started showing signs of healing.

Feeling the seal on his dantian healing, Lu Jin could tell that if he does not bombard the seal within three days, it will totally recover and all his efforts will be wasted.

"I can feel that within four days, I will break the seal and step into the second rank of xiantian realm," Lu Jin said, feeling happy at his cultivation speed.

It was all due to the energy qi his body absorb to push his dantian to the limit, saving him weeks of cultivation.

Seeing that there was still time before night comes, Lu Jin started practicing the mirror cut technique.

Shaping his sword qi was not difficult, but imitating a sword while it moving, was the difficult part.

Trying to make his sword qi last after leaving his body, Lu Jin have to be able to use the right amount of sword qi that won't fade away before reaching his opponent.

"I have no experience in moving sword qi out of my body and now I'm trying to send out a perfectly imitated sword through my sword qi, it won't be easy at all," Lu Jin mumbled as he continued practicing.

After practicing for six hours, Lu Jin came to a stop.

"I will rest for three hours, then go and see the cultivation technique that Tu Feng chose," Lu Jin said as he went to bed.

Leaving his room, Lu Jin came to Tu Feng's room as he knocked.

"Coming," Tu Feng said as he opened the door.

Seeing Lu Jin at the door, Tu Feng was not surprised as he has been expecting him.

Entering inside, Lu Jin asked, "what cultivation technique did you choose?"

"I chose the *Misty Sword* cultivation technique," Tu Feng answered

Hearing the technique Tu Feng chose, Lu Jin was surprised, he asked, "why do you choose the Misty Sword technique, it is because of it movement technique?"

"Yes. To be able to move stealthily in a battle will definitely help a lot and master will send me to gather information, so the quicker I am, the more information I can get, maybe I can even assassinate some troublesome opponents for master, hahahaha," Tu Feng laughed at his joke.

Hearing what Tu Feng said about assassinating some troublesome opponents, Lu Jin thought about it, it was really sensible and acceptable.

Seeing his master lost in his thoughts, Tu Feng stayed silent.

Coming back to reality, Lu Jin asked, "how far have you gone in comprehending the technique?"

"Due to me comprehending the rustle sword technique all this time, the foundation strengthening pill and the dantian formation pill, I easily comprehended the first level of the technique and I have a feeling that by tomorrow I will break the seal on my dantian and step into the first rank of xiantian realm," Tu Feng said as he anticipated his breakthrough.

"That is if you are using only the energy qi in your room," saying so, Lu Jin gave four origin energy stones and 10 water element energy stones to Tu Feng.

Seeing the energy stones his master is giving him, Tu Feng said, "master I have fifteen energy stones already, I intend to use it after I have broken through to xiantian realm."

"It fine, take this energy stones and breakthrough this night, I will be here to watch, I will even try to assist you," Lu Jin said, wanting to check if he could help Tu Feng to get a perfect dantian.

Agreeing to the request, Tu Feng took the stones, crushing four at the same time, he absorbed the energy qi as he directed it to the seal on his dantian.

Sending in sword qi through Tu Feng's body, Lu Jin could see the seal on the dantian cracking.

Pushing his sword qi towards the dantian, the crack was enlarging in size and in numbers.

Boom! Finally breaking, the converted sword qi and Lu Jin's sword qi entered inside the dantian as it increased.

Due to Lu Jin's sword qi, the speed of the dantian increasing was faster than the time Lu Jin broke through.

Seeing the dantian speed reducing, Lu Jin poured more sword qi inside the dantian, trying to push the dantian pass the limit of the Misty Sword technique.

Seeing as nothing is happening, Lu Jin tried harder, pouring sword qi upon sword qi into the dantian.

When Lu Jin's body was getting dry and his sword qi almost exhausted, it occurred, his body greedily absorbed the energy qi around, seeing this, Lu Jin directed it to Tu Feng's dantian.

The dantian that was about to reach the technique limit started increasing, surpassing the limit and stepping into the xiantian realm limit of 180 square feet.

Seeing this, Lu Jin smiled as he collapsed, having worn out from helping Tu Feng.

Watching his master sleeping, Tu Feng was heavily shocked. He knew what his master pulled off, he broke the law of limited technique.

Good evening everyone...

What is the difference between Lu Jin and other sword cultivators?.....

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