
Chapter 168 Terrifying Speed

"That's the most silly things I've heard this year," Lu Jin said, "the only thing of value in this world is strength and wealth."

Shaking his head, the middle age man said, "I still can't sell it to you."

"I have more than the complete amount right here," Lu Jin said.

"It doesn't matter. We've already promised to sell it to Mr. Dark Crow," the middle age man said.

"How interesting, I was just planning to seek him out," Lu Jin said.

"You know Mr. Dark Crow?" the middle age man asked.

"Not yet," Lu Jin said.

"O…kay..," the middle age man said.

Activating the symbol on his left arm, Lu Jin contacted Aoyama, "you guys should come out of the mansion, we got a guest to welcome."

"If you're able to contact me, why didn't you do so since?" Aoyama asked.

"I can only contact you from a certain distance," Lu Jin said before cutting contact with Aoyama, "here."