
Chapter 162 Senior Brother Lu Jin

"Victim's emotional state," Lu Jin thought as he brought the hair covering his left eye to the front of his face.

"Does that means your hair isn't red because of the blood, but because your hair changed color?" Nekaza asked.

"It seems so," Lu Jin said as he withdrew his hand from his hair.

"Do you plan on keeping it?" Shinkaru asked.

"Yeah, I look cute with it," Lu Jin smiled as he said.

"You must like a lot of attention," Shinkaru said.

"Nah, just like the color of the hair. It matches my true self," Lu Jin said.

"Aren't you going to sit?" Nekaza asked.

"Maybe next time. I got to go take care of some business," Lu Jin said.

"Alright. We'll catch up later," Nekaza said.

"Okay," Lu Jin said before leaving the inn.

Booking a tamed beast, he rode towards Dark Moon City.

Blood Mask Pavilion…..