
I have only the way of the sword

Arising from the shadows, the new organization of assassins and renowned cultivators came together under the banner of the shadow legion, created by a sword cultivating genius named, Lu Jin. Having the goal of replacing the heavenly dao with his organization, the shadow legion, he set off to different cities and dynasties, establishing his organization and leaving it to cultivators he brought under his control. With seven leaders behind masks backing this organization, the world of Gu Gongy experiences the terror brought by the immense success and non-existent of this organization. The true terror of a secret organization is that it remains secret. Never forget that Jesus loves you and seeks what's best for you. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VXmcEedsKj From Author_X

Akugbo_Larry · Fantasy
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219 Chs

Chapter 09 Sword Intent

After Bu Nan thrust his spear, Su Wun and Aoi Feng sent their life spirit towards the incoming staff.

After seeing their life spirits cracking, they withdrew it back, choosing to suffer damage on their bodies than letting their life spirits get destroyed. As the destruction of their life spirit will be the destruction of their cultivation journey.

Seeing the staff getting dimmer, Wu Lan used the the full power of the lance while releasing his life spirit to unlock more power from the lance.

After getting the required energy Qi he needed, he used the mortal rank battle technique of the Metal Element Hall, * The Gate of Death* technique.

The wind around Wu Lan went chaotic as a steel gate appeared behind him.

Opening immediately it appeared, a tail covered in scales lashed out of the gate towards Tai Bu's staff.


Landing with his back on the ground, Wu Lan felt pains all over his body as he stared at Tai Bu preparing his next attack.


A dazzling sword light suddenly curved through Tai Bu's neck before sending his head flying.


Tai Bu's head landed on the ground before stopping a distance away from his body. 

Still standing even after death, a domineering aura could be felt from Tai Bu's body as Lu Jin and co. looked at it. 

Taking out the core of Tai Bu and putting it inside his bag, Lu Jin sat down to recover from his injury caused by Bu Tang.

Looking at Lu Jin, Gu Wuchen directed energy qi into Bu Nan's ear as he said to him, "let attack Lu Jin now that he's off-guard and take away Tai Bu's core."

Agreeing with Gu Wuchen's plan, Bu Nan nodded his head before attacking together with Gu Wuchen.

Feeling the incoming heat of the palm strike and spear of both Gu Wuchen and Bu Nan, no matter how strong or cautious Lu Jin was, he has never been betrayed or ambushed by the people he just fought together with.

Hastily blocking with his sword, he was sent rolling away by the attack as he felt the bones in his right-hand cracking.

Seeing Lu Jin surviving his attack, Gu Wuchen quickly attacked again.

Hastily getting up, Lu Jin immediately escaped without looking back or asking the reason why they attacked him.

He understood that the world of cultivation was a very simple world to get used to. It was either you're the king or the servant, a winner or a loser.


Missing it target, the spell blasted open a 2 fts deep crater on the ground.

Seeing his attack missing again and Lu Jin running away, Gu Wuchen's facial expression wasn't looking good.

"He escaped," Bu Nan said as he looked at Lu Jin running away through the trees as fast as possible.

Still running even after getting far away from Bu Nan and Gu Wuchen, Lu Jin kept looking behind him to see if anyone was chasing after him.

"Trying to kill me in order to take away the demon core I got from Tai Bu. They better wait patiently for my revenge," he thought as he raced through the forest. 

Avoiding every demon he saw, he kept on moving in order to find a safe place to heal his injured body. But finding a place safe enough to heal his injury in Moon Night Forest was close to impossible.


Seeing a claw slashing at him, Lu Jin quickly responded by punching at it, making the worst mistake a sword cultivator in the body tempering realm could do. 



Landing with his back on the ground, he almost went insane with the pain trashing through his hand. 

Looking at the hand that block the claw attack, he felt like he was looking at part of a slaughtered lamb.

With bones puncturing through his flesh, his hand was mangled with both blood and torn out flesh from his hand.

Looking at the rank 1 demon commander that attacked him, Lu Jin got scared at his shit luck.

Having a pair of wings behind its back, the scaled cheetah had a look of contempt on its face as it looked at the tiny human in front of it.

"You humans should always wear such a fearful expression when you stand before us demons," the rank 1 demon commander demonic winged cheetah said with its eyes on Lu Jin, "standing before you is the king of this festival, the greatest genius you will ever meet in your entire lifespan, and a demon commander with a bloodline inheritance."

Not giving any chance to Lu Jin, the winged cheetah used a mortal rank battle technique right off the bat.

Instantly appearing in front of Lu Jin, he clawed down on his head, seeking to rip him to shreds in one attack. 

Seeing the incoming attack, Lu Jin used his left hand to hold the sword due to the injury in his right hand.

Feeling a little uncomfortable about it due to always using his right hand, he made use of the first move of the rustle sword technique.


He sword swiped through the air before clashing with the claw of the winged cheetah.


The claw of the winged cheetah sent Lu Jin's sword flying before continuing forward.

Making use of the delay after the claw of the winged cheetah clashed with his sword, Lu Jin stamped his right leg hard on the ground as he pushed himself backward.

Seeing Lu Jin survive the attack, Pu Tang started clawing at him without any fancy move, just using the strength of his body.

Picking up his sword, Lu Jin was forced into a defensive position by Pu Tang's continuous attacks. 

"If this keeps going on, I will certainly die," Lu Jin thought as he constantly retreated from Pu Tang's attacks.

Constantly making mistakes due to the chaos in his consciousness brought by his foreseen defeat to Pu Tang, he began tasking his mind to provide solution to his imminent doom.

"Keep calm, keep calm," he told himself as he kept being pushed back.

Having several thoughts and scenes flashing past his mind, he saw the suffering he'd have to endure before the heaven shone its light on him. The goals he vowed to accomplish at all costs. 

Remembering all this gave him the courage to fight hard for his life, but it was all for nothing as he was pressured to point that his grip on the sword was weak.

"So heavy," he said while looking at his sword, never expecting his sword to be this heavy, remembering what he learned about the inner sword and the outer sword, "the inner sword is without any gap but that did not help in my comprehension."

"Master said that everyone's breakthrough in the way of the sword is different.

Some comprehended a technique and then comprehended their sword intent, others understood nature, some were willing to break than to bend, refusing to back down from their beliefs even in death."

Letting go of his thoughts as he has been pounded over and over by Pu Tang, he paid total attention on Pu Tang.

Raising his sword to launch the 2nd move, the *cross path* technique of the 9 basics of the sword technique, Lu Jin felt like he was holding a boulder with just one hand and slashing it towards Pu Tang's incoming attack.

"Heavy, so heavy, how can one use a sword this heavy to perform a slash," Lu Jin muttered as he continued the slashing technique, but then he was struck with an idea, without thinking, he followed the idea, he changed the 2nd move of his technique to the 6th move, the cleaving mountain technique.


Staggering backwards after clashing with Pu Tang, Lu Jin got his balance after taking only four[4] steps backward.

Looking at Lu Jin, Pu Tang was confused about was happened.

Staring at his sword, Lu Jin was even more confused. When he performed that cleave, he felt like it wasn't only his body strength he used, instead another force was forming in his body.

Looking at the silver glow enveloping his sword, recalling all he has read until now, he was now able to remember, "understanding the sword can lead to comprehension of sword intent, I was able to comprehend sword intent, I am now a sword cultivator," Lu Jin said jovially as he erupted in laughter.

Although it was only the first level sword intent, to be able to take that step is as difficult as an ant trying to push an elephant, making it impossible for many cultivators to advance in it.

Looking at the laughing Lu Jin, Pu Tang was further confused, "has he gone mad due to the beating."

Looking at Pu Tang, Lu Jin said, "thank you."

"For what?" Pu Tang asked,

"For helping me embark on my journey as a sword cultivator," Lu Jin said as he kept smiling at Pu Tang.

"It doesn't matter what journey you embarked on, I will still pound you to death," Pu Tang said as he swiped out at Lu Jin with his claw.

Seeing the attack, Lu Jin cleaved down again to meet the incoming claw.


The attack met as they cancelled out each other.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

They kept attacking each other with so much force that the ground they were on was now destroyed and the trees were blown apart, resulting in a barren and battered ground.

Getting use to his left hand, Lu Jin was now able to parry off Pu Tang's attack and even launch an attack at Pu Tang.

Seeing the defeated Lu Jin holding his ground against his attack, Pu Tang stopped his attack.

"Why do you stop?" Lu Jin asked moving his sword, as if try to get better at using his left hand.

Instead of replying, Pu Tang asked, "What did you do that you were able to fight evenly with me, when you were been pushed back before?"

Looking at Pu Tang with a confused expression, Lu Jin said "I thought I told you that you helped me in embarking on my journey as a sword cultivator."

"Hmph! You should just say you aren't willing to tell than to give such stupid excuse. Let me see if you can block my mortal rank bloodline inheritance battle technique," saying so, Pu Tang ignited his bloodline inheritance as a huge winged cheetah appeared behind him, but it didn't attack directly as before, flying with the wings at his back, Pu Tang charged down at Lu Jin from above, clawing at him with both his claws, the phantom image overlapped and clawed at Lu Jin.

Whether sword intent or not, Lu Jin was almost out of energy qi and could no longer use the mortal rank battle technique, Rustle storm slash.

Moving his left leg back, his right leg front, bending his back a little, and gathering the strength of his body to his left hand now holding the sword.

This was the stance of the 9th move of the 9 basics of the sword technique, the *Silk line* technique, having the highest attack power and also the best technique to counter the charging winged cheetah.

Looking at Lu Jin, Pu Tang saw a sword ready to pass through his brow and end his life. Getting a hold of himself, Pu Tang was about to continue his descent when he saw something coming fast at him, and by the time it got closer, it was a Silk line, so beautiful and coming straight towards Pu Tang's brow.

New Chapter....

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