
i have nothing to lose

Kaia, who can never find love in her whole life. Her boyfriend cheats on her. Her crush fools her. Her best friend stops talking to her. After all these things an old enemy becomes her soulmate. But she is being followed by a man and she is unaware about it. let's enjoy Kaia's journey of life. sometimes laugh with her and sometimes cry with her. And let's see if she finds her love. book cover isn't mine.

logoo · Teen
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30 Chs

Is this the end...?

I am happy to have A-vi in my life. He cares about me more than anyone in this world. Our relationship went viral in our college. I don't know about teachers but almost every student follows A-vi on his social media. He announced it and we had a small fight about it because I was against this type of announcement.

I was also worried about Lina. She also had a huge crush on A-vi. I thought she will understand.

But I was wrong...our friendship ended. For the last time, she looked at me in such a way that she felt betrayed. I am sorry about that and I want to explain it to her but she never gave me chance. We slowly became rivals. I also gave up my hopes that we will again be friends.

I always stayed by A-vi's side. I always use to be with him and thinking about the situation, I had more enemies than before.

Am I sure that this relationship brought happiness to my life?

Total two years for high school and I have completed my first year. We are now seniors. I haven't seen Felix after that day. I still wish to see him and ask him some questions.

It's a new year and A-vi's birthday as well. The first year, he joined us very late so there wasn't any talk about his birthday but this time everybody talked about it more than the new year.

He has changed a lot. He isn't the same person as he was before or I have changed. Things aren't the same as before. We were on very good terms for three months but now it's not that good. Maybe every relation will be boring after we get to know everything about each other. I still love him and I know he also loves me but something is strange.

Sometimes he complains that I am not being jealous when he is around other girls, he says it's boring. He says that I am ignoring him, he says it's boring. He says that his heart doesn't flutter when he sees me nowadays, he says it's boring. But I know, he doesn't mean that our relationship is boring, does he?

his birthday is coming soon and I want to give him a big surprise which will make him feel comfortable in our relationship.

ping pong, I got a message and that's from

A-vi. He is throwing a party for his birthday. I should give him a nice gift, a memorable one.

tomorrow is his birthday and I bought a glass dome with a red rose inside it. It...it has a light as well it's very cute. I hope he likes it.

This gift is important because through it I wanna show my pure love for him.

It's finally a new year and A-vi's birthday. There will be a new start to our relationship. I will make sure that we can become normal as before. What should I wear? I should look good enough so that he will praise me. So that, he will only look at me tonight.

I have a very casual dress and I can only find this black mini skirt and white shirt which looks girlish. I carried a cote as well. Is it okay?

I am not that late, thank god. A-vi threw a huge party. I am his girlfriend and I didn't know about his plans. I am his girlfriend and I am late than others. I am truly useless.

"A-vi" I called him and waved my hand. He saw me and came towards me.

"happy birthday and happy new year."

"thanks but you are late."

he was mad at me. I made my face small and said," I am sorry."

I think he was quite happy so he forgave me.

I gave him the gift and said to see it. He was about to but his friends called him.

It's okay gift can be seen any other time but today he has to give attention to his guest. He left the gift on the table near the door and said me to enjoy myself and went to his friend. I thought he would introduce me to his friends. but he didn't.

I was wandering around and saw Ali and her friend at the party. I was completely shocked. She saw me and came to me with a half-smile on her face and said," aww, boyfriend left girlfriend alone at the party? I am telling you that he doesn't need you anymore."

I ignored her and went somewhere else. I went to a place where there are fewer people and less noise. I again got shocked when I saw lina at the party. A-vi literally called everyone to his party.

I approached lina but she ran away. It shows that she is still mad at me.

I spent some time at that place and went inside the party. We aren't adults so why are they drinking? I saw many of them drunk. some of them even passed out.

I got panicked and searched for A-vi. Ali saw me panicking and came to me and said, "A-vi? searching for him? by the way, I am also searching for him. I have to give him his birthday gift...do you know what he asked me for his birthday gift?"

I just pretend to ignore her. why would A-vi ask her for a gift?

she continued," he said me to give that which his so-called girlfriend is lacking to give him."

"Just shut up and leave me alone." I went away from her after listening to her disgusting words but somewhere her words made me think that A-vi's boring doesn't mean this, right?

I again saw Ali standing and drinking her juice. suddenly her friend came to her and said something to her ear. she looked at me and ran upstairs. why did she see me? is it related to me?

I ran after her. There was a mob and I barely could see anything. Ali pulled me from somewhere and now I can see everything. I fell from mount Everest. My heart stopped for a minute.

I saw A-vi half-naked with a stranger girl, lying to the bed. A drop of tear rolled on my cheeks and I felt the same betrayal once again in my life. If he wanted to cheat on me then why didn't he do it properly? why didn't he do these things when I wasn't around?

everybody who knows about me and him were looking at me. I know I am breathing and now I can't take it anymore. I had that much consciousness so I ran away from there. I ran away as far as I could. my mind and the whole body are numb. I don't know when did I reach home. I locked myself inside my room and cried as much as my energy could bear.

I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up. Everything is like a dream. Was...was I dreaming? I saw myself in the mirror and the dress is the same and my eyes are swollen looked like I cried. For a second I wanted to believe that the last night was a dream. I got disappointed.

I went out of my room. I am so hungry.

"nana..." I saw my sister jenny. she was staring at me.

"hi, Jenny."

"What happened? why were you crying last night?"

I looked at Nana, she shaked her head saying that she didn't say anything about it to Jenny.

"don't look at nana, she didn't say anything. I came here last night and heard you crying. Now tell me what happened? And don't dare to lie."