
i have nothing to lose

Kaia, who can never find love in her whole life. Her boyfriend cheats on her. Her crush fools her. Her best friend stops talking to her. After all these things an old enemy becomes her soulmate. But she is being followed by a man and she is unaware about it. let's enjoy Kaia's journey of life. sometimes laugh with her and sometimes cry with her. And let's see if she finds her love. book cover isn't mine.

logoo · Teen
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30 Chs

Chapter 0

Kaia and Ali became very close friends. They graduated together and started to study in same faculty. They suddenly became inseparable. They decided to stay in the same dormitory as well. Kaia was interested in such field so she passed entrance exam for museology but Ali literally failed. They were so close that they use to inform each other before they hang out with other friends. Ali use to tell Kaia everything even the things that happened between her and her boyfriend. Kaia also never judged and was always ready to listen to her.

They were happy to have each other.

Will this happiness stay with them for longer period of time or it will fade away with time is still the question that hits their head sometimes.

Are there anything that still hasn't come to their life. Is there any other character that can appear in their life?

Or a new story is waiting for them.