
I have no limit

The story begins with a strange phenomenon, strange portals appearing randomly all over the land, and these portals contain monsters. Each floor has a leader with distinctive abilities from one monster to another, and another phenomenon appeared, which is the acquisition of some people's strange abilities, and people called them Songeken, who enjoyed special abilities The protagonist is an ordinary person with no ambition or skill who is not even from Songeken, Leeong Tae-wa

Proffesor_Videos · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter III

In the midst of everyone's screams, we all ran in the opposite direction after the exit disappeared

And we kept running fast and afraid of these monsters and trying to hide until any support from AL Songeken arrived.

And after we reached a dead end, we found other pools of blood, but it was wider, and strangely, we did not find any bodies, but what I noticed was that blood was falling from above, then I looked up and I was trembling all over my body from the horror of what happened, everyone noticed and They looked up and we found a lot of body parts

Attached to a huge spider's web

Then fear began to intensify in our hearts, but all our hope was for AL Songeken to come

Moments later, one of our colleagues noticed that there was a fallen ID card in another pool of blood, and it was an identification card for SONGEKEN.

Then he said while trembling, "It is.... it is from


Everyone realized that these body parts attached to the net are the body parts of AL Songeken, everyone shivered and all the girls screamed while crying

And I said to myself that this is a situation that no one envies, the monsters surround us from every direction and there is no way out for us..... and those on whom we pinned our hope we found them here dead ..... and then he spat One of the spiders thing on the ground

And a toxic substance was emitted from it in the air... Everyone did not notice it until it was too late and we all fell unconscious...


And when I woke up, I found that we were all in a place that looked like a wide hole in the midst of hundreds of monsters

These monsters were standing on a high place and I also noticed that there were inscriptions

On the crater walls , those things look strange. They seem to be in the language of beasts... What is this? There is a huge stone sign written in human language. It seems to be written on me.

(In order to understand the reality of reality and Cross all adversity , you have to implement these rules)

1• Uniting the two swords

2• The greed of the sword

3• You are alone with the only sword

These words I did not understand their meaning....but the important thing is that everyone started to regain their consciousness, and when they looked around they were trembling with fear severely

And no one understood anything yet

And suddenly, the wall split into two halves, As if it is a gate that takes you out of the cave . No one understood anything... But at the same moment that we were waiting at the gate with our eyes shining with a glimmer of hope, one of our colleagues was taken by one of the huge spiders in less than a a second . Also another one of our colleagues was taken to the top and his head was completely devoured And his body fell to the ground like a lifeless corpse .... And I noticed that at the same time that my colleague was killed, The gate has moved and was about and was about to close But It stopped just before closing .... It is true that it did not close completely, but that made me think a little why this happened to a gate of this magnitude Opened and then closed quickly, what is the reason

hen everyone was distracted by the fall of our colleague's body on the ground

Two of our colleagues panicked and ran towards the gate , and when they were about to leave, we found that their Their bodies fall to the ground dead in one place, and their heads fell in another. Immediately after that happened, the door closed more and more, and Jo Hyung noticed the matter as well.

In the midst of everyone's panic and dispersion, a red light shone out from the walls of that hole, and inscriptions of the shapes of our colleagues were carved on the wall in a blood balloon.

Then someone shouted with a loud whip and said, "We are going to die... We are all going to die!"

And this scream was the starting point of Joo hyung's entire madness because he take one of the AL Songeken's swords that we noticed recently after discovering their pool of blood..... We found it lying on the ground.... Joo hyung took the sword And slowly walked towards that person and stab . They were shouting out loud well and he laughs out loud and looks at me and says

"Haha, look, Leung, I got rid of the inconvenience, now we can think freely. What are we going to do now, Leung?"

I was shocked by Joo Hyung at the time in silence, and I was very surprised, and my fear also increased, but when I looked at a wall, I also found that when Killing this person is an inscription on the wall, but it was in color blue.

So I tried to focus on what is the difference between

The color of red, which resembles blood, and the color of blue, but what surprised me was that the door opened slightly as well

And when I glanced at Joo hyung, I found him smiling in a weird way and saying

"You noticed him too, right…. Well thought out. I have to remove all these sources of nuisance, this is the best option." I stood there, unable to move from fear. ... yeah... that's it.... that's the best solution."

After what happened, some people began to notice that the gate was opening when the inscriptions were engraved in blue, and everyone began to grab swords and kill each other.

I didn't want to kill anyone, but I had to at least defend myself

And when I wanted to grab a weapon, I found nothing but a small dagger, and I can't even use it because of its size.

Because of that, I tried to stay away from everyone to avoid fighting and to hide from monsters and people as well, but I noticed Someone tries to attack Joo hyung from behind.

And when I saw that, I found myself running towards Joo Hyung and stabbing that person in the back without thinking, and when I saw the blood on my hands, I looked at Joo Hyung and found him shedding tears while laughing at the same time and saying, "No.. I'm done with all of our classmates." And it seems that this person was the last." It doesn't matter what happens, and I don't know what will happen, but what I really know is "I want to live " ‏