
CH 000 - [History]

Three men sit around a campfire, surrounded by a few tents made from beast skin.

"What shall we do brother. Those damned beasts have killed our children, while we sit here and do nothing!" yelled a short yet bulky man with multiple scars across his body. After a moment of silence, a calm voice rose from the right of the man.

"While I might not agree with him all the time, I do believe we need to take action right at this moment, or else all is doomed." the one who had spoken was a tall and lanky man who looked far older than the other two. The final man who was sitting in front of the two had finally made one of the hardest choices in his life.

"I have a way to fight back against these beasts however, you two might not like t-" However before he could finish his sentence the man on his left had spoken up.

"At this point, we have nothing to lose." with that statement the man to the right of him nodded slightly.

"Very well then, we leave at daybreak" replied the man in front.

When day broke the three men had left their tents. As they wandered the great plains they saw many dead bodies of their companions being feasted on by smaller beasts.

After wondering a great while they had come upon a giant feline with a dark purple fur, black stripes across its body, and three long and skinny tails. It laying on top of a small mound surrounded by tall grass. This was a Void Tiger, one of the top predators around the great plains, too was it an infant, thus being the perfect target for the three.

As the three slowly sneak to the back of this great beast, the first man, who was the shortest of the three, threw himself onto the Void Tiger and struck his axe down on the shoulder. The Void Tiger had woken up to great pain as it shook off the man who had struck it, before turning to kill him. However, before it could a sharp arrow came raining down on its right, yet it missed its target as the Void Tiger had dodged to his left. Where a sharp sword strikes out like a cobra, stabbing into the Void Tigers' leg. The man had quickly withdrawn his sword and ran off as an axe and arrow came flying in, causing the Void Tiger to dodge backward, at a slower rate than before. They had continued this process of attacking and retreating well into noon before the Void Tiger collapsed dead. With the great beast dead the man who holds the sword came up to the corpse of the Void Tiger cut out its heart before drinking it. With the other two in complete shock at what he did, the man started to convulse, with blood coming out of his eyes, nose, and ears. Not knowing what to do they brought him back home as he kept convulsing and bleeding. After a while he had fainted yet he was still breathing. When he awoke the next morning he saw the short man come running in.


"Obviously he was not thinking at all. Do you know the consequences of your death on the village?" said a calmer voice yet still filled with anger coming from an older gentleman who slowly walked into the tent.

"Do not worry, I feel better than ever!" was his enthusiastic response as he jumped out of bed.

"The reason I had us hunt down that young Void Tiger is that I had a theory that their blood could also give us powers, and I was right!" He had said before throwing out a punch that shook the air around his fist.

"Starting today, we Humans won't lose to those damned beasts anymore!" He had yelled with vigor as he started to call his men to him. The two other men simply look in awe at his newfound abilities.