
I Have No Choice Except For Third Path

I had seen two future paths of my life in my dream. One where I lost everything so destroyed everything. Another where I had everything in the beginning but still lost everything became a vengeful human. "There is no way I'm going to choose them. They are complete nut jobs. In the end, it's always I am the one who regrets everything." "I am going to search for an alternative third path where there is no bloodshed, no destruction, no losing everyone. I am going to live happily on that path with my future wives. " "Yeah, I am defiantly going to find that path. I have to......." For this, I will become a shadow even if I have to...

AliceOnZombieLand · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The First Dream

"Hah hah hah ha…", I wake up from a long dream. It feels like years, decades, ages but at the same time it feels like its been only a few hours that I had slept. As I set in my bad large bad I started looking for the clock but the room is too dark to see anything. There is a lamp close to my bedside table but the matches are not in there. Finally after a few minutes of search I have found the matches.

Its 3 O'Clock in the morning. The outside is still dark and cold. I straighten up myself as I set in the bad properly and started to remember the content of my dream. "Weird. Its really weird. What is up with those dream". What I saw in the dream is not one but two different yet related dream. I can't just say that its a dream. What I saw its more like I had seen a premonition that I had read in the textbook. But its still doesn't feel right.

To sum it up, what I had seen is two different dream where I had two different future. The first dream is, where I am me. The present me who is a worst human being. I have terrible reputation and also an arrogant character. I used my family background as a means to create trouble in my fiefdom and town. Day by day I became worse and since my parents loved me I always got away with anything I do. As I turned 15 years old one day I was minding my business as I was wracking a bar. It was for a simple thing that the kingdom doesn't allow under 17 to drink alcohol. So the bartender doesn't wanted to sell drinks as he will be punished for selling drinks to a minor. Soon I became angry and started to destroy stuff in the bar. Nobody is stopping me since I am the dukes son. But someone stopped me. In my whole life I was never stopped by anyone. I became furious as I throw a punch at the man. But the next thing I know I was beaten to death. Its like I have felt every punch of that man as he broke my bone.

The man is the kingdoms crown prince. He is same age as me but he was trained in martial arts, sword fight and magic arts. The escorts that I have been with me couldn't decide what to do as he is the prince. After a few minutes later he stopped and went away. That incident was like a scar on me that left a very lasting expression. From that point on my life in the first dream became worse and worse. This time my parents power isn't enough to save me. The prince did issued a formal apology but as soon as he went back he started to investigate on me. The result of the investigation has lead to the downfall of my family and me. First I was found guilty on 20 major issues and 50 minor issues. My parents were also charged for forgery and helping me commit crime.

As a result the kingdom punished me 15 years in prison and my parent were 7 years in prison. Also all of our land and nobility title were taken from us. I was imprisoned and 15 years later when I was out it was all gone. My parent died after a few years after they were out from the prison. Most likely their magic code was sealed like me and so they had to work hard. They lived like a poor in the cron city close to the border. After the war broke out my father went to war so that he could earn money. But he never left soon my mother also passed away as she fell ill and no one to look after her she passed away.

I would have never learned any of this but my mother occasionally send me some later in the prison. When I was finally out I went to cron in search of my parent. But when I went their I met with a girl name Ann. She was with my mother for the last moment of her time. From her I also learned about my father who went to war between Gondor and Sailas kingdom. He died as a foot soldiers.

I was devastated. The loss of my parent was to hard for me. It was all my fault. If I hadn't been a jerk towards my people I would have lost anything. Ann gave me the last latter that my mother wanted to sent me. She never scolded me even in her dead-bad. She said she never regretted her choice of loving me and she was willing to do the same over and over. She also said that how my father always loved me. Even before the war he would always remembered me everyday.

The latter was like an arrow that made me cry for a long time in my life. I was the criminal for the destruction of my family. I firm myself as I decided to join the war and die in order to atone for all the crime. But Ann slapped me in my face saying that I should be ashamed of myself. For my well being my parent sacrificed every day so that one day I would return and I don't have to work hard to earn money. Ann's words are like a sharp sword that plunged me in my chest.

After that I started to work hard. I worked everyday every odd job I find. I even worked as a sewage worker. I stared living with Ann as she has no where to go. I have read her story from my mothers letter. She was also a noble once. Her father was a Baron that worked under my father. Their territory is within our families jurisdiction. But when my family fall in ruin the new ruler who was appointed of our territory didn't like them that much. As a result that person found an excuse to arrest her parent and executed them. It didn't say why they have to be executed but I guess that man was trying to look good in front of the crown prince.

The new ruler tried catch her and turn her into a slave. But she run away from the dukedom. For couple of years she run from here and there while hiding her existence then one day she came to corn city. Where she met my father and mother who knew her because she often came to our fiefdom when she was young. She told her circumstance to my parents and they excepted her in my family ever since.

Fast forward to 3 years. I married Ann and she became pregnant. We were really happy at that time. After a long time in my life I felt so much happiness. But Alas! My happiness lasted for a few time as the war broke out. Ten years regime of the crown kings as a king he attacked the Dwarves kingdom as he he wanted to stop the Dwarves mining the energy code too much that was sold as a highly powerful magic bomb. The Dwarves retaliated and an all out war brakes out. The war that was started with a righteous cause turn into a massive scale war that swayed the Human race.

At one point other race like Beast race, Elves also started to attend the war. Everyone is interested in the energy stone. Since human race was in a civil war that was the perfect time for eradicating them. Result is a Global Warfare that lasted nearly 10 years. I had to left my wife when the war was broken to join the war. We decided if is a girl then we'll name her Aria and if its a boy we name Arnold.

In the beginning I was a foot soldier against the Dwarves retaliation. But that war lasted longer then we anticipated. I became somewhat powerful and promoted to a captain of 20 units. But when we were busy the elves attacked in our rare. They destroyed everything. When I returned to corn city it was gone. They killed everyone. My wife, my 5 months daughter. For the second time I felt pain, guilt and sorrow. I stand before my dead family. As I bowed to destroy everything. The human, beast, elves everything.

I returned to war. I trained myself on the battle filed as killed beast race, elves, human. I pilled up corpses of enemy where ever. The destruction caused by me changed the situation of the war. For me everyone is an enemy so soon tree races alerted about my presence. Human race used me in the beginning but soon a group of people started to follow me. They named themselves the demon kings army. At one point this small army became a big army consisting of all three races member. Most of the member wanted to get revenge because the war took everything from them.

Soon all the races retaliated against me and my people. But we were determined to destroy everything. We were cornered by the allied forces in the land which once was my fiefdom. In the final war between the allied forces against us we were outnumbered. But we made a plan. We placed a high grade energy stone all over a vast filed before they found us. We lure our enemy into that filed. There we faced each other into a fierce battle.

The former crown prince now the king lead the human race. We were dying one by one. But that doesn't matter. Our goal is to lure everyone into one place. As fight with the King he remembered my face. He asked me why I was doing this. What could have gone wrong that I turned into such a sorry state. The word of that hypocrite made me more determined to kill everyone in here. Finally I was the only one. Before me the three kings of each race and tons of soldier of both races who were happily cheering for their master. The three of the charged at me. In that battle I killed the king of elves, mortally wounded the dragon king of beast race. Finally the the battle between me and the prince lasted longer. We both are in our final stage as I shot my sword in his gut but in that moment he bounded my hand and from behind the dragon king pushed a sword in me.

Finally its time. I release all my mana and moved them towards the ground beneath me. The energy stone over loaded with my mana and as a result a terrifying blast occurred from beneath me. Both of them noticed something but its to late. The chain reaction of blast resulted in a massive blast that killed everyone in that battle field. With this I had achieved my revenge.

My life is ended. I Edward Pendragon who was born as a duke heir who lost everything. In my last breath I remember my parents face who loved me and my wife's cheerful smile. I wish if everything were different. If I am a little competent my daughter would've still be alive.

"Father, Mother, Ann, Aria...I had avenged you. From this point forward each three races are crippled as their main forces are dead. I hope we met each other in the after life. I'm looking forward to this."