
I Have No Choice Except For Third Path

I had seen two future paths of my life in my dream. One where I lost everything so destroyed everything. Another where I had everything in the beginning but still lost everything became a vengeful human. "There is no way I'm going to choose them. They are complete nut jobs. In the end, it's always I am the one who regrets everything." "I am going to search for an alternative third path where there is no bloodshed, no destruction, no losing everyone. I am going to live happily on that path with my future wives. " "Yeah, I am defiantly going to find that path. I have to......." For this, I will become a shadow even if I have to...

AliceOnZombieLand · Fantasy
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9 Chs

My Goal

It's 4 in the morning. The recall of my dreams ended as I fall into deep thought.

"What were those dreams?" I questioned myself.

"They are too real to be a dream while also too real to be true. It's like I had lived that two life. But I can tell that they are dreams because if they are not what will explain this moment which is me in reality? The only thing that came to my mind after assessing the whole situation is Premonition. "

A premonition of fortune telling is always a dark side of magic research. Premonition is something where you can see certain things in the future that is yet to become present. Usually, it's performed by a magic spell. But the premonition spell I know is not that powerful. Normally you can only see very limited things in the future while using a very high-ranking magic spell you can make the duration a bit longer but that's it. What people see will still be vague and hard to understand. But what I saw is completely in a different league. I had seen a very detailed future to the point where I can easily mistake those dreams for something real. I can tell every detail like they were a part of my memory. And the most important thing of all I can feel them. The pain, the suffering, the loneliness that I felt, and the bit of happiness all of them, I can feel those as though they were part of me. I can feel the experience of a veteran soldier within me.

My head started to hurt. The overthinking of everything started to make me dizzy. My entire body is burning to the point the blanket I was wearing became wet with my sweat. Within a few minutes, I lost consciousness.

I wake up late at noon. The room is bright with the light coming from the window. As I am getting down from the bed a maid entered the room. She quickly came before me and stopped me from getting up.

"Young Master, please. Your body is not fully healed and this morning we found you on the balcony unconscious. Please refrain from getting up as doctors said you need more rest to heal yourself."

I didn't listen to the maid and got away from the bed quickly. I asked her to bring my clothes and prepare a bath for me. She reluctantly accepted my order as she leave the room quickly.

After breakfast, I went to the library. Pendragon family is one of the oldest families in Gondor and they had a huge collection of books over the years. I entered the vast library where many books has been lying around. I took a sit in my usual spot where I usually do my homework. But today is different. I searched all the bookshelves and found every single book about magic and Prophecy.

I binge through every one of them in search of the dream I had but none of the records give me any clue. After searching for 3 hours I finally give up.

In the silent library where no one ever visits I came to a decision. That the things that I witnessed and the things that I felt are all real and they were showing me the path that I might take in the future. If I go on like the dreams I saw I will surely end up the way I end up like those dreams.

"There is no way I am going to choose them again. In both scenarios, my life was in turmoil. I lost my family and friends. I fall into the path of revenge where I killed so many people. I can't choose them again. In the end in both cases, I lost my family so what's the point of choosing them again?"

"This time I will change everything. I will not let anyone touch my loved ones. I will protect them. I will not meet the incompetent foolish prince who destroyed my life directly or indirectly each time. I will remain in my fiefdom and I will change this land into a great place as I know that whatever I do I will return to this very land. Finally, I will change the fate of my wives who also suffered because of me."

"I Edward Pendragon swear myself that I will not let those cursed fates become reality. "

That being said there is one last mystery that remained. I got up from the chair and started walking towards a certain door. The library was in a vast hall room and there are a lot of bookshelves. At the end of the hall, there is a black door. I went close to it and touch the doorknob. Immediately after that, the door started to make a buzzing noise and a beautiful, magic circle started to surface in front of the door.

This is a security system that checks the user who is trying to enter the room behind the door. If the user is anyone other than the Pendragon family then it will electrify the user with the magic circles.

I opened the door and entered the room. It was very dark at first, but soon after my arrival, the room started to shine with the magic crystal on the wall. The room is well furnished and there are only three bookshelves on three sides of the wall. There is only one table with a chair in the middle of the room. On the table, there are a few books on the side. And in the middle, there is a lot of golden dust.

I set in the chair and picked up the dust that is on the table. This dust is the remains of a golden crystal. Last night when I was studying I came to this area. I opened the door and came inside the room. I didn't do anything weird as I know it is a secret area. I opened the drawer of the table and inside there was a golden crystal.

The moment I picked up the crystal I accidentally pierce my finger with the crystal. Blood started to come out of the wound and sometimes blood started to touch the crystal. The moment my blood came in contact with the crystal it absorbed all the blood instantly.

The very next moment it started to shine intensely. The brightness caught me off guard and I dropped the crystal. The crystal fell on the table loudly and broke apart.

I didn't think the crystal would break. I was in a panic and didn't know what to do. Soon a small but shiny magic circle was drawn around the crystal and with a flick sound, something came out of the crystal and entered inside me. Nothing happened after that and the crystal turned into dust. I panicked and run away.

"I don't have any other suspect than this thing."

Saying that I collected some of the dust into a small packet that I carried with me. As of now, I don't know what this crystal is actually. Our pendragon family is an old family. Our history date back more than one thousand years. So it's safe to say that we have a lot of weird stuff like this lying around the house.

"I will figure out the crystal mystery someday."

I got out of the secret study room. As soon as I got out the door automatically locked itself.

As I walked out of the library another hall came into my site. The Training Room. I went inside the training room as there is no one inside. It was an old training room. Because it was close to the library they relocated the facility because of various reasons.

I walked in front of the display of the sword and picked up a sword. Since I am still 11 years, I couldn't find any sword that could match my height perfectly. So I randomly picked one up and went into the middle of the room.

I took a deep breath and formed a sword stance. It's just like my dreams and I remember every stance. In my first dream, I used the moonlight sword stance to become the top. But in the second dream, I used the sunlight sword stance. Moonlight Sword Art is a defensive type of sword art where it focuses on the mana distribution throughout the body in a way so that I can fight longer and less stamina draws out from me. On the other hand, Sunlight Sword Art is a heavy offensive art where it focuses on the burst of mana flow all over the body so that I can use powerful moves with high power mana as combustion. It drains mana like super speed but is more powerful while moonlight art is much more stable but deals low damage.

Both have their limitations and advantage but the reason I became powerful in both timelines with them is a little different. In the first timeline, I was imprisoned most of the time. I never trained in mana and magic all that much. When I desperately needed power moonlight art came in handy as it helped me with a low-level mana core capacity to control mana and fight a long time. In that time the tenacity of my fighting will become the fuel for me to move forward.

The second time, I was trained in mana control properly. So without any problems, I achieved a high-rank mana core. After that, I used that high-level mana to fight longer and with more strength.

I moved my hand and the sword followed naturally.

***The first stage of the moonlight sword art Moon Slash.***

I grabbed the grip with both hands and channel my mana into the sword. Soon I made a stance where I held the sword above my hand and both legs in a relaxed manner. Soon I opened my eyes and swing the sword vertically.

The sword made a "fuss" sound and a ray of light broke out of the sword and flew away vertically.

As the ray started to move forward nothing in its path could stop it. Soon the ray hit the wall on the opposite side and with a huge flash tried to cut the wall. But the wall of the castle is made of very strong material. So the ray cut 2 inches deep in the wall before dissipating finally.

That one single move drained every ounce of mana within me. I lost the energy in my leg and fell to the ground. My mana core inside is completely dry and I have trouble breathing.

After lying on the ground for over an hour I started to regain my strength. I got up and picked up the sword. The reason my body couldn't handle the moonlight art event that was meant for the weak mana fighters is that moonlight sword art is an art where it will drain both mana and chi.

Mana is the magic power that we gather from the environment into our core while chi is body energy that we harness by strengthening our body with more raw power.

Moonlight art uses mana and chi in a balanced way so that the body won't wear out too quickly and the fighter will fight a long battle. Right now my body has a very low chi. Because I am mostly skinny and all this year's I had done very little heavy work so I have very low stamina. So as of right now, moonlight art is impossible for me to perform and the sunlight sword art which relies heavily on a burst of mana it's impossible for me before I gain enough mana in my core.

So right now my daily training course would be to train my body and gain muscle. Before I gain enough strength in sword training will need to stop right now. This training room is not used by anyone. So I can use this one here to train quietly without any intervention. I need to upgrade this facility a bit more so that I can use this place more reflexly. I will talk about this with my father in secret.

I walk to the other side of the room. There is large magic measuring rock in the middle.

"So this where you train your magic. This should be interesting. Ho Ho Ho"

With a loud laugh, I started proceeding towards the rock.............