
I Have No Choice Except For Third Path

I had seen two future paths of my life in my dream. One where I lost everything so destroyed everything. Another where I had everything in the beginning but still lost everything became a vengeful human. "There is no way I'm going to choose them. They are complete nut jobs. In the end, it's always I am the one who regrets everything." "I am going to search for an alternative third path where there is no bloodshed, no destruction, no losing everyone. I am going to live happily on that path with my future wives. " "Yeah, I am defiantly going to find that path. I have to......." For this, I will become a shadow even if I have to...

AliceOnZombieLand · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The party ended before midnight. After I chatted with the Rosebetl guy, nothing major happened for the rest of the night. I wanted to speak a few more times with Ann, but she cleverly avoided me the whole night. The dinner party ended with a pleasant song as the last touch. Everyone was quite happy at the end as they listened to the melody.

I wake up early in the morning as usual. The sun still didn't rise yet. I wanted to get out of my room, but someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Claire entered the room and greeted me respectfully before asking, "Master, you're up early. Are we going to train today?"

"Yes, but not very long. Today I will be visiting the castle and the area with someone. Could you please pick up some nice casual cloth for me?"

"It will be my honour, Master." She replied with a cheerful tone.

I usually start my training early in the morning. Ann wakes up before me. She would prepare everything first and then come to my room to wake me up. Then I would take a quick shower, and In the meantime, Ann would prepare my breakfast. I usually train for 5 hours regularly.

But today is different. Since I had an appointment with Ann, I decided to end my training early. We didn't set any specific time and place for our date, but I hope I will find her in the castle. Now that I think about it, did she ever agree to my offer? Also, I don't know anything about the date.

I started to become nervous as I thought more about this.

I changed my clothes to a more casual one. Noble usually wear more luxurious clothing when they go out. Three types of noble clothing are popular in the noble community. First is the ultra-luxurious clothes. These clothes are costly because they used a particular fabric while making them. The fabrics look good and always shine with a slight reflection of light. As a result, wearing these clothes will always make you stand out among people. Kings, Queens, everyone uses them. But these clothes are not comfortable to wear. So as a result, many nobles don't wear them regularly. They only wear these clothes for ceremonial purposes.

Then there is the luxurious casual day-to-day outfit. These are the clothes that nobles usually wore every day. They are comfortable and also fashionable. People love them very much because of their comfort. But these clothes are not very popular for ceremonial purposes because they cannot beat the fabric quality of those clothes. And lastly, the casual clothing. These are the clothing people use in private or at home. They are not that fashionable like the other clothes, but they are very comfortable.

I usually prefer casual clothing. I wear it regularly. But since today is my first date, I want to wear something fashionable. Claire has been selecting the clothes I have in my wardrobe very carefully. Over the years, working as my maid, she knows my taste for clothing better than anyone else.

As she browsed through the wardrobe for some time, she finally came up with one good outfit. For the shirt, she chooses a white shirt. White colour is very comfy on hot days and is also a popular fashion choice. For the pant, she went for a dark-brown one. Finally, she chose a light brown waistcoat for me.

As usual, she knows my taste in clothing very well. At first, I thought she might choose at least one thing wrong for my taste, but now I can see that she chooses every single one very carefully.

"You are getting better at picking my taste." I praised her. Hearing my praise, she became very happy and quickly replied, "Thank You, Master." I don't know what's in her mind, but right now I can see that she is happy that the clothes she chose have met my liking.


#Ann's POV#

"Miss Ann, wake up. It's morning already."

Ann woke up from her sleep after hearing the maid calling her. She gets up and set on the bed with sleepy eyes. Assuming by her face she still wants to sleep more so she quickly falls into her bed once more. But before she could fall asleep again the maid returned and again started calling her.

"Miss wake up, it's 10 am already. Also, a maid came here to inform you that Young Master Aaron will be waiting for you in the northern hallway. So you don't have much time. Please wake up quickly"

Hearting this Ann jolted woke from her bed. In her mind, she started to remember last night's incident. "That man. Mmm mmm." She hid her face with her hand as she recalled all the incidents.

She had a crush on Aaron Redeemer. It was last year she developed this unique feeling.

But the previous year Aaron didn't notice her that much. But this year is completely different. "Finally he noticed me," Ann said to herself. She is very happy as she remembers the dance they had together. But soon she started to remember the embarrassing moment. Her face becomes completely red with happiness and embarrassment.

"Today I suppose to accompany him. What should I wear?" A tension popped up in her head as she tried to think about what to wear today. she shouted to her maid and asked her, " Did you bring my blue dress with me?"

The maid replied before thinking a few seconds later, "Yes, it should be in the luggage. Would you like to wear it today?"

"Yes, and also bring some matching accessories for the dress."

"Yes, my lady." The maid rushed out of the room to prepare everything.


At this moment, I am waiting in a hallway on the northern side of the castle. After my training ended, I asked Claire to send someone to inform Miss Ann that I will be waiting in this hallway. I don't know if she will show up, but since I asked her to meet me she has no choice but to come here.

After a few more minutes of waiting, I finally saw a figure in a blue dress walking toward me. She walked in front of me and said, "Good morning, Mister Aaron." Before I can reply she added, "I hope you are well since you had a very cheerful night last night." In had slight anger in her tone as she spoke.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you, but you were really beautiful so I couldn't hold myself." Hearing me she blushed and didn't say anything else.

I lightly bowed her and finally nobly asked her," Miss, would like to accompany me on a castle tour? I know that last year you visited our castle, but you didn't see much as we all are in a rush and you had to leave early. But this year if you want I will accompany you. It will be much easier for me to show you around, and you will not get lost like last year."

"So you still remembered, that I lost in the castle last year," Ann asked me after hearing my proposal. "Yes, and I also like to personally apologize to you for making you cry that year. Think of this as my apology to you."

Last year when she visited I made her cry. It's not particularly my fault as she was lonely and lost. But when I approached her arrogantly I made her cry in fear. I remembered this information as I started to recall my memory of Ann. It was a super embarrassing moment for me. How can I do such a thing to the person who will be my future wife?

"I accept. But I have a condition." She accepted my offer and added, "While touring I would like to know the places that you like most."

"That will be my honour." I didn't think that she would accept that easily but now that she accepted the main part begins. My impression of her depends heavily on this date. Since we are still young, I can't take her to castle city for a proper date. I can only show her around the castle. Even though it limits the activity for a proper date the Redeemer castle is still a solid choice. Because our castle is enormous. We were once an independent kingdom and the castle that my ancestor built is a fucking massive. It's even bigger than the Royal Castle of Gondor Kingdom. Why my ancestor built such a big castle is also a funny story.

"Miss Ann, have you heard the famous story related to our castle?" I asked Ann if she knows about the story. "No, would you please enlighten me?"

"Well many years ago, my ancestor was a rich farmer. We had lots of lands and our old house was located here in this place where the castle was built. When my ancestor was young he used to be a bit unruly. He was strong and had very little interest in farming. That's why his father always scolded him for not working and both of them would always fight at home. But one day it reached a critical point where he leave the house so that he would become independent. At first, he had nowhere to go so he started to wander in the pendragon land for a long time. At one point he started to live in the quiet forest of Tango in the southern part of the land."

"Forest Tango!" Ann said with a surprised voice while we are walking in the rooftop garden.

"Yes, Forest Tango. It is the border between us and the Night Kingdom and this place is under your father's jurisdiction. Anyway, he started to live in the forest alone and usually hunt down the monster and beast. But one day he found a pale skin girl in the middle of the forest. She was weak and ill. So my ancestor take her to his hut and started to heal her. But since he knew a very small amount of healing techniques he was forced to move out of the forest and took her to his village."

"The villagers were surprised as they never imagined that my ancestor would bring a girl with him. He went to his father but he refused to help him freely. He said he would help him if he worked for him in the field. So my ancestor started to work in the field and with the money, he gained he would treat them to heal the girl.

It took 5 years for the girl to fully heal herself. Meanwhile, the girl became a woman and my ancestor fall in love with her. He didn't know what she think about him but one day he asked her if she is willing to marry him. The woman agreed as she loved him for a long time but she made a condition. The condition was that he had to make her happy all time. After they married each other he worked extra hard. His family also accepted them and his father retired as he inherited all the land."

I took a break as we both became tired of walking. Right now we are in the Right-wing tower. Ann is sitting on a bench while I am looking towards the faraway land. It's quite windy and Ann is trying to keep her hair in check. This scenery is like art as a looked at her. Soon she noticed that I am looking at her and she lightly coughed. "Then what happened," she asked me.

"Soon my ancestor became a successful rich farmer. He even increased the total amount of land. But he still has one small problem. You see my ancestor was not a bright man. He made a promise to his wife that he would make her happy all the time. But he didn't know if she is happy or not. He improve our ancestor's house and made it bigger.

He employed more servent so that his wife do not have to work a single thing. They were happy and they had 3 children. But he still doubted in his mind so he always asked her if she was happy and she would reply that she is enough happy. But he still worked hard. Years passed as their children become adults and started working with him."

"The small village became a town and they officially become its ruler. People started to depend on them and they also worked hard so the people can live more comfortably. One day a foreign merchant came to our land for the first time. He traded our crops with many jewels and other accessories. From this merchant, for the first time, we learned about nobility. And my ancestor got confused as he realised that their family is following noble etiquette for a long time.

He had learned to act like this from his wife as she always acts in a refined way, so he also learned from her. That day he went to his wife and asked her where she learned her etiquette and she replied with a casual answer saying I was a once noble that's all. He became shocked and asked her origin. My ancestor's wife was a noble from the southern kingdoms but her family fall to ruin in the capital and she had to run away from her enemies. She had been running nonstop for half a year and successfully evaded her pursuers. But she became very ill at the process."

Sorry for the delay.

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