
I have multiverse traverse simulator system

. . . I am copying this fiction for my preference, so you may find changes . English is my third so, there's grammar mistakes, sorry for that. And please not expect much. The cover is not mine, and If creator want's to remove it please let me know.

PEACE_975 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Keep simulating!


From my point of view, this simulation was completely like opening Mount Natagumo, and then accompanying Rui to play a small game that ended with death, and then it was gone.

The only thing worth mentioning is the blue talent that the system paired with him, Natural Favor.

It has to be said that this talent is stronger than I expected.

Not only does every demon in the Mountain feel friendly towards him.

It wasn't until the end that he accompanied Sister demon and wanted to escape before he broke out completely.

Although he died in the end, the effect during the period was not weak.

[Ding, the settlement is successful, your evaluation for this traversal simulation is D, and you can choose one of the following rewards.

1. The blood of demons.

2. The physical strength of the demon.

3. The special ability of the spider demon. ]

And just as I was thinking, the translucent screen in front of me also had a large string of characters again.

The appearance of the reward brought me back to my senses.

"Bloodline, physique, ability... Is this the reward of the simulation? It looks really good."

I looked at the three options in front of me and thought to myself.

Needless to say, the first option, pass directly, after all, I has no intention of becoming a demon.

And to be honest, the same is true for the demon king Muzan Kibutsujiin in demon Slayer.

The second physique and the third ability both look good, and I am little bit excited.

You must know that Demon physique is definitely not comparable to what he is now. If he can have that kind of physique, he must be a little Superman in the real world.

As for abilities, isn't the ability he obtained from Spider demon the easy-to-understand superhero Spider-Man in Marvel comics?

Who can not dream of becoming a hero?

"Forget it, let's choose the second one first, and lay a solid foundation first. As for the ability, there will definitely be better ones in the future."

Axel thought for a while, and quickly made a decision.

Following Axel's choice, a brilliant force melted into his body through the translucent screen in front of him.

Axel's body made crackling sounds, and within a few breaths, he felt astonishing power emerging from his body.

"Mm... this is too strong, is this the feeling of cheating? It's so refreshing."

Axel clenched his fists in surprise.

Feeling the power several times stronger than before, excitedly talking to himself.

After moving his body, he got up, pinched the corner of the bed with one hand, and with one move, the bed was obviously extremely heavy, but he lifted it lightly.

he was very satisfied, this is his physical strength now.

[The simulator entered cooldown mode, the cooldown time is: 2 hours. ]

[You can choose to inherit a talent. The inherited talent will definitely appear in the next simulation. Do you want to inherit it?

Y/N ]

"Inherited talent? Natural favor? of course YES!"

When he heard the words, he said without hesitation.

This talent may not be the strongest, but no surprise, it is still very useful at this stage.

Watching the screen showing that the simulator will cool down for two hours, he just wanted to study his current strength carefully and pass the time.

And at this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

<Lena : How is it? Axel, the world you talked to me last time may have Demons or something. Has the problem been solved now? >

Axel picked up the phone, saw the content on it, couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and replied without hesitation.

<Axel: Lena, I found that in the face of inhuman existence, the power of mortals has limits, so I decided not to be a mortal anymore! >



Lying on her own bed, Lena body can be seen at a glance but no one appreciates it.

Seeing the reply of Axel, her pretty face froze in place.

Axel... Is this the person I know?.


Two hours passed quickly.

On Lena side, after Axel's message was sent, there was no reply.

Axel felt that that superficial woman who only lived in the superficial world was probably shocked by his high-spirited aura, so she didn't dare to continue to reply.

As for why Axel knew Lena .

It's just because they are both anime fan's, and they meet each other at the anime event. After going back and forth, the two of them naturally became friends with each other.

he remember that when Lena's fell into a floor, as a good person, He was the first to help her.

But it's not important now, the most urgent thing is to continue the simulation!

"System, start the second simulation!"

His gaze was like a torch. He, who had obtained the benefit of the first simulation, couldn't wait now.

Following his order, the virtual simulator also changed, and a new page appeared.


["Ding, the travel simulator is on."]

["Talent refreshing..."]

[ "Congratulations to the host for successfully getting the white talent, people who eat melons."

"White talent · people who eat melons: You like to find trouble for nothing." ]

[ "Ding, It is detected that host two more chance to use blue talent, 'Natural Favor' do you want to use it"]



Looking at these two talents, Axel couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Naturally, it goes without saying that he has a good impression, but this white talent...

Good guy, it's really useless this time, isn't it?

Not to mention the white talent, if you like to find trouble for nothing, are you sure you won't bring any side effects to yourself in the simulator?

He was deeply suspicious of this.

"Forget it, don't care, let's choose the talents first."

He chose to use the talent and said

"System start the simulation"

After Axel complained in his heart, he looked at the simulator with great interest.

["Ding, Asking the host to choose whether to re-simulate or start a new simulation"]


He was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and asked, "Re-simulation? What do you mean?"

["Choose to re-simulate and start the simulation from the first day when the host descends into the world of demon Slayer.

Choosing to continue the simulation will return to the period before the host died and continue the simulation. "]