
I Have Five Big Shot Daddies

The Little Monk picked up by the Master was five years old, and it was time for him to descend the mountain to find his father. Holding a little wolf cub, Little Monk Ruanruan, with his short little legs, charged over and hugged his father's long legs, calling out in a milky voice, "Daddy!" At the sound of "Daddy," five powerful men shuddered in unison! When Ruanruan first found his father: Father number one, detached, "Little kids are the most troublesome." Father number two, disdainful, "A joke, I have so many fans who like me, I wouldn't care about one extra Little Tuanzi." Father number three, holding Little Tuanzi, "Buddy, you've got the wrong person, go back and do your homework." Father number four, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, raised an eyebrow, "Trying to scam me?" Father number five, with a confused look, "Do I have a daughter?" After spending a few days with Ruanruan, the fathers all had a change of heart... "This is my girl, none of you try to take her from me!" From then on... The five powerful men started their days fighting for custody of Ruanruan. Jiang Jincheng looked eagerly at Ruantuanzi, "...And what about me?" The five fathers glared coldly at the man who was trying to compete with them for their daughter! "Beat it!"

Singly Single · Urban
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231 Chs

Chapter 98 Dad's Friend

Translator: 549690339

Only Mu Shen and his daughter remained in the office. He watched Ruanruan's listless little figure with amusement in his eyes, opened a drawer, and took out some fruit.

Strawberries, cherries, grapes, plums, and more—a big fruit basket brimming with goodies.

Ruanruan eyed the colorful fruits, her black eyes suddenly sparkling, making them look like shining glass gems.

"You can't eat those snacks, but you can have these. Daddy has ordered lots of fruits for you from everywhere. You can eat whatever fruit you want in the future, but fruits can't replace meals. You know you have to eat properly to grow taller, right?"

"Mhm, Daddy is the best~" Ruanruan snuggled in Mu Shen's arms, nuzzling like a little kitten, messing up her hair.

The little one wasn't growing very tall very fast, but her hair was growing quickly; it was long enough to tie into several little tufts.

From a distance, her fluffy, soft, curly hair made her look like an exceedingly cute little pet.