
Chapter 8 Confusion

"Jaycob, calm down. You can't do this. If you hurt me, he will never let you go!"

In my desperation, I used Corey to scare him. Given his injury and the things he had said, it was probably Corey who had beaten him up. 

"You're my wife. We haven't divorced yet. It's only right for me to have my way with you. Nobody can stop me! Besides, what else can Corey do when I record the video? He can only buy it with money! He said that you're the one he likes at the wedding. Can he stand to see the video of his lover being intimate with someone else posted online? Tell me, how much will he spend to buy it? Five million dollars? More?"

Jaycob's eyes gleamed like a mad man as he talked about money.

At that moment, there was a faint knock on the door. "Mom? Mom?"

"For Luke's sake, please let me go," I begged him.

"For Luke's sake? He isn't even my son! Why should I even care about him?" Jaycob roared.

"Jaycob, calm down. Tell me, why doesn't Luke belong to you? If you want money, I'll ask Corey to give it to you. You can still get the money you want without doing these things."

My mind spun more and more as my body felt hotter and hotter, but I still tried my best to stay calm. I hoped that I could buy myself some time, although I knew that it was unlikely that anyone would come.

"Are you serious? You're my wife, yet other men can do it, but I can't? I just want to record a sexual video with you which Corey would spend a lot of money to buy it!"

As Jaycob spoke, he flung his pants aside and pounced on me.

As despair consumed me, I burst into tears.

Just as I was about to accept my fate, the door of the room flung open with a bang. A man rushed in and swung a baseball bat at Jaycob.

Upon a closer look, I realised that it was Corey! He appeared in my house as if he was answering my prayers!

When Jaycob realised that it was Corey, he went stiff with fright. Clutching his head, he shrank to the ground. However, Corey did not let him go so easily, he slammed the bat down on him repeatedly until Jaycob stopped moving.

Seeing that I was motionless, he seemed to understand. He took off his coat and put it on for me. Then, he picked me up and walked out of the room.

There was no one in the living room, and Luke was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Luke? Where's my son? Why are you here?" I asked.

With a cold expression on his face, he carried me downstairs without a word.

His car was parked downstairs. In the back seat of the car, the nurse was comforting Luke.

As the wind blew, I seemed to regain some strength. However, I was still weak and my body still felt feverish.

Corey put me beside Luke, who put his arms around my neck and said, "Mom, I was scared when Dad dragged you into the house, so I called Uncle Corey."

I thanked Corey softly. Because the nurse was beside me, I didn't say much. I felt ashamed and embarrassed about what had happened in the room.

"You are stupid." I heard Corey spit those words with contempt.

All thanks to his timely appearance, Jaycob's plan was foiled. I didn't refute Corey's remark; I simply did not have the strength to do so.

I thought he was sending us back to the hospital, but he didn't do that. The car headed south, driving to the Maplewood Area.

The Maplewood Area was a well-known, high-class residential area in Los Angeles that housed many villas. Given Corey's status, it was not strange that he lived in such a place.

I didn't want to stay in someone else's house. However, while I could live on the streets, I couldn't drag Luke down with me. Since it was late at night, I had no choice but to follow along. 

"Bring the boy for a bath," Corey told the nurse. The nurse acknowledged his order, herding Luke away.

I had thought that the nurse was hired in the hospital, but it seemed that she was Corey's family servant.

"Follow me," Corey ordered.

With that, he went upstairs. I had to follow him, but my feet were still floating, and I couldn't go upstairs at all.

When he picked me up again, I nestled in his arms. The heat that had faded suddenly intensified. As my heartbeat sped up, a shameful thought flashed through my mind.

Upon entering a room on the second floor, he flung me onto the bed before turning to leave.

Opening the door, he was about to leave when he suddenly stopped and turned, taking a look at me. Suddenly, he was by my side again. As he walked, he took off his coat and tossed it aside. Then, he began to loosen his tie.

Staring at him, my heart beat faster; the drug in my body had not completely left my circulation.

Looming over me, he fixed his eyes on me. Suddenly, he reached between my legs, causing me to shiver instinctively.

Narrowing his eyes, an evil smile played on his lips. His cold expression was replaced with a playful one. With his free hand, he caressed my chest. 

His touch sent my whole body shivering again.