
Chapter 40 Exposed

At that moment, the owner of the cafe came up to the second floor carrying a laptop. "Mr. Guzman, to save your time, I extracted the video for you. Please sit down and take a look while I serve you coffee."

I quickly took the laptop from him, trying to navigate to the moment when Abbie poured coffee on herself.

Corey scooped Abbie into his arms. Just as he was about to leave, I shoved the laptop in his face. "Mr. Guzman, why don't you take a look? Was it me who poured the coffee on her?"

Corey looked at the screen. To ensure he saw it clearly, I put that particular section on a loop so that he could see how Abbie poured coffee on herself.

After that, I stopped talking. He was a smart man, capable of judgement. There was no need for me to annoy him by being noisy.

Corey stopped holding Abbie in his arms. Instead, he put her down as his face darkened. Suddenly, he knocked the laptop to the ground. Then, he headed downstairs without looking back.