
Chapter 2 Meeting Again

Jaycob seemed to be arguing with his mother. Their voices were so loud that I could hear them clearly.

According to my mother-in-law, Jaycob was an idiot for raising another man's child for so many years despite being aware of it. It became even worse because he had contracted a strange disease that required millions of dollars to treat. She even called me a b*tch for wanting to sell our house to treat my son. 

However, what cut into my heart was her saying that our child, Luke Beasley, wasn't Jaycob's. How could he possibly not be Jaycob's biological son?

"Well, I won't raise another man's child for nothing. Sooner or later, I will get it all back," Jaycob said.

Hearing that, I couldn't stop myself from barging into the room. "Jaycob, what did you just say? Another man's child? What do you mean?"

Both of them never expected that I would appear so suddenly. After exchanging a glance, they fell silent for a brief moment.

Something flickered in Jaycob's eyes. "I didn't say anything so stop bothering me. I'm going to go to the casino with my friend. Goodbye."

With that, he barged past me, ready to leave.

However, I needed to get to the bottom of it. I tugged at his clothes and said, "Tell me everything! What do you mean Luke is another man's child? How can he be someone else's child?"

Jaycob grew more frustrated. "You better f*cking let go of me. Is that clear?"

"If you don't tell me everything, don't even think of leaving! If Luke is not your child, who is the father? And what are you trying to get back? What are you hiding from me?"

Jaycob couldn't escape my grasp or my incessant questions. As a result, he grew anxious. He reached out to choke me. "Are you done? Let go of me now! Is that clear?"

I struggled to breathe. Nevertheless, I still held on to him, thinking that I must get to the bottom of it.

"Just tell her that Luke is the son of that fourth brother so that she and her son can get the hell out of here. It's so annoying to see them at home!" Seeing that Jaycob and I were locked in each other's hold, his mother interrupted our fight.

Jaycob glared at her as if blaming her for revealing what he wanted to keep a secret. Something was wrong.

"Who is this fourth brother you speak of? Why do you say that Luke is his son?" I stared at him and asked.

Jaycob pushed me hard in the direction of the stove. "Get lost! I don't f*cking know who that is!"

He exerted so much force that I lost my balance. It sent me falling towards the gas stove and knocking over the boiling pot of soup. The hot soup splashed on the back of my hand, causing me to cry out in pain.

Jaycob couldn't be bothered even if I died. He took the opportunity to rush out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind him.

I turned on the tap to run water over my hand to relieve the stinging pain. However, my mother-in-law pushed me away. "You made Jaycob so angry that he left, yet you're still staying here? Get out of here!"

Lifeless and disheartened, I no longer had the strength to fight with my evil mother-in-law. I packed up stuff and left the house I had hoped to create happy memories in. 

The city lights were starting to turn on one by one as I walked out of my home alone with my luggage. Looking back at the familiar window on the fifth floor, I couldn't help crying.

I was still upset when I was on the bus. I felt anguished thinking of how I had ended in such a sorry state despite sacrificing so much for my family. 

When I returned to the hospital, Luke was asleep. I found myself a stool to sit on before I leaned against Luke's bed for the whole night. The next morning, I got up and squeezed my way into a bus to get to work. As I didn't sleep well all night, I was in a trance and felt so down that I almost missed the station.

As soon as I arrived at the mall, I realised that all my colleagues were behaving as if their worst enemy was about to arrive. Even our manager, who was usually rather arrogant, was nervously busying herself with many things. One of my colleagues told me that the management of the mall gave us a last-minute notice, informing us that a big shot would come to the mall to inspect the work.

As soon as I put on my attire, I saw our manager running to the gate of the mall while tidying up his tie. After a while, the executives of the mall arrived. They were all surrounding a young man, like stars around the moon, as they walked into the mall. The man in the middle was tall and slender. Above his high nose bridge was a pair of sharp eyes. He was objectively handsome. 

As he walked, he listened to the executives' reports. However, he remained expressionless the whole time, not even bothering to nod his head.

He looked a little familiar to me for some inexplicable reason. I wondered where I had met him before. 

Suddenly, I recalled that he looked very similar to the man I met in the hotel! He had the same perfect facial features and thick eyebrows. However, the lights in the hotel had been dim. On top of that, I was too nervous, so I could not be sure it was him.

At that moment, he began to walk in a different direction, heading straight to me!

My heart began to beat faster as I wondered if he recognised me. I lowered my head nervously, too afraid to look at him.

He stood beside me for a while before leaving without a word. He pointed to the counter next to me and told the manager to replace it. His reason was that it was not fitting for a place that sold premium mobile phones.

It wasn't until he took the stairs to the second floor that I began to calm down. Perhaps I really was thinking too much. For one, it wasn't necessarily him. On top of that, there was no way he would remember me even if it were really him. In his eyes, I was just a mere woman working in that trade, so I wasn't worth being remembered. 

My colleagues standing around me began chatting excitedly, "Wow, he's both young and handsome, isn't he? He must be a classic intimidating president like the books describe, right?"

"He just glanced at me. He really looked at me!" Another colleague held their face with their hands, looking as happy as a fan.

"Forget it. Who are you? I heard that Mr. Guzman's girlfriend is the daughter of the mayor, and they will get married in a few days," another colleague said.

Listening to them describe how handsome he was, all that came into my mind was the mess he made out of me in the hotel. I forced those thoughts out of my mind before focussing on work. 

When it was almost noon, my manager told me to go to his office. I was very nervous and worried that I made a mistake during work. However, I was told by the manager that Mr. Guzman wanted to see me.

My heart pounded faster again as I wondered why he would want to see me.