
Chapter 19 Rainy Night

After returning to my room, I couldn't sleep. There was an uncomfortable sensation in my stomach. When I finally fell asleep, I was awakened by pain.

The pain in my abdomen was so intense that it forced me to curl in a ball, but it did not relieve the pain. I felt like I was about to die from the pain.

Thinking that I was about to die, I called for help. 

Despite my best efforts, no one answered. No matter how hard I tried, the sound that came out of my mouth was small and weak.

When another burst of pain swept over me, I fainted.

After God knew how long, I finally woke up. A faint light entered my eyes as I opened them; it was the sight of Corey.

I was in his car, and he was driving.

"Hold on. We're reaching the hospital soon," he said softly.

The rain pounded heavily on the windshield. Although the wipers were working overtime, the vision ahead was still blurred. 

Despite the pain in my stomach, I forced myself to relax as I muttered my thanks.