
I Have Been Reincarnated as the Worst Character Possible, and I Am

I Have Been Reincarnated as the Worst Character Possible, and I Am Determined to Survive. *** Jin lost consciousness in a traffic accident and woke up to find himself transformed into a character in a game world. Moreover, he became one of the top-tier villains, the lowest of the low, which was so shocking that he almost passed out again. However, he realized that the story began about three years before and resolved to survive even if it meant changing this character’s fate. Starting with planning to escape from his house, he was unexpectedly able to break free from the curse of his home and began to live in the outside world. Though he was the lowest of the low characters, he was also the strongest character in the game world. Utilizing his strength and knowledge of the game, Jin’s life in the game world began.

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Towards the Mission, Part 3

Afterward, we arrived at the royal castle and were led to separate rooms to inspect the disguises we would use for the mission.

As expected, the disguises prepared by the royal family are impressive, with several valuable magical tools also provided.

"I've never seen so many concealment tools before."

"I heard that Mr. Jin was particularly concerned about various things."

The butler who will be in charge of my support nodded and said, "Please try on the prepared tools and explain them to me." I received an explanation while putting on the disguise.

In that state, I moved to the room where the princess was waiting.

"...Even though I prepared it, it's surprising how much you've changed."

"I'm surprised myself. My hair color and eye color have completely changed."

The current me looks completely different from my usual self.

Thanks to the magical tools, both my hair and eye color have turned red.

Furthermore, with the disguises provided, when I put them on, I have changed to the point where even if someone knows I'm in disguise, they would wonder, "Who is this?"

"Normally, Mr. Jin had a somewhat noble aura about him, but now you've completely erased all of that."

"Yes, that's right. My hair and eyes were naturally blonde and blue, which are common among nobles, so they were somewhat eye-catching."

"It's strange how just changing the color can make such a big difference for a person."

The princess stared at me and made that comment.

After waiting for Chloe for about several tens of minutes, the disguise seemed to be finally complete as Chloe arrived in the room.

She had a similar appearance to me, with her hair and eyes also turned red.

"Our hair and eye colors are the same."

"Yeah, the maid who prepared them told me that we would act as siblings and serve as escorts together."

"In order to avoid unnecessary inquiries at the noble academy we will be attending, we thought of a setting on this side."

Saying so, the princess explained to us about the setting for our academy.

Apparently, we are supposed to be siblings from a local noble family who have had a long-standing relationship with the princess, and we came here at the last minute to act as her escorts.

Since there are several local nobles who have no acquaintance with the capital or the central nobles, the princess said it is highly unlikely that our setting will be exposed.

"I see, that's why our hair color is red instead of the common brown among commoners."

"I don't think our hair color would be distinguished to that extent, but Mr. Jin and your hair colors were eye-catching. So I thought it would be better to change them."

Princess Sou said so, alternating her gaze between me and Chloe, and with a smile on her face, she said, "You both look good in your disguises."

After that, we returned to our respective rooms to change back to our original appearances and came back to the room again.

"And I mentioned it beforehand, but during the period of escort, you will be living in the royal castle. Is that alright?"

"Yes, when I talked to the shopkeeper, they said it's fine to leave the room where I was staying as it is since no one will be there until I return."

"I'm fine with it too."

After confirming our circumstances, Princess Sou called the butler and instructed him to guide us to the room where we would be staying during the escort period.

Accompanied by the butler who received the instructions, Chloe and I went to see the room where we would be living.

The guided room was a guest room, and it was extravagantly designed, perhaps to accommodate nobles.

"Ji-Jin-kun, my room was incredibly spacious..."

"Yours too, huh? My room was also insanely spacious."

After checking the rooms and returning, Chloe and I exchanged our impressions of the rooms we saw.

Then, we went through various confirmation matters, and we were told that starting from tomorrow, we would be living in the royal castle.

After that, as there were preparations and such, we were dismissed early and told to tell Chloe about yesterday's events, then headed to Cynthia's shop.

"So, this is the magical tool Jin-kun wants?"

When I explained the magical tool to Chloe, she looked at it with a surprised expression and said so.

"I understand your doubt. When I saw this magical tool too, I told her the same impression."

Saying that, Cynthia followed us and took us to the backyard of the shop.

Then, Cynthia casually threw the "small room" magical tool in the center of the garden, and the magical tool activated, revealing a square building.

Seeing it in person, it's really like this.

As I was impressed, Chloe exclaimed excitedly, "Amazing!"

"Inside, it's properly built too."

Saying that, Cynthia opened the door of the small room and guided us inside.

As an overview of the small room, it was divided into three rooms, with a living room and two small rooms.

It's just like the background of the small room in the game. We placed a cooking table in the living room and put beds in the remaining two rooms for resting.

"It's good that there are two rooms. After all, it's awkward for a man and a woman to sleep in the same room."

"That's right. Even if more people join, we can sleep without worrying about it."

After that, Chloe also seemed to like this magical tool and purchased it along with the "Magical Tool Kitchen" set.