
I have become the Goddess of Fateoria and travel the infinite worlds.

A genius programer named mike destined to die early at the age of 60 was hit by a truck. We come to find him now a her as she became his video game character from the game his 7 friends spent the past 10 years working on. An now we can see the one of the most ridiculous existences explore the endless path and infinite cosmos. As the new reborn goddess Sandstorm begins her Odyssey. I have seen a lot of different anime and read several thousands of books at this point. I will probably take inspiration for things and not even know it especially since my naming sense is trash. I also want to say besides Fateoria, my Mc, and the people in Fareoria it is likely I will not own any of the other worlds or stories that my character will interact with.

Commonnerfer · Fantasy
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154 Chs

V8 Ch 19: Tom Riddles Nightmare.

It's been about a week since classes have started and Sandstorm has never attended DADA class.

However outside of Hogwarts is in panic, several "proven innocent" death eaters have been going missing. It's believed to be Bellatrix Lestrange.

Sitting in her room Sandstorm pulls out an old Diary she stole from a first year Ravenclaw.

That's right it's Tom Riddles Diary.

Sandstorm just writes in the book.

'Hello? Is this Tom Riddle?'

To which the book responds yes. Before he can say more Sandstorm starts speed writing stuff down.

'So it is the Savior of muggle born that led the rebellion against the pure blood oppressors!'

The book 'Wait what!?'

'It is the year 2025 and the muggle born along with the muggle army finally killed off the last pure blood family last month. We are finally free from their oppression.'

She writes down showing a fake memory to the book of Britain in shambles, with Swat and armed tanks storming the last Pureblood safe heaven or the Riddle manor.

'No...' the book says to the memory.

Sandstorm writes down. 'Yes! The war is over we have won savior choosing Harry Potter as your successor was the best possible choice he led the muggle born army!' Showing the book another fake memory of the battle at Hogwarts without Voldemort there.

'It can't be...'

'We are setting up the ritual to bring you back! We also know that you like young boys... although it's a bit odd, if the priest of the Catholic Church can have them so can our Savior!' Sandstorm writes quickly.

Suddenly the presence in the book begins to feel weaker. Sandstorm begins to write. 'Lord Savior!hang on don't disappear the ritual circle is done, it will take us 30 minutes to get the materials, try to keep your soul from dispersing until then.'

'Are you a pure blood?' The book asks hoping that this was all a lie.

'Of course not, us muggle borns decides that those inbred psychopaths were better off extinct!' Sandstorm writes down. Showing more fake memories of random purebloods being slaughtered.

'Savior doesn't have to worry! We know Savior is a half blood!' Sandstorm quickly writes.

Voldemort's soul in the book begins to disperse at a even faster speed.

'Let me sleep' the books says in a really depressed way.

'Lord! Don't let your soul disperse!! we already have the young boys here waiting for your return!' Sandstorm writes showing him more fake memories.

Suddenly all that's left in the book is his intent and a small amount of his soul?

"Pfft, that was actually kinda fun." Sandstorm says before placing Excalibur on top of the Sword and cleansing the rest of the book.

Leaving that she stands up from her desk and heads down to great hall.

On the way down the halls she runs into Hermione who has a silver chain around her neck.

"Hermione... playing with time is dangerous be careful. If you manage to create a butterfly effect it could greatly effect the future." Sandstorm says leaving Hermione to try and tackle the labyrinth of stairs. as Yoru/Sandstorm making sure no one is watching just directly jumps to the bottom. Before arriving at the Great Hall for breakfast.

Suddenly an owl flys in.


Lucius Malfoy Missing! Along with Secretary to the Minister Deloris Umbridge!

These are the two newest people added to the long list of disappearances after Bellatrix Lestrange has escaped from Azkaban. Making it a total of 26 people having disappeared with nothing, but a simple note 'betrayers shall die' left at the place they were last seen.

It is believed Bellatrix Lestrange is targeting anyone who was once a deatheater if you have any news about this dangerous criminal please talk to the Aurors at the ministry.

Another not is to not bother trying to fight run.


"26! Already? can you calm down?" Lisa says whispering the last part into Sandstorm's ear.