
I have become the Goddess of Fateoria and travel the infinite worlds.

A genius programer named mike destined to die early at the age of 60 was hit by a truck. We come to find him now a her as she became his video game character from the game his 7 friends spent the past 10 years working on. An now we can see the one of the most ridiculous existences explore the endless path and infinite cosmos. As the new reborn goddess Sandstorm begins her Odyssey. I have seen a lot of different anime and read several thousands of books at this point. I will probably take inspiration for things and not even know it especially since my naming sense is trash. I also want to say besides Fateoria, my Mc, and the people in Fareoria it is likely I will not own any of the other worlds or stories that my character will interact with.

Commonnerfer · Fantasy
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154 Chs

V7 Ch 16: Talking with Allucard

The second Sandstorm arrives in Allucard's room she dodged backwards on pure instinct dodging a dog... well it's not a dog it's the hound of Baskerville.

Sandstorm looks around and notices she's in something similar to a pocket dimension.

Suddenly the whole space shakes as Sandstorm's 9 tails are revealed and she is let out.

"Wow... I can't believe you tried to contract me." Sandstorm says exasperated at Allucard's antics.

"Hahaha no fox girl I was testing your strength!" Allucard says laughing happily.

"So what was all that for?" Sandstorm asks

"Ah my dear Sunaarashi, you see when we first met you had the aura of a god but a few minutes ago it disappeared." Allucard says

'Shit he knew I was suppressing it, at least the avatar system gives me damn good stealth'

"Not to mention that small bit of dragon smell you had to?" Allucard continues happily.

"You smelled me?... pervert! " Sandstorm yells of course that small out burst completely threw off Allucard's monologuing.

"Fine just tell me what you are?" Allucard says questioningly.

"Sure... I have no goddamn clue. An existence like me shouldn't exists. Does that help?" Sandstorm says to Allucard.

"Show me." Is Allucard says with an amused smile.

"Fine." Sandstorm says with a shit eating grin before changing to her goddess ultimate form.

Both her aura's let out and actually run constructive interference doubling its power shaking the building like an earthquake.

Sandstorm quickly reels in her aura.

"Oops." Sandstorm says with a head tilt.

While Allucard is looking at her.

"Your a god!? Hahahahaha!" Allucard starts to beak down into hysterical laughter.

"Fight me." Allucard says his voice getting deep.

"Nope." Is all Sandstorm says transforming back into Fox form.

"But it would be fun" Allucard says a little disappointed.

"Yes or no, would our fight flatten London?" Sandstorm asks.

"Fine." Allucard says

Sandstorm leaves Allucard on his throne and head upstairs to get some food.

After she leaves Walter steps out from a dark corner.

"So that's why you said to be careful around her." Walter says.

"She seems like a young god though that power is bullshit, her age is probably in her 30s which is extremely rare for the age of men. Most gods should have left this world. It should have also not been able to give birth to more gods." Allucard says to Walter

'Well maybe she can give me immortality instead of having to rely on those Nazi's' Walter thinks before walking out to inform Sir Integra.


In the Messhall Sandstorm is sitting down at a table eating fish and chips with her tail moving behind her. While the rest of the soldiers of Hellsing watch the cute animal that is Sandstorm eating with a passion after going 2 days without food or sleep.

'A few days till I go back to Japan for a day. I wonder if my change with the races will affect anyone. Hopefully they won't be as clingy now that my dragon race shouldn't be affecting them.'

I wrote a lot last night and am thinking of a double release it’s not everyday I write 5 chapters in a day.

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