
I have become the Goddess of Fateoria and travel the infinite worlds.

A genius programer named mike destined to die early at the age of 60 was hit by a truck. We come to find him now a her as she became his video game character from the game his 7 friends spent the past 10 years working on. An now we can see the one of the most ridiculous existences explore the endless path and infinite cosmos. As the new reborn goddess Sandstorm begins her Odyssey. I have seen a lot of different anime and read several thousands of books at this point. I will probably take inspiration for things and not even know it especially since my naming sense is trash. I also want to say besides Fateoria, my Mc, and the people in Fareoria it is likely I will not own any of the other worlds or stories that my character will interact with.

Commonnerfer · Fantasy
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154 Chs

V1 Ch 5: The Town of Trost: The Adventurer's Guild

Sandstorm walks up to a building of course it looks like any ordinary tavern except for the adventurer's guild sign outside "hmm let's go with the alias Storm because I do not want to be followed around like when I am in my goddess form"

She pushes the door ~tchring~ "Come on the corpse is not that damaged" random adventurer 1

" Billy come on i got the quest lets go kill some goblins" random adventurer 2 'oh there's not a line for the counter lets go register' Sandstorm walks up to the counter "Hello my name is Storm I wish to register as an adventure" smiles at the female elf behind the counter. "Hi I'm Leafa, ah, sorry you seem to young to register" sandstorm pouts and says "I am properly 18 meanie" she looks shocked at Storm "uh if so could you put your hand on this then?" "Mkay" Sandstorm places her hand on the orb and the orb displays a status


Name: Storm

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Beast kin (Black Heavenly Tigerkin)

Titles: Black Lightning Empress

-Level: 300

-Strength 436

-Endurance: 300

-Dexterity: 510

-Intelligence 214

-Agility: 553

-Mana: 2000


Full Body Control, Close Combat Master - 200, Swordsmanship - 150, Lightning Magic - Max, All Language Understanding, Instinct - 100, Storage- 2000 Kg


'I lowered it enough I think'


The thoughts of Leafa 'Is she some monster dear Sandstorm-sama this girl in front of me is so overpowered I'm actually sweating a bit'

"Hey girl what makes you think you can be an adventurer! there's a reason that reputation of adventures are going down" Random C rank adventurer ' no shut up do you want us all to die she's easily a SSS ranker please shut it'

Leafa decided to act fast "It is no problem ms. Storm just give me a few minutes to get your card and we can talk to the guild master about you skipping directly to B rank if not A" before turning around and running directly towards the guild masters office


Back to Sandstorm

"Hey girl what makes you think you can be an adventurer! there's a reason that reputation of adventures are going down" Lycan

'Lmao the template I made is actually happening' 'hmm Appraisal'


Name: Lycan

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Beast kin (wolf kin)

Adventure rank: C

-Level: 56

-Strength 125

-Endurance: 221

-Dexterity: 75

-Intelligence 82

-Agility: 384

-Mana: 20


Close Combat - 74, Swordsmanship - 21,Instinct -10


'oh shit i did not lower my status enough crap... oh well'

" You're only that strong and you wish to stop me" Sandstorm said while smiling and tilting her head at him."

"It is no problem ms. Storm just give me a few minutes to get your card and we can talk to the guild master about you skipping directly to B rank if not A" Said Leafa while running off to start the card making process

"it's fine miss Leafa I don't feel like making an example out of him hes so weak I might accidentally kill him... well with use of my full body control it should be fine" Sandstorm begins to tap her foot with her arms crossed looking up at the ceiling thinking to herself and talking out loud. "I haven't fought anything that is not a monster. so maybe I should use this for practice?" The wood floor splinters a little from her foot tapping everyone in the guild just stares at her. She looks down "oopsies, maybe not.... sorry about the floor Leafa" 'why is everyone staring at me?' "are you really a kid?" asks Lycan 'quick think of a lie to explain my strength' "I think so I have kind of been living by myself in the woods for the past 10 year though". Everyone kept staring at her till Leafa came back with an adventure card "here you go ms Storm" said Leafa while handing her an A rank adventurer's card.

"Thanks now it's time to go watch for the players to arrive see you another day miss Leafa" sandstorm smiled then disappeared as if she was never there leaving Lycan who tried to interrupt her on the ground unconscious from her pure pressure, He also pissed his pants.