
I have become the Child Emperor

A man finds himself inside the body of the Child Emperor from the world of Akame Ga Kill. With this unexpected twist of fate, he now possesses the ability to influence the Empire's future. Will he use his newfound power to bring about positive changes, or will his actions inadvertently lead to the Empire's downfall? [FAIR WARNING: I'd like to point out that this story will mostly prioritize the ripple effects caused by the MC's decisions. Chapters in which the main character is involved might be few and far between.] Get advanced chapters below↓↓↓ https://www.patreon.com/Support_Five

Support_Five · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


General Budo stood at the doorway of the Emperor's chamber, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the sight before him. The Child Emperor, whom he had taken an oath to protect at all costs, lay still, pale on his bed, and had rough breathing. Multiple physicians were frantically trying to wake him but to no avail.

"What happened?" Budo asked the physician, his voice tight with anger.

"I don't know," the head physician replied, shaking his head. "He just suddenly collapsed and now he's spiking a fever. There's no apparent cause for it, no injuries or illnesses that I can find. It is a complete mystery…"

Budo's mind immediately raced to the possibility of foul play. He suspected an assassination attempt on the Child Emperor, and he wouldn't rest until he figured out what had happened.

"Is it poison?" Budo asked the physician, his eyes hard.

"I can't rule it out, but I'm not certain," the head physician replied after a moment of silence, fear evident in his voice.

"You will do everything in your power to cure the emperor, or I will make sure you die a painful death," Budo threatened as his eyes scanned all the physicians in the room.

"Yes, of course," the physician replied, his voice shaking. He immediately told his colleagues to continue working, now with heightened effort.

Budo turned his attention to the guards in the room, and he realized they were not the usual palace guards. He had no doubt they were the Prime Minister's men, a fact that only added to his anger. He had been tasked with protecting the palace and the emperor, yet it seemed the emperor had favored the Prime Minister over him.

"I want the palace sealed off and a full investigation launched," Budo ordered. "No one leaves until we figure out what happened to the Emperor. I want all aerial Danger Beasts in flight now! The capital's airspace is in lockdown! Order the capital guards to close all the gates. Search the palace and question everyone who had been near the Child Emperor when he collapsed. Contact my lieutenants and tell them to increase the troops stationed within the palace and immediately place checkpoints at various locations within the capital!".

"Yes sir!" the guards replied in unison. Despite Budo not being their direct superior, the guards realized the dire situation and immediately did as they were told.

Just as Budo was about to turn his attention back to the emperor, the door to the chamber burst open and Prime Minister Honest rushed in, feigning concern.

"What's happened? Is the Emperor all right?" Prime Minister Honest asked, his eyes darting around the room. He couldn't help but notice the soldiers that General Budo had ordered. It was clear to him that Budo was trying to regain control of the palace, and it irked Honest greatly. He had worked hard to install his own guards close to the emperor and make leeway within the palace grounds, but the sudden event of the Child Emperor collapsing had taken all that effort away. Despite his frustration, he knew he couldn't show it on his face. He needed to play the part of a concerned minister after all.

Budo felt a wave of disgust wash over him as he took in the sight of the Prime Minister. He knew that Honest was not to be trusted, that the corruption that had taken root in the empire was a direct result of the man's evil nature.

"The Emperor has collapsed," Budo said tersely. "We're still trying to determine the cause."

"Oh dear, this is terrible news," Honest stated, shaking his head dramatically. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Budo wanted to accuse Honest of being behind the emperor's collapse, but he knew he had to keep his emotions in check. He couldn't let the heads of politics clash with the heads of the military, not if he wanted to protect the empire. Besides, he wasn't sure if Honest was responsible for the sudden illness of the emperor. Killing the emperor would give Honest very little or no value at all. And if he kills Honest now, he might just be removed from his position by the other ministers, who would no doubt exert all the authority they can use now that the Emperor was sick. He didn't want that outcome.

"No, we've got everything under control," Budo replied, his voice cold. "At this moment, the capital is in martial law."

Honest nodded, but Budo could see the calculation in his eyes. He knew he needed to be careful, to keep his eyes and ears open and not let the Prime Minister get the better of him. The guards a few moments ago gave him a wakeup call.

"I see, that's an appropriate response", Honest replied as his eyes linger towards the doctors trying to cure the Emperor.

"Hmmm… I will place the Four Rakshasa within the palace to guard the e–"

Before Honest could continue speaking Budo shouted with anger lace in his voice, "You will not have those executioners come near the Emperor. I will personally protect and station my soldiers close to the emperor".

Honest, who had been interrupted, stared at Budo's furious eyes and spoke with a serious tone. "As the main general in charge of protecting the capital, if it were discovered that the emperor was targeted for assassination, it would reflect poorly on your duties. You would do well to remember that, Grand General Budo."

Honest's words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Budo felt a twinge of anger, but he knew that Honest was right. He needed to be more vigilant in his duties, especially during a time of political unrest with rebellions popping up throughout the empire. With a deep breath, he nodded his agreement.

"Understood, Prime Minister," Budo replied, his voice firm. "I will do everything in my power to ensure the safety of the capital and the emperor," he emphasized, making it clear that the emperor's safety was his top priority.

Honest nodded, "I know you will, Grand General. We all must do our part to protect the empire in these troubled times. I will meet with the other ministers and tell them what has occurred", Honest said as he left the room.

As Honest departed from the chambers, Budo turned his attention back to the Child Emperor, whose well-being was a source of great concern. He couldn't bear the thought of the young ruler's untimely death. The emperor was the last remaining heir to the imperial line, and if he were to pass away, the Empire would be thrown into a precarious state. Not only would the rebel forces become even more emboldened, but it was possible that the various regions of the Empire would secede and declare independence, breaking apart the once-great nation.

As the physician worked diligently, Budo made a silent vow to use all his resources and power to uncover the truth behind the emperor's illness. If anyone had dared to plot the emperor's assassination, they would soon feel the full force of Budo's wrath as the Grand General of the Empire.

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