
I have a Zhutian simulator

When Su Xuan woke up, he found that he could travel through the heavens and the worlds, and awakened the simulation system to infinitely simulate his future life. In the world of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is a Taoist king who sweeps away the demons and monsters in the world. His majesty dominates the world for a period of time, and his name is passed down to future generations for three thousand years. He looks up to the sky and the earth, and is unparalleled in ancient and modern times. Great Yan World: There is an emperor who conquers the world, builds an endless Great Wall, fights against the tide of barbaric beasts in the north, and kills ninety-six great demon kings. His merits are immeasurable. Starry sky world: There is a mythical body that travels across the infinite universe. The divine fire is immortal for tens of millions of years. It regards the stars as playthings. It is immortal and immortal, and the whole world is silent. ... In the prehistoric world: there is a saint who carries the constitution of heaven in his mouth, plans the heaven and earth, is incomparable, cuts off the long river of time, and respects Yi Daozu for all generations. Traveling through the heavens and traveling across all realms, Su Xuan suddenly realized that the eternal invincibility he was pursuing was already underfoot.

Immortality_6548 · Urban
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23 Chs


Chapter 5: Severe drought, relief for victims

  Chapter 5: There was a severe drought.

  After the relief victims decided to settle in the Taoist temple, Su Xuan started cleaning the entire Taoist temple.

  He even organized the Taoist scriptures scattered in the corner into books and placed them neatly on the table.

  As for food, with Su Xuan's innate skills,

  even facing tigers and leopards is just a slap in the face, so there is no need to worry about lack of food.

  In addition, Su Xuan also planted some vegetables behind the Taoist temple.

  that's all.

  Another ten years passed.

  In the past ten years, in the first one or two years, Taoist temples were still inaccessible.

  Su Xuan and He Mei live a paradise-like life.

  However, as time passed, the hunters who often came to the mountains to hunt realized that the

  Taoist temple had an owner.

  And he is also a young Taoist priest.

  This incident immediately made the hunters curious. Finally one day, several hunters came to an agreement.

  We came together to the outside of the Taoist temple and planned to pay a visit.

  Su Xuan was naturally very happy about this, and not only opened the door to let a few hunters in.

  He also pointed out the hidden diseases in the bodies of several Orions and gave solutions.

  Several hunters were dubious at first.

  The hidden diseases in their bodies are all old problems, and even the old miracle doctor in the town cannot cure them.

  We can only drag it slowly.

  How come it's like a trivial problem with Su Xuan?

  However, after these hunters followed Su Xuan's method and saw that all their hidden diseases were cured bit by bit.

  He immediately realized that Su Xuan was really capable.

  Otherwise, how could Su Xuan easily solve something that even the old miracle doctor in town couldn't do?

  As word of mouth spread among several hunters,

  everyone in the town knew that there

  lived a Taoist priest who was a miraculous doctor in the Taoist temple on the mountain.

  So whenever the people in the town were sick, they would bring their families and pious people to the Taoist temple on the mountain.

  Pray that Su Xuan will give you a solution.

  By continuing this process, the Taoist temple, which had long been in ruins, began to flourish again.

  Even people from outside the town were attracted.

  Pilgrims come and go every day. Even if these pilgrims are in good health, they still want to come and take a look.

  What kind of person was the Taoist priest who was rumored to be a miraculous doctor?

  This year, there was a severe drought.

  Not only did the imperial court fail to provide disaster relief, but it also increased the corvee.

  Because His Majesty the Great Zhou wanted to build a star observation tower to meet the immortals in the sky.

  As a result, people are in dire straits, and disaster victims can be seen everywhere, even the roots of trees have been eaten away.

  Under such circumstances, there are naturally fewer pilgrims coming to Taoist temples, and they are replaced by more and more disaster victims.

  These victims stood helplessly outside the Taoist temple and did not do anything.

  Because they know that the Taoist priests in Taoist temples are good people and never charge money after saving people.

  It's just that they didn't know where they were going for a while. The land at home was confiscated by the officials, the house was also lost, and the son was taken away by the officials. It was said that they were building a star observation tower for His Majesty the Emperor.

  A wonderful family just fell apart.

  Seeing this scene, Su Xuan was silent for a long time before opening the door of the Taoist temple.

  Distribute some of the food in the temple to prevent these victims from starving to death.

  Due to the impact of the bloodbath in Hejiabao, Su Xuan prepared enough food in the temple on weekdays.

  And they are foods that can be stored for a long time.

  He Mei was on hand to distribute food.

  Ten years have passed and He Mei is already eighteen years old.

  She became a tall and graceful girl.

  It's just that He Mei, who is usually pampered and contented, couldn't even speak after seeing these victims.

  With Su Xuan's protection, He Mei has never been hungry.

  Everyday meals include meat and vegetables, and I was even picky about food for a while, not eating this or that.

  If He Mei hadn't seen it with her own eyes, how could she believe that people in this world would really starve to death.

  That night, He Mei couldn't sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, she thought of the victims who were half-clothed during the day.

  "Brother He Zhong, is everything like this outside?"

  He Mei found Su Xuan and couldn't help but ask.


  Su Xuan's eyes were complicated.

  He had left the Taoist temple many times, so he was naturally aware of the situation in the outside world.

  At this time and even at the end of the Zhou Dynasty, there was a lot of chaos, and demons and ghosts came out.

  Ordinary people living in such a world are tantamount to purgatory on earth.

  "It's all like that."

  Su Xuan sighed softly and nodded.


  He Mei's eyes were blank.

  After a while, He Mei asked in a low voice:

  "Then when will it end?"

  After He Mei finished speaking, she looked at Su Xuan expectantly.

  Su Xuan lowered his head and glanced at He Mei, and said slowly: "In eighty-six years, the Zhou Dynasty will be destroyed." "

  From then on, the world will fall into chaos for one hundred and seventy-two years."

  "Until two hundred and fifty-six years . In eight years, a new dynasty will be established."

  "In the early days of the new dynasty, there will be a period of thirty-three years of turmoil."

  "Thirty-three years later, the world will usher in a prosperous age. By then, the victims of the disaster will..."

  Su Xuan At this point, he hesitated for a moment and continued.

  "The victims will be much fewer than now."

  This is the result of Su Xuan's many simulations.

  Although the Zhou Dynasty has reached its end, it will still take eighty-six years before it is truly destroyed.

  "But you have to wait two hundred and ninety-one years for all this."

  Su Xuan rubbed He Mei's head and whispered.

  "Two hundred and ninety-one years." He Mei didn't know what to say

  . Although Su Xuan's words were extremely incredible, who in the world could see what would happen hundreds of years later.

  But He Mei subconsciously believed everything Su Xuan said.

  "Don't think too much, even if the sky falls, you can survive as long as I am here."

  Su Xuan saw the disappointed expression on He Mei's face and was about to say a few words of comfort.


  Su Xuan's expression changed, and he raised his head and looked out the door.

  "Brother He Zhong, someone seems to have come in?"

  He Mei also noticed something and said subconsciously.

  Over the years, under Su Xuan's guidance, He Mei has also successfully entered the innate realm.

  With the five senses at the innate level, one can naturally notice levels that ordinary people cannot perceive.

  "Go out and take a look."

  Su Xuan opened the door and walked towards the kitchen in the Taoist temple.

  He Mei followed closely, carefully looking at the kitchen in the distance.


  Su Xuan stopped outside the kitchen.

  He looked up and down in the kitchen and flicked his index finger.


  The kitchen door opened out of nowhere.

  A thin figure rolled out uncontrollably.

  By the moonlight, He Mei could see that the figure that rolled out turned out to be an eleven or twelve-year-old boy with a sallow complexion.

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

  After the young man rolled out, he was shaking all over and kowtowed to Su Xuan and the others.

  "I'm just too hungry."

  "I'm sorry." "

  Don't eat me!"

  "My meat doesn't taste good."

  "I can help you with your work."

  The young man said with a trembling voice and kept kowtowing his head.

  (End of chapter)