
I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo's

Hello, my friends. I would like to inform you that I am currently translating a Chinese novel. In my opinion, this novel is good because the plot development is quite solid and fast-paced. So, I want to share the joy with all of you by translating it. If you read the first 20 chapters I'm sure you'll love it. Thank you. Su Zhan has transmigrated to the world of cultivation and woke up with the Protagonist's Halo System. [Protagonist's Cultivation Halo]: As a protagonist, trivial things like cultivating are easier than eating and drinking! [Protagonist's Resurrection Halo]: Can a protagonist die? Can they still be called a protagonist after death? [Protagonist's Intent Halo]: No matter how trashy a martial arts technique is, it can develop intent, that's what makes someone a true protagonist! [Protagonist' Mentality Halo]: As a protagonist, even if a group of women stands naked in front of him, he won't cough. However, the effect of the mentality aura is unstable, use it wisely! Other protagonists only have one Protagonist's Halo, while I have one hundred trillion! ... if you want to read 20 additional chapters ahead of Webnovel you can subscribe on my Patreon at: patreon.com/chibi_mon_mon

Chibaku_Monster · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

C26: Down the Mountain

"Cave Mansion No.17 has been vacant since the unexpected death of Senior Baihen. Who are you, and why have you appeared here?" 

"Only true disciples are allowed at Baiyun Peak. How did you manage to get here?" 

"The sun illusion that just appeared, was it caused by you?" 


As soon as the gate was opened, the true disciples bombarded him with various questions. 

Su Zhan glanced at them calmly and said, "I became an inner disciple half a month ago. This residence is arranged by the sect master. This is the token issued by the sect master. If you have no other business, please step aside. I need to descend the mountain." 

"A token issued by the sect master?" 

"Yes, it is indeed a special identity token personally made by the sect master! Wang Hao and Senior Qi Yang also have it. I have seen it before, so my eyes couldn't have been mistaken!" 

"It's amazing that Junior Brother Su, as an inner disciple, can stay at Baiyun Peak!" 

"Junior Brother Su is only at the Yuan Condensation realm, yet he managed to absorb over 90% of the Spiritual Rain. It truly puts us to shame!" 

"Although the competition for spiritual rain mainly depends on talent, since everyone at Baiyun Peak is at the Barrier Master realm, the difference won't be too big. But now, Junior Brother Su is one of the major realms behind, yet he achieved such results. It seems his talent has far surpassed ours by a large margin!" 

"Young Brother Su, I'm your Senior Sister, Lin Qian, residing in the bamboo forest ten miles away from your Cave Mansion. Please come and visit Senior Sister when you have the time!" 


After confirming Su Zhan's identity, the true disciples immediately smiled and wanted to befriend him. 

They were not fools. With Su Zhan's talent and the personally made token by the sect master, his future would undoubtedly be bright and brilliant. If they didn't establish a good relationship with Su Zhan while he was still weak, it would be difficult in the future! 

Moreover, they had lost the Spiritual Rain. Although they felt extremely unhappy about it, there was no point in opposing Su Zhan now. 

"Hmph! It's true that I have a token personally issued by the sect master, but that was after I became a true disciple!" 

Qi Yang observed as the others tried to please Su Zhan, feeling very unhappy, and he said, "Unlike this junior here, who is only at the Yuan Condensation realm, yet he obtained it. I seriously doubt the authenticity of his token!" 

Su Zhan calmly replied, "That's your own problem." 

Qi Yang's gaze turned cold, and his face darkened. "The sect master would never give an identity token to someone who hasn't reached the Barrier Master realm. Where did your token come from? Do you know that counterfeiting an identity token is a serious offense?" 


A fake token that could open the formation and enter Baiyun Peak? 

It seemed that most of these people's minds had been damaged due to cultivation! 

Su Zhan glanced at Qi Yang and didn't want to bother dealing with him, so he turned around and left. 

Seeing Su Zhan ignoring him, veins bulged on Qi Yang's forehead, and he became somewhat angry. 

"As the first true disciple, I have the responsibility to maintain the order of Baiyun Peak. If you don't allow me to verify it today, don't even think about leaving the mountain!" 

Qi Yang moved his body and stood in front of Su Zhan, speaking in a rough tone. 

Su Zhan furrowed his brows, pondered for a moment, and then handed the token to him. 

Qi Yang's cultivation had reached the peak of the Barrier Master realm, and his natal weapon had developed for several years, possessing extraordinary power. Before consolidating his own natal weapon, Su Zhan felt that he might not be able to defeat Qi Yang. 

Moreover, Su Zhan didn't want to fight right now; he just wanted to quickly prepare the materials to consolidate his natal weapon and break through to the Barrier Master realm. 

"This token..." 

Qi Yang took the token and his expression slightly changed. 

It was unbelievable. 

This token was genuinely authentic! 

But how could the sect master give a special identity token to a disciple who was only at the Yuan Condensation realm? 

Even he himself wasn't worthy of such an honor! 

"Have you seen enough now?" 

At that moment, Su Zhan's voice sounded. 

Qi Yang's face turned ugly, and he said with a deep voice, "Enough." 

"Look carefully this time, don't waste my time again." 

Taking the token from Qi Yang's hand, Su Zhan glanced at him and turned to descend the mountain. 

"The first true disciple is nothing special." 

Su Zhan's voice echoed. 

Qi Yang's face darkened, and he clenched his fist. 

If it weren't for his concern about Su Zhan's identity, he would have moved to kill Su Zhan right now! 

As the first true disciple, respected within the Sword Sect of Yuntian, when has he ever been spoken to in such a tone? 

Truly embarrassing! 

However, Su Zhan, as a cultivator at the Yuan Condensation realm, was able to reside at Baiyun Peak and possessed extraordinary talent. He must be highly valued by the sect master. If Qi Yang wanted to punish Su Zhan, he had to think carefully and make a good plan. 

Qi Yang carefully stared at Su Zhan's back, contemplating in his mind. 

As Su Zhan walked along the stone path descending the mountain from Baiyun Peak, this sight immediately caught the attention of many disciples inside, leaving them astonished. 

Because in their memory, no one looked like Su Zhan among the true disciples. 

"There he is! Su Zhan!" 

Zhao Li focused his gaze on Su Zhan, his eyes shining. He immediately ordered his younger brother beside him, "Quickly, inform Senior Brother Luan Jian. That person is Su Zhan!" 

"Forget it, I'll go myself!" 

Before Zhao Li finished speaking, he changed his mind, turned excitedly, and left. 

Today was a big day for the entire sect, and Luan Jian also came to Baiyun Peak to witness this grand event. 

Of course, as the number one disciple within the sect, he was different from the bustling disciples. 

At this moment, he was in a spacious pavilion, drinking with some other strong inner disciples, while enjoying the competition for the Spiritual Rain. 

"Spiritual Rain! It is said that bathing in the Spiritual Rain is equivalent to cultivation for months!" 

"Not only that, the Spiritual Rain also has the effect of strengthening the body. If only I could bathe in the Spiritual Rain even once!" 

"Don't even think about it, it's impossible. But Senior Brother Luan must have a chance!" 

Some strong disciples within the sect joked. 

After hearing their words and considering Su Zhan's situation, Luan Jian became increasingly unhappy. 

As the number one inner disciple, standing at the foot of the mountain and watching this newcomer Su Zhan, who had just joined, bathe in the Spiritual Rain! 

It was too unfair! 

The more Luan Jian thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He immediately gulped down a large amount of wine. 

"Senior Brother Luan! Su Zhan has appeared!" 

Zhao Li's voice sounded. 

Luan Jian's gaze immediately sharpened as he saw Zhao Li running up and saying in a deep voice, "Where is he?" 

"He's on the stone path descending from Baiyun Peak!" 

Zhao Li pointed his finger towards the footpath. 

"But Senior Brother Luan, Su Zhan hasn't descended the mountain for half a month. He might be secluded, diligently cultivating. And after bathing in the Spiritual Rain, he might even have reached the late stage of the Yuan Condensation realm!" 

"Hmph! So what if he's in the late stage of the Yuan Condensation realm! The difference in strength between cultivators of the same realm can be like heaven and earth. Even if there were ten Su Zhans, they wouldn't be able to withstand a single step from me!" 

Luan Jian's gaze immediately focused on Su Zhan on the footpath, and he glanced at the gathering of inner disciples below Baiyun Peak, his expression filled with excitement. 

"This is truly a blessing!" 

"Exactly, with all the inner disciples gathered here today, there might be many elders watching. 

If I defeat Su Zhan in front of everyone, the elders will surely make a decision and allow me to stay at Baiyun Peak too!" 

"Otherwise, all the inner disciples will feel dissatisfied! Hahaha, this half-month of waiting was not in vain. Today is the best opportunity for me to defeat Su Zhan!"