
Three-star good news (2)

Other than that, Chen jingzhai also rewarded the three of them with gold immortal artifacts. Zhao Hao, the Duke of longevity, received the peach of longevity and the staff of longevity. Chu Wuji, the Duke of fortune, received the promotion book and the brush of fortune. Li guinian, the Duke of fortune, received the flower of fortune and the sword of fortune. The three stars bowed respectfully and returned to the ranks of the immortal officials.

Next, the great golden Crow of the sun, the goddess of the moon, si Xi, and the Golden Star of the Great White, li Taibai, all saluted and accepted their rewards.

The reason why there were only three was that although the remaining four had come into being, it was not yet time for them to ascend. Each of the seven luminaries had their own destiny, and only these three would be able to make it in time for the fourth Court Assembly.