
Chang Wu mo hen (2)

However, the Emperor of Inferno was already in place. Once the great dynasty was conferred the title of Emperor by Chen jingzhai, this Inferno Emperor would receive the blessing of the reincarnation universe and become the number one person in the reincarnation underworld after the reincarnation Emperor.

Su qingyue didn't tell them about the reincarnation of the reincarnation Emperor. There was no need to spread the news. She believed that many Immortals would search for him in secret once the news was leaked. She only announced the sequence of the reincarnation universe.

Her actions did not raise any suspicion. After all, the sequence of the reincarnation underworld had been set long ago. The Emperor of Inferno had also grown step by step over the years. It would be convincing for him to become the first-rank Yin God.