
I have a Sari-Sari store in another World

A man who mysteriously appeared in a world that he shouldn't be in. Follow Luis Makisig's life as he live in two different worlds! Does Luis has a system? How did he got there? What is his powers!? WHAT THE H*LL IS A SARI-SARI STORE!??? Author here: This novel is my very first so beware of typos and wrong grammar!! *Book cover is not mine, gonna replace that after I(someone) make.* *Please also read "HEROES OF MAHARLIKA"*

JJA_Lightzero · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 8 GODS

Fifty thousand years ago the world was divided into four factions. Each were ruled by a group of Gods.

The Beast Gods in the North, Plant Gods in the East, Human Gods in the West and Underground Gods in the South.

Conflict arises in every borders as mortals started to fight. For each battle tens to hundreds of them died. Naturally they will ask for their God's help and protection.

With the Gods joining more and more casualties arises. As the time goes by the conflict turned to a war and the deaths turned thousands to millions. Even the innocents was not spared, they were dragged by the sharp fangs of war.

It reached to the point were mountains were flatten, forest were burned and lakes and rivers were dried. It even changed the weather of some areas.

The Gods were no exception, as the fight started the people will see a blazing rock falling from the sky.

It was a sign, God's Fall, even the gods are not immortal if they lost too much energy or they lost their faith. Loosing their faith means the people who prayed to the God have all died.

With millions of casualties both mortals and Gods. The world was in a brink of destruction.

They all couldn't bear anymore. The people pleaded to the Gods for help and to stop this madness. So the Gods decided to stop all conflicts whether some dislikes it or not.

The Gods formed the very first WONDER. God's pavilion, located at the very top of the tallest mountain of the world. Their they will create laws that prohibits Gods joining a conflict between mortals. It is also a place to judge any misconduct, crime and conflict between Gods.

As times goes by the World started healing itself. Though there are still fight breaking out from time to time, it is nothing more serious when the Gods joined them.