
Chapter 684: Little Swans Practicing Flight

Otter Exhibit.

As Fang Ye approached, he spotted an otter near a fallen tree trunk. It arched its back, stomped its feet on a rock, and a long, thin object fell from its rear. Then, it quickly used its hind feet to cover the droppings with dirt, while its slender tail swished back and forth.

The otter then scurried under the tree trunk, sniffed around, and changed direction to continue digging with its hind feet, tail swaying all the while, before dashing off.

"This is my first time seeing an otter poop!"

"Such a warm welcome."

Fang Ye laughed, "Otters can poop both on land and underwater, but they usually have specific spots on land for this!

In the wild, infrared cameras have captured leopard cats, red foxes, white-lipped deer, wolves, and stray cats and dogs frequenting otter activity areas to lick otter droppings.

This is because otter droppings contain residual salt, which helps these animals supplement their salt intake."

"Whoa! That's quite the taste."

Fang Ye continued, "So, the relationships between animals are more complex and intertwined than we imagine. The disappearance of one species can have unforeseeable impacts."

The otter exhibit features varied terrain, with a maze of horizontal logs and vegetation. Otters darted around, climbing up and down, having a blast.

In the pond, otter heads occasionally popped up on the water's surface before diving back down.

On the pebbled shallows, an otter lay on its back, playing with a smooth stone, rolling it in its paws.

This is one of their favorite activities.

"Wow, they're having so much fun!"

"They've polished that stone smooth!"

"Buddy, you can't play with it like that, it smells like armpits!"

"I remember otters use stones to crack open shells!"

Fang Ye explained, "Otters play with stones, but using them to crack shells is a behavior unique to sea otters! Otters and sea otters are often confused.

The most distinctive feature of sea otters is their backstroke swimming, floating on the water's surface while holding shells, sea urchins, or their young.

Living in the sea, they frequently dive for food. They have a rounder body and a layer of warm, fluffy fur filled with air. Adult sea otters also coat their fur with oil, making it more waterproof, allowing them to float on the water's surface.

Another distinctive behavior is using stones to crack open shells and other sea creatures.

Otters live by the water but don't stay in it for long periods, so their fur isn't as fluffy, looking sleek and shiny. Their streamlined bodies move swiftly and agilely in the water.

Their tails are different too. Sea otters have flat, paddle-like tails that help them maneuver in the water, while otters have long, pointed, conical tails."

The otter exhibit also has informational boards to help visitors distinguish between these two easily confused animals.

After visiting the otter exhibit, they left the native exhibit area.

Fang Ye asked, "What would you like to see next?"

"Director, you mentioned introducing shoebills? Let's go see the shoebills!"


Waterfowl Lake.

In the summer, the shore was adorned with blooming lotus flowers, their pink and white petals opening like sunflowers, revealing beautiful centers and showcasing their charm.

Now that autumn had arrived, the flowers were wilting, petals falling onto the water, exposing the lotus pods.

The floating petals, swaying with the ripples, added a unique charm to the Waterfowl Lake.

Occasionally, black and white swans could be seen flying gracefully over the lake, contrasting against the blue sky and white clouds.

At that moment, on the grassy shore across the lake, a family of black swans was flapping their wings, seemingly warming up.

"Whistle~ whistle~"

They let out clear, melodious calls.

The young black swans had grown over the past three months, no longer looking like fluffy chicks. Their feathers had turned black.

Photographers gathered nearby, snapping pictures and discussing excitedly, "Are they about to fly?"

"Looks like it!"

Ready to go, the adult black swans raised their necks, called out loudly, and began walking towards the lake.

The young swans followed in groups, some flapping their wings as they walked, eager to take flight!

"Clear the way! Don't block them!"

"Don't get too close!"

The photographers stood aside, maintaining order.

The black swan family entered the water with a splash, bending and stretching their necks, seemingly communicating.

They then formed a neat line, swimming forward through the green lotus leaves.

After a while, they changed formation into an inverted triangle.

"Fly, fly!"

"Little Fu, lead the way!"

The photographers had given them names for some reason.

Fang Ye patted a photographer's shoulder and curiously asked, "Which one is Little Fu?"

The photographer, eager to see the swans fly, was initially annoyed at being interrupted. But upon seeing it was Fang Ye, he smiled, "Oh, Director! You're live streaming!"

He enthusiastically explained, "Little Fu is the eldest of Er Hei and Dong Yu's family, the biggest and most mature, and the first to master flying. Recently, we've often seen Little Fu leading the younger ones in flight practice."

As they spoke, Little Fu raised its upper body in the water, stretched its neck, and spread its wings, revealing hidden white feathers!

Seeing this, the photographer quickly raised his camera, finding the best angle, and excitedly exclaimed, "It's about to fly!"

Little Fu began running on the water, neck stretched straight, its reddish beak and neck forming a straight line with its body, like an arrow ready to be released!

Though its eyes couldn't be seen, the determination in its stance was palpable.

Its wings flapped faster and faster, its feet taking large strides on the water.

Gradually, it lifted off the water and took flight!

The wind swayed the lotus leaves and reeds, the golden sunlight shimmering on the water, and Little Fu soared above, creating a picturesque scene.


The lakeside visitors gasped in unison!

As Little Fu took off, its siblings followed suit, flapping their wings and taking flight!

One, not yet skilled, kept its feet on the water, paddling with each wingbeat, and fell behind.

Wait for me, wait for me!

After a while, its wings grew tired, and it reluctantly landed back in the water.

The viewers were thrilled.

"They're flying in formation like a squadron of fighter jets."

"So cool!"

"One of them isn't quite there yet."

The young black swans didn't fly very high, staying just one or two meters above the water, and soon landed back down.

Little Fu had learned the adults' landing technique, placing its feet flat on the water and gliding a distance, creating a beautiful white splash.