
Chapter 671: Gaining Overseas Fans

Yumiko posted several tweets in a row, including photos and videos.

She usually shared her photos and daily life on Twitter, and had a few hundred followers.

When they saw her selfie with a giant panda, they were instantly captivated!

Japanese people have no resistance to giant pandas, and they quickly commented below.

"Wow, did you go to the zoo today, Kokoro?"

"It's a bamboo-eating giant panda!"

"Which zoo is this? The panda looks so cute and cuddly, I want to touch it!"

"The environment looks great!"

"There are so few visitors, watching pandas must be amazing. Last time I went to Tokyo Zoo, I was almost crushed by the crowd and barely took two photos."

"The zoo is right next to your school, so you can visit the pandas whenever you don't have classes! I'm so jealous!"

"Wow, I want to study there! I could hang out with Kokoro too!"

While looking at the panda photos, they felt envious.

But when they saw the video of Fang Ye sitting among a pride of lions, hugging a lion's big head affectionately, they were stunned!

"╭(°A°`)╮ Nani? Who is this person, and why can he sit among lions? Isn't he afraid of being attacked?"

"Those fierce lions, if I were in front of them, my legs would be shaking! And he's petting a lion's head!?"

"This is amazing!"

"He threw a slipper at a lion, and the lion didn't even bite him, it just looked aggrieved and lay down? Is this real?"

"Is this real or fake?"

"How is this possible? It's unbelievable!"

The video sparked a lively discussion among the netizens!

Yumiko replied, "It's real! This person is the director of Linhai Zoo. In Linhai, Fang Ye is a legendary figure.

According to my friends at school, Director Fang has a natural affinity with animals, and they all love him.

For example, pandas cling to his leg and won't let go, tigers act like kittens in his arms, and even red pandas, who are very cautious after giving birth, allow him to hold their cubs."

"Wow, is he a druid?"

Yumiko said, "By the way, Director Fang's nickname is 'The Great Druid'!"

As Japanese netizens shared her tweet, its popularity gradually increased!

Fang Ye himself had a rather appealing appearance, the more you looked at him, the more handsome he seemed.

Sitting with majestic lions with beautiful manes, hugging their necks, made him look even more heroic.

A breeze blew, swaying the green grass in the background, along with Fang Ye's bangs and the lion's mane, creating a dreamy scene.

In fact, some Russians also have close interactions with lions and bears.

But Russians are often burly and rugged, while Fang Ye's physique and appearance better fit the Asian aesthetic.

Some Japanese girls were already smitten with Fang Ye: "Director Fang is so handsome!"

"I declare him my idol from today!"

"Next time you go to the zoo, please take more photos of the director!"

With love came hate. As his popularity rose, some discordant voices also emerged.

Seeing the fangirls' comments, some netizens were displeased: "He looks like he's in his twenties. I've never heard of such a young zoo director!"

"It must be fake!"

"Chinese zoos are terrible. Their animals are kept in concrete cages. How could they have such a good environment?"

"Just poorly photoshopped pictures that fooled so many people."

"Is the poster really studying in China?"

A heated argument broke out between the two sides!

Fang Ye was unaware that he had suddenly gained a group of fangirls and haters in Japan.

Yumiko, seeing the heated comments and some directed at her, felt a bit overwhelmed.

At this moment, a netizen said, "I can confirm that what the poster said about Director Fang is true! I'm a zoo enthusiast and learned about Linhai Zoo and Director Fang through my Chinese friends a long time ago.

Public zoo directors are usually older, but this zoo is Director Fang's private zoo.

Once, a lion cub got stuck in a tree branch in their lion exhibit. The pride wouldn't listen to the keepers, so Director Fang went in and rescued the cub himself. There's even a video of it."

This video had tens of thousands of views on foreign websites before, and those who had seen it suddenly remembered.

"Hey, I saw this a few months ago!"

"So he's Director Fang! I compared the videos, and it's indeed the same person!"

"I thought he was a keeper! Turns out he's the director!"

With the video as evidence, the haters had nothing to say.

Fang Ye's new fans were overjoyed!

"Is this a private zoo!?"

"That's amazing!"

"Handsome and rich! He must be the heir of a big corporation!"

"No wonder the zoo looks so beautiful. Having money makes everything easier."

Suddenly, other scattered videos about Linhai Zoo were dug up, especially those of Fang Ye petting tigers and lions.

Discussions about Linhai Zoo and the Druid Director trended on Twitter.

Chinese netizens living abroad saw this and felt very proud, leaving comments on Linhai Zoo's Weibo.

"Haha, I saw discussions about your zoo trending on Twitter just now!"

"Director Fang is awesome, he's famous overseas now!"

"These foreigners are all praising Linhai Zoo's environment and want to visit! It's so face-saving!"

"Honestly, Linhai Zoo is one of the few in China that stands out, and it looks great internationally too!"

"I always thought Linhai Zoo's exhibit design was top-notch. It's only a matter of time before it becomes famous!"

"Haha, I didn't even know there was such a good zoo in China. I'll definitely visit when I return."


In the backyard, beside the vegetable patch, Fang Ye sat under the tree, leisurely reading a book, with Hua Hua curled up at his feet.

"Good news, good news!"

Seeing Lan Li running over happily, he put down his book and opened his arms to hug her.

He smoothed her hair and smiled, "What's up? Why are you so happy?"

Lan Li took out her phone and showed him the Weibo comments, "Hehe, our zoo is trending overseas!"

Fang Ye was a bit surprised, "Wow, that's great!"

Trending means popularity, and with popularity, he could draw more prizes and get more good things.

At this moment, the system's notification sounded.

"Ding, as the zoo develops and grows, it has also started to gain some fame overseas. This is a proud step! Please continue to work hard to make your zoo the most dazzling crown in the world!

Congratulations, you have received a mystery gift pack*1!"