
Chapter 667: The Zoo Director Petting Lions

"That sounds like a lot of work!"

"Are penguins really that delicate? You even have to remove their innards."

The keeper smiled and explained, "Since the fish are thawed, not removing the innards can lead to bacterial growth. Frozen fish also lose some nutrients, so we have to insert vitamin tablets into the fish.

We use several feeding methods: active feeding, foraging, and tossing. Our zoo mainly uses tossing, which simulates a wild hunting environment and keeps the penguins active.

The downside is that some of the older, weaker, or sick penguins might not get enough to eat, so we need to observe their feeding and provide extra food if needed.

We feed them by tossing fish around 10 AM and 3 PM daily. If you want to see the penguins, those times are best."


"Taking care of them sounds tough!"

After eating, some penguins swam leisurely in the water, while others waddled ashore, finding a cool, shady spot on the rocky cliffs to rest quietly.

Some penguins, energized after eating, raised their necks and brayed loudly, turning their heads to show off their vocal skills to nearby female penguins.

Liu Wei and Yumiko enjoyed watching the penguins before heading to the Predator Exhibit.

At the Lion Pavilion!

Yumiko was stunned by the scene before her, her eyes wide with shock!

"Nani kore?!"

She was so surprised she stuttered.

A breeze swept across the vast green savannah, causing the tall grass to ripple like ocean waves.

The towering Pride Rock cast a shadow under the bright golden sunlight.

It gave off a majestic, wild, and free feeling!

The lions lay lazily on the grass, basking in the sun.

But what caught everyone's attention even more was a person sitting nonchalantly beside a male lion!

This person was petting the lion's mane, and the lion didn't seem to mind, even leaning its head against the person.

Suddenly, the lion opened its massive jaws, revealing sharp canines, and let out a deep, rumbling growl.

The lion's eyes showed a commanding presence, its roar like an engine starting, which startled Yumiko!

She couldn't help but ask, "Is that a zookeeper? Isn't that dangerous? Isn't he afraid of being attacked?"

Liu Wei laughed, "A regular zookeeper wouldn't dare! But this person is a legend, the director of Linhai Zoo, Fang Ye, nicknamed the Urban Druid! It's probably the lions who are afraid of him!"


Yumiko was full of questions.

Sharing the director's legendary stories with new visitors is something veteran guests love to do!

Though not a legend himself, being a witness to one was something to boast about.

Liu Wei proudly said, "Director Fang seems to have a magical aura that animals love!

Petting lions and tigers, which we find unbelievable, is just a routine for him.

Sometimes, you can even see Director Fang swimming with tigers in the pool! Even adult elephants behave around him."

Yumiko blinked, "Really? You're not pulling my leg, are you?"

"Really, look, Director Fang is petting a lion right now."

Qiqi turned its head and roared at Fang Ye, who remained unfazed and rubbed its head even harder.

This sparked lively discussions among the visitors.


"Is the lion being affectionate with the director, or is it annoyed by the head rubbing?"

"Haha, it seems like the director loves rubbing the lion's scalp so much that its hairline is receding!"

"My cat doesn't have such a good temper! If I rubbed it like that, it would definitely bite me."

"The fluffy lion looks cute, but its roar is still a bit scary!"

The scene before them was more convincing than any words!

Yumiko was amazed, "How does he do it? Did he raise these lions from cubs?"

"No, they were introduced in the past two years. It's just very magical." Liu Wei laughed, "We're really lucky today to see the director petting lions!"

Fang Ye smiled and patted Qiqi's butt, "What's up? Having a bad day? Tell me so I can have a laugh."

Qiqi glared at him, "Roar!"

What do you think? Every time you come, you pull my beautiful hair.

If you keep pulling, I'll go bald. Doesn't a lion king need to save face?

Fang Ye then rubbed Kaka's mane. Kaka lazily lay on the grass, opened its eyes slightly, and roared as a greeting.

Fang Ye patted Kaka's broad nose and hugged its neck, giving it a close hug.

He affectionately kissed it!

Being with the lions on the vast savannah, feeling the wind and the warm sun, he felt free and unrestrained!

Forgetting past troubles, his heart was open and free.

This was probably his state of mind.

After greeting the male lions, he approached Qiuqiu and Yueyue.

Yueyue stood up to greet him, enjoying the head rubs and neck scratches from Fang Ye, eventually lying down comfortably at his feet.

One of her front paws stretched out straight, like a lazy stretch, and her hind legs followed suit.

Fang Ye's hand curved, fingers bent like a scratching tool, digging into Yueyue's fur and stroking downwards.

Yueyue squinted in comfort, licking her lips.

Fang Ye lowered his head, and Yueyue immediately brought her head closer, rubbing her furry cheek against him affectionately.

Fang Ye laughed, "Good girl!"

He glanced at the visitors outside, who waved excitedly and whistled.

"Director, I love you!"

"Director, I want to have your lion cubs!"

The lion cubs had grown quite a bit, becoming more mature and composed!

They lay in the sun, their bright eyes looking at Fang Ye warmly.

Though they didn't have the full manes of adult lions, the fur around their necks was already growing longer.

They looked like teenagers with fuzzy beards, transitioning from youth to maturity.

When they were born, their heads were covered in black spots, like little leopards. Now, the spots on their heads had faded, leaving faint spots on their legs.

"Hello, my melancholic little princes!"

Fang Ye sat down among the cubs, greeting them with a smile and pinching their ears.