
Chapter 654: What a Lucky Machine!

However, the idle Non-President still held onto a glimmer of hope. "Maybe the black ball will contain something good?"

He opened the capsule, revealing a fox keychain! A classic and stylish small keychain. To be honest, the craftsmanship was quite good.

"What's this? Another classic and stylish small badge, another badge!"

The Non-President's gaze towards the camera gradually became dull, and his hand started trembling. The badge he was holding seemed like it was about to fall!

Taking a deep breath, he slapped his thigh. "Oh, what a jinxed machine! Let's try again. People can't be unlucky forever, right? Right, Shrek?"

Clang, clang, two more black balls dropped out!

The Non-President's expression darkened.

It seemed like others had a high chance of getting white balls, so why were all his black? Opening the capsules, he found two more classic and stylish keychains.

The Non-President looked extremely uncomfortable. "Oh, brother, this is getting nerve-wracking! After drawing seven and getting all black, I only have three lottery tickets left!"

In other capsule machines, you could keep trying until you won or clear the machine if you didn't get anything.

At the zoo's capsule machine, the lottery tickets were earned through knowledge exchange, and there was no way to spend money to get more tickets.

The Non-President waved to the filming overweight individual. "Shrek, come and draw a few!"

Shrek looked relaxed, smiled confidently, and said, "You can't do it. Watch me show you what 'one shot, one kill' means."

This time, it was the Non-President filming!

Shrek twisted the capsule, and with a clang, a white ball dropped out!

The Non-President widened his eyes. "Wow! Shrek did it! Let's see what's inside."

Opening the capsule, there was a paper note with "Crane Folding Fan" written on it!

"Oh, nice! Well done! Shrek, keep going!"

Shrek twisted again, and this time, a shiny gold ball came out!

"Wow, Shrek, you did it!"

Excitedly, he opened the gold ball, revealing a voucher for a panda shirt.

The Non-President laughed like a fool. "Haha, hahaha! This is really great, a stylish T-shirt! Let's continue!"

The final twist revealed a white ball, and the prize was a Q version peacock plush toy.

The Non-President got seven black balls, while Shrek got two white and one gold ball, which was more in line with probability.

Yingying's dad found it amusing. "These two chubby kids are equally chubby, but why is their luck so different?"

Liu Xueqing patted Yingying's head and said, "Yingying, why don't you try drawing too?"

Yingying replied, "Okay!"

After finishing the draws, the Non-President eagerly went to exchange the prizes with the staff. When he returned, he whispered, "The staff here are really strong, even stronger than me, and they're all muscular.

He then showed off the prizes, saying, "First, we have this Crane Folding Fan!"

He waved it around, trying to open it in a stylish way, but failed. He chuckled sheepishly.

He showcased it to the camera, saying, "Oh, this folding fan is beautiful. Is this a red-crowned crane? There's a red spot on its head."

He fanned himself and said excitedly, "Having this beautiful folding fan in summer not only brings a cool breeze but also lifts the mood. It's really nice."

After putting it away, he displayed the peacock plush toy, saying, "This little plush toy is quite cute, and it feels comfortable to touch.

The staff said the T-shirt reward was too big for my size, so they offered to exchange it, but I declined!"

He waved his hand generously. "I'll give this T-shirt as a gift to everyone! You can see my dynamic lucky draw. I won't draw the plush toys; I quite like them.

Unfortunately, I didn't win the grand prize!

Do you think we made a profit or a loss today? Haha, of course, it's a profit. We only spent 30 yuan on tickets, enjoyed the zoo, and won so many great prizes."

While the Non-President was talking, Yingying stood in front of the capsule machine.

Having watched for a while, she understood how to play the capsule machine. She inserted the lottery ticket and twisted it.

With a clang, a colored capsule dropped out.

Shrek, filming the scene, saw a colorful capsule come out and gasped in surprise, his eyes widening!

Yingying didn't quite understand the difference in colors between the capsules and handed it to Liu Xueqing. "Mama, can you help me open this?"

Liu Xueqing's heart suddenly raced! This colored capsule seemed rare. Could it be a giant panda plush toy? However, she calmed down and thought that there was only one grand prize, so it couldn't be that good. Maybe it was just a small plush toy.

She smiled and said, "Let's see what you've got."

Gently opening it, she found that the paper inside wasn't ordinary white paper but a colored one.

On it were shining words: "Grand Prize."

Excitedly, Liu Xueqing covered her mouth with her hand. "Wow, darling, you're amazing! You won the giant panda!"

She waved the colored paper in her hand to Yingying's dad. "She won! She really won!"

Actually, the value of a giant panda plush toy was secondary.

Among so many people, winning the grand prize was a stroke of luck, especially for oneself. This feeling of being the chosen one was the most exciting.

As the Non-President continued talking, he noticed something off with Shrek. The camera wasn't facing him. "Hey, what are you filming?"

Shrek pointed and said, "It seems someone won the grand prize, right behind us."

The Non-President widened his eyes. "Oh, is that for real?"

At this moment, Meng Shi was sitting at the table, handling prize redemption, maintaining order, and adding a festive atmosphere by striking the gong, a traditional skill at the Linhai Zoo.

Seeing Yingying happily approaching with the colored paper, she said in a gentle voice, "I want that giant panda!"

Meng Shi immediately perked up and stood up from his chair. "Congratulations, little girl!"

He raised his strong arms and struck the bronze gong three times. "Wow, the grand prize is out!"

"It's won by a little girl!"

Under the big tree on the grass, Yingying hugged the tall panda plush toy happily, pressing her face against the panda's white belly, looking much smaller than the plush toy!

Yingying's dad chuckled and took two photos. Suddenly, he remembered something. With such a large plush toy, could it fit in his car?

He asked Meng Shi, who explained that the zoo would help transport it home.

The Non-President lamented, feeling regretful. "Oh, brothers, we were just one ball away from winning the grand prize! What bad luck! But congratulations to this little girl. She seems to love the giant plush toy more than us. Now she can sleep on it at home, right?

Let's hope for some comforting words for my wounded soul with a like and comment!"

After the filming ended, the Non-President patted Shrek's shoulder. "Hey, Shrek, let's go eat. I'm starving."

"What should we eat?"

"Well, how about the Lion Restaurant? They have barbecue on the menu."

The two of them walked towards the Lion Restaurant, chatting and laughing.