
Chapter 650: The Exquisite Birthday Cake

Listening to Yun Duo's soft calls, Fang Ye couldn't help but laugh!

"Little cutie, do you really know it's your birthday?"

In reality, no matter what Fang Ye asked Yun Duo, her response would always be an "Mm."

But her response, with its semblance of understanding, was quite amusing.

Fang Ye patted Yun Duo's head and said, "Alright, let's go back to the enclosure for a bit. We're about to set up your cake!"

He stood up and started walking towards the gate, but Yun Duo suddenly gave him a bear hug!

She lay on the ground, wrapping her arms around Fang Ye's legs and rubbing her big head against his shoes.

She was throwing a tantrum, not wanting him to leave.

As Fang Ye lifted his leg, it was pulled down, almost causing him to fall!

He turned around to see Yun Duo lying on her back, her little legs in the air, gazing at him with sparkling eyes.

Her silent protest was clear: she didn't want him to leave.

"Why are you leaving so soon? You haven't even played with me yet!"

Fang Ye was both amused and exasperated: "What's this? Hugging legs is something cubs do. You're a big girl now, isn't it embarrassing? Especially on your birthday, you're a year older now."

He tried lifting his leg again!

Yun Duo: No matter what, even at 20, I'm still a baby!

She was determined to be spoiled.

She flipped over, lying on the ground, hugging his legs with her arms and biting his pant leg, her chin pressed against the grass.

Today, she was determined to cling to him. If he didn't play with her, he wasn't going anywhere.

The visitors outside burst into laughter seeing Fang Ye being hugged by Yun Duo!

"Hahaha, too cute!"

"The ancestral skill of giant pandas! I see the cubs at the panda base always chasing their caretakers to hug their legs."

"Giant pandas seem to have an inexplicable obsession with legs, I don't know why."

"Maybe because legs, like trees, are cylindrical?"

"That makes sense!"

"Actually, this was the ancient iron-eating beast's way of fighting. They would hug the enemy's legs to immobilize them. But during the battle between Chi You and the Yellow Emperor, they hugged their own army's legs by mistake, which is why Chi You lost!"

"Haha, truly dragging them down!"

Fang Ye had no choice but to speak gently, trying to reason with her: "Yun Duo, look at all the visitors outside. They're here to celebrate your birthday, waiting to see you eat cake and sing the birthday song. Let's play another day, okay?"

Yun Duo, being quite obedient and understanding, sensed that it might be something important and released her grip, heading back to the enclosure.

The keepers began setting up Yun Duo's cake.

First, they used a large ice block as the cake's base, elevating it so visitors could see better. The cool ice was also something the panda liked.

The ice block was quite heavy, requiring several people to lift it.

They placed it in front of the perch, near the pool!

This spot was not far from the glass wall, providing a clear view.

Next, they arranged bamboo tubes tied with hemp rope on the ice block. The bamboo tubes were filled with bamboo leaves and fruit chunks, forming layers. Five bamboo skewers with carrot pieces were inserted into the top, resembling cake candles.

The sides were decorated with a ring of bamboo leaves.

Additionally, there was a watermelon decoration.

An oval watermelon was split in half and placed upside down on the ice block, with two similarly sized apples inserted on top, resembling the round head and ears of a panda.

Visitors marveled at the cake, exclaiming, "Wow, very creative! Carrots as birthday candles."

"I was wondering how they would make a cake for her. It's quite exquisite!"

"Wow, such a big watermelon. She'll have a feast today!"

"Nice, the zoo really put effort into this."

Zhuang Zhuang was happily playing in the pool nearby!

He lay on his back in the middle of the pool, paddling with his limbs.

He lifted one foot onto his belly, striking a carefree pose, splashing water with his arms.

He looked like he was doing drunken kung fu!

Ah, how relaxing~

Hearing Fang Ye's call, he sat up with a thump.

Wiggling his butt, he ran over.

Fang Ye patted Zhuang Zhuang's head, laughing, "Zhuang Zhuang, we're celebrating your birthday together today! You're almost 5 years old, time to do some grown-up things. You need to work hard!"

Zhuang Zhuang tilted his head, "What are you talking about? I'm just an innocent panda."

Next spring, Yun Duo and Zhuang Zhuang could meet and maybe fall in love!

Though the breeding rate of giant pandas in captivity is low, the zoo's enrichment activities ensured they had enough exercise. Zhuang Zhuang was in good shape, and mating shouldn't be a problem. Plus, with the system's miraculous "Dragon and Tiger Elixir," Zhuang Zhuang would be ready.

Hehe, maybe next year the zoo would have panda cubs.

After bringing Zhuang Zhuang back to the enclosure, more preparations were made.

As Fang Ye emerged from the enclosure, visitors greeted him warmly!

"Director Fang, hold on!"

Liu Xueqing smiled and called out, "Ying Ying?"

Ying Ying, feeling a bit shy, hesitated for a moment before taking out her drawing from her backpack and handing it to Fang Ye, then hiding behind Liu Xueqing's legs.

Fang Ye looked at the drawing of the panda and couldn't help but smile, "Wow, this is really good!"

He wasn't just being polite. The panda was accurately colored, black where it should be black, and white where it should be white. It showed how observant Ying Ying was, quite impressive for a child her age.

He squatted down, patted Ying Ying's head, and said softly, "Thank you, little one! Our pandas will surely be happy to receive your card. Have a great time today, okay?"

Ying Ying beamed with pride, "Mm!"


After a while, the panda birthday party began!

The gate opened, and Yun Duo walked out leisurely.

She was puzzled about why she was called back so suddenly.

As she walked, she paused!

She sniffed the air, catching the scent of delicious fruit nearby.

Following the scent, she discovered a luxurious bamboo cake by the pool!

Sometimes surprises come just like that.

She circled the cake, examining it. Watermelon, apples, carrots, bamboo leaves.

With so many choices, she didn't know where to start!

Yun Duo thought for a moment, then pulled out a bamboo skewer with carrots from the cake.

Leaning comfortably against the ice block, she nibbled on the carrot, just like a human eating skewers.

After finishing, she tossed the bamboo skewer aside, uninterested in eating it.

"Wow, she's good at eating!"

"Such a smart girl!"

Fang Ye laughed, "Come on, let's all sing a birthday song for Yun Duo!"

"Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~"

In the panda exhibit, everyone joined in singing the birthday song, the cheerful melody echoing around!

Then the volunteers began distributing cake to the visitors.

As they enjoyed the delicious cake, watching Yun Duo's eating broadcast, their faces were full of smiles.