
Chapter 594: Where's My Cotton Candy?

"Wow, so cute!"

"Dragon roar, rua!"

"Awei is dead!"

"The tail is so short and round, so adorable (.)"

"Too cute, like a little puppy! Awei dies again and again!"

"Ah, it's heartwarming. I really want to hug it!"

Fang Ye gently picked up the baby raccoon, smiling as he petted it and showed it to the camera, "Isn't this little guy adorable? Baby raccoons develop quite slowly. It's been almost a month since they were born, but their limbs are still not very strong, and they can't crawl very well yet.

For the first two months, they'll stay in the nest, nursing from their mother.

After two months, they'll start learning to climb trees and venture out of the nest."

The raccoon mother noticed her baby being picked up and sat up worriedly, peeking outside.

The baby raccoons, who were happily nursing, were suddenly interrupted and started chirping anxiously.

Fang Ye glanced at the raccoon mother and said, "Alright, I'll return your baby now."

He placed the baby raccoon back into the nest, and the raccoon mother quickly grabbed it.

The little one, reluctant to leave, tried to crawl out to play with Fang Ye, but the raccoon mother grabbed it by the scruff and pulled it back, sitting down with its legs splayed out.

The viewers laughed, "The Director's attraction to animals is undeniable!"

"To the animals, the Director must be like a wild Rinpochen, getting blessed by his touch!"

"Doesn't it look like a kid trying to run out to play without finishing their homework, only to be pulled back by their mom?"

After being pulled back twice, the baby raccoon yawned and obediently lay down to sleep.

The other two finished nursing as well. One baby raccoon didn't immediately sleep but clung to its mother's black nose, licking it affectionately. After a while, it too fell asleep.

The fluffy baby raccoons, snuggling up to their mother after nursing, created a very heartwarming scene!

The viewers felt a sense of peace and healing watching this.

Fang Ye and Lan Li quietly left the birthing room, not wanting to disturb their rest.

Fang Ye smiled, "Our red panda, Hong Dou, is also about to give birth. I'll show you the adorable red panda babies then!"

"Wow, the red panda is about to give birth too! That's great!"

"Tiehui" gifted an airplane: "I hope all the babies grow up healthy!"

"Leiting Gabeng" gifted a rocket: "A little money to buy milk powder for the babies!"

"Xiantiao" gifted an airplane: "The zoo is getting livelier. Thanks to the Director and all the staff for their hard work!"

"Hisoka" gifted 66 rice balls: "We'll definitely visit Linhai Zoo during our summer vacation in July to see the adorable babies in person!"


As they exited the back area, they saw several raccoons by the pool, scrubbing various objects like balls and branches. Someone curiously asked, "What are the raccoons doing? Why do they like washing things so much?"

A seasoned viewer answered before Fang Ye could, "Raccoons like washing things because their paws are more sensitive in water! It's like wearing glasses to read the newspaper, they can see more clearly."

Fang Ye noticed a little girl enjoying cotton candy while watching the raccoons play. An interesting idea popped into his head, and he smiled mischievously.

He called over Keeper Xiao Nie and whispered something to him. Xiao Nie nodded with a sly expression and quickly ran off.

The viewers were puzzled, "What is the Director up to? So secretive, not telling us directly."

"No idea, but judging by the Director's mischievous smile, he's definitely planning something!"

After a while, Xiao Nie returned with several sticks of cotton candy!

Some sharp viewers already guessed what was about to happen!

"Is he going to feed the raccoons cotton candy?"

"What's wrong with that? Will it make them fat? They've slimmed down a lot, so an occasional treat should be fine, right?"

"No, raccoons wash their food before eating! Cotton candy dissolves instantly in water!"

"Oh my gosh! The Director is so cruel!"

"Haha, I can already imagine the raccoon's confused reaction when the cotton candy disappears!"

"The Director is so bad, haha."

Fang Ye laughed, "Let's see if the raccoons can eat the cotton candy."

He rarely live-streamed the raccoons, so today was a special opportunity to show them off.

Xiao Nie entered the enclosure with the cotton candy!

He broke off a piece of cotton candy, shaped it into a palm-sized ball, and tossed it to a raccoon.

The raccoon was momentarily stunned by the sweet-smelling cotton candy that fell from the sky, then joyfully picked it up with its paws!

What is this delicious treat? Never seen it before, but it smells so good!

Holding the cotton candy in its mouth, it walked towards the fountain pool.

As it reached the fountain, the sweet taste was already melting in its mouth, making it salivate uncontrollably!

It placed the cotton candy in the water, ready to wash it thoroughly, full of anticipation!

But the moment the cotton candy touched the water, it vanished without a trace!

The water surface seemed to open a portal, sending the cotton candy to another world.

The raccoon was bewildered, instinctively reaching into the water, but grabbed nothing.

It widened its eyes in shock, leaning forward, pressing its paws left and right!


Where's my cotton candy!?

The viewers burst into laughter!

"Red hot confusion!"

"It dissolved in less than a second!"

"Poor raccoon, but I can't help laughing!"

"The raccoon lost its dream!"

"Where's my black cut? Where's my black cut?"

The raccoon, unable to find the cotton candy in the water, turned to search around the pool, doubting if it had even taken the cotton candy down?

Its paws kept searching in the pool, feeling increasingly desperate!

Ahhh, so frustrating!!! Can't find it!! Someone must have stolen it when I wasn't looking!

Xiao Nie couldn't help but laugh and threw another cotton candy ball to the raccoon.

This time, the raccoon was much more cautious!

It stepped into the pool first, keeping its eyes on the cotton candy.

Holding the cotton candy in its mouth, it gently pressed it with its paws, as if afraid it would fly away.

Then it carefully dragged the cotton candy into the water, feeling much more secure.

Ready to wash it, feeling delighted!

But as soon as it pressed the cotton candy down, it vanished again, leaving only a small piece in its mouth!

Raccoon: (_)

I just took one bite!!!