
Chapter 579: The Remarkable Effects of the Medicinal Bath

The server asked, "Sir, would you like to add any ingredients to the hot spring? We also offer red wine baths, petal baths, and medicinal herbal baths. The red wine bath can make the skin more delicate, which is great for ladies, though it's not recommended if you have wounds.

The petal bath uses collected cherry blossom petals, which release a subtle fragrance in the hot spring, creating a pleasant mood and beautiful photo opportunities.

The medicinal herbal bath is especially suitable for those in suboptimal health or with frail bodies! Our director highly recommends it!"

Su Hui was intrigued, thinking, "Red wine bath, petal bath?"

Both sounded appealing: one for beautiful skin and the other for beautiful photos to share on social media.

"No need, just a plain hot spring is fine."

Yan Ganghui instinctively wanted to refuse, but the mention of "medicinal" suddenly piqued his interest, "How much is the medicinal herbal bath?"

The server pointed to the price list behind her, somewhat embarrassed to quote the price, and blinked, "All items enjoy a 20% discount during the opening period."

The price list read:

Cherry Blossom Bath, 20!

Red Wine Bath, 100!

Medicinal Herbal Bath, 1500!

Su Hui couldn't help but exclaim, "That's expensive! This is just..."

Adding some ingredients to the hot spring seemed excessively pricy, even more expensive than the lodging fee itself.

But then again, the red wine bath and cherry blossom bath seemed quite affordable.

Yan Ganghui initially frowned but then contemplated Zhou Ke's previous comments, guessing, "Perhaps the herbal bath uses rare medicinal materials like ginseng, which is why it's so expensive? If Director Fang recommends it, it must be reliable, right?"

He wasn't wrong.

The key ingredient in the medicinal herbal bath was a bit of spiritual water. Although highly diluted, soaking in it is indeed very beneficial to one's health, truly worth the price.

He told the server, "Alright, let's go with a medicinal herbal bath! Think of it as my support for your zoo."

"Thank you for your support!" The server fetched a delicate small glass jar from the cabinet behind her, "Just pour this into the hot spring! You don't need to use it all at once tonight, you can continue using it in the morning."

Yan Ganghui paid via QR code, spending another 1000 yuan, feeling a slight pinch.

He and Su Hui then headed to their room!

The room's decor was straightforward, natural, and unadorned.

The warm yellow walls and lighting immediately gave off a warm and comfortable vibe.

The room lacked ostentatious decorations, featuring a small Japanese Black Pine bonsai on the table. Its sinuous trunk and carefully pruned dark green needles spread outward, adding a touch of elegant simplicity and poetic imagery to the room.

A few woven straw mats next to the table revealed a touch of Zen amidst simplicity.

Su Hui couldn't resist bending down to touch the pine needles.

She had never seen such a potted pine tree before, wondering whether it was real or a plastic ornament.

Feeling the slightly cool, soft plant texture affirmed it was real.

She couldn't help telling Yan Ganghui, "It's quite refined!"

Though the decoration style was simple, it was clearly crafted with care.

Her initial discomfort with the price dissipated a bit.

Yan Ganghui nodded in appreciation, "Indeed, it's nice!"

Opening the wooden door, they stepped into the courtyard!

The warm light illuminated several patches of tranquil green bamboo and trees, with an elegant bamboo wall separating the courtyard from the outside world, making the environment even more serene. Only the chorus of "cicada" sounds came from afar.

The bath was made of dark, deep marble, already filled with water. The rippling water and white steam contrasting with the backdrop of green bamboo, looked like a celestial haven.

Su Hui immediately cheered with joy, "Wow! This place is amazing!"

Just looking around was enjoyable, relaxing both mind and body.

Unable to wait, Su Hui stripped and jumped into the hot spring, laughing and splashing water.

She said to Yan Ganghui, "It feels so good inside! Come and soak!"

Yan Ganghui didn't rush in but first tested the water temperature. He opened the little bottle and poured half of the medicinal bath mixture in.

Then, he sat in the pool, half-closing his eyes to enjoy!

Years of the 996 life of a programmer, lacking exercise, he could feel his body deteriorating day by day.

Not just going bald, but feeling so exhausted at night that he had no energy and interest in intimate activities. He didn't feel refreshed even after sleeping, always tired.

Sometimes his head and arms would inexplicably tingle during coding or hotpot meals - not a significant issue for now, but quite frightening. It felt like a warning from his body.

On weekends, he occasionally got a massage.

Recently, exhausted from work. As Su Hui put it, he felt like he was about to collapse.

Unsure if it was the ambiance or the medicinal bath working its wonders, he indeed experienced genuine relaxation.

Surrounded by slightly hot spring water, he felt like a baby in a mother's womb, fatigue escaping with the sweat, body relieved of burdens, and senses revived.

Even better than a massage, ten times over!

He noticed beautiful bamboo, distant cicadas, and his girlfriend's happy smile.

He sighed, content, "This is a real vacation! Totally worth it!"

After their preliminary hot spring exploration, Fang Ye thought soaking alone was a bit bland and decided to add some water balls for visitors to play with.

In addition to water balls and considering it's a zoo, he also ordered a batch of animal-shaped inflatables online - flamingos, ponies, etc., placed by the pool.

Su Hui was now pushing a flamingo inflatable in the water.

Hearing Yan Ganghui's sigh, she approached, asking with concern, "How do you feel? A bit more comfortable?"

"Too comfortable, I feel revitalized! Like I've regained ten years of youth; my springtime is back!"

Yan Ganghui watched his girlfriend, suddenly laughing slyly, and hugged her.

Su Hui threw him a sultry look, giggling, "Catch me if you can!"

The two played water fights, thoroughly enjoying themselves.


The next morning, Yan Ganghui woke up on the tatami to weak sunlight on his face and checked his phone, astonished.

It was only 7 am!

Usually, he couldn't awaken before 11 am on weekends if there were no plans.

Yet today, he woke up so early, not feeling tired at all, but rather energetic.