
I Have A Proficiency Panel

After three years of transmigration, the other transmigrators already reached the peak of the world becoming big shot among big shots. Meanwhile, Zhang Qingyuan, with his broken proficiency panel that can only show status, is still only a minor figure among the tens of thousands of outer disciples of the YunShui Sect. -----‐------- I am only translating this novel as I like it but couldn't find it anywhere. This is my first time doing this so if you find any grammatical or typing mistake let me know.

Infinity_Snake · Eastern
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3 Chs

Recharging Panel?

Yunshui Sect

Outer Court

Miscellaneous Task Hall

"Task No. 3271, opening up three acres of low level spritual field in Spirit Sky Courtyard, has been completed.Task reward is seven sect contribution points.Senior Brother,is there anything else?"

The female handyman disciple who is in charge of issuing the external missions said with a professional smile and recorded seven points in Zhang Qingyuan's sect token.

Zhang Qingyuan pondered for a moment and asked : "How many contribution points do i have?"

"A total of hundred and three."

"Then exhange them for a spiritual stone."

After hesitaing for a moment, Zhang Qingyuan still made up his mind.

The female disciple looked surprised for a moment but still maintained her smile.Although outer disciples of Yunshui Sect are common,their status is still higher than handyman disciples.

"Please wait a moment,Senior Brother."

Saying this,the female disciple walked towards storage room to withdraw a spiritual stone.

Inside the Miscellaneous Task Hall,there were only 20-30 people who were completing the tasks in comparison to tens of thousands of outer disciples in Yunshui Sect,which is normal because being an outer disciple meant there is a family force behind, providing the training resources.

Unless there was really a lack of training resources, the outer disciples cultivate diligently to improve their strength and rarely completes these low-paying tasks listed in the miscellaneous task hall.

Due to having no family support,Zhang Qingyuan had to rely on the monthly salary and miscellaneous tasks of the sect.Because of this,he could barely maintain his cultivation progress.

Thinking of this,Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh.It has been three years since his transmigration,yet he is just a outer disciple of Yunshui Sect.

"Senior Brother,here is your spiritual stone." The voice of female disciple brought him back from his thoughts.His eyes turned to the jade box in the hands of the female disciple,inside the box is a fist sized stone surrounded by a trace of mist.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart,he took the spiritual stone and closed the lid of the jade box.Walking out of the miscellaneous hall,Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh after seeing only three points remaining in his sect token.

Over a year of saving in exchange for a spiritual stone.Hopefully,with this high level currency of Cultivation World he could activate the recharge function of his panel.If it succeeded,he would soar to sky in the future!

Even if it didn't,he could use this spritual stone for cultivation.

After an hour,Zhang Qingyuan reached the breakthrough hall and applied for a room.This room is suitable for breakthrough as the hall is build near a spiritual spring,which provides a good amount of spiritual essence in the nearby regions which helps in crucial moments of breakthrough.Due to having more than tens of thousands disciples in the outer sect,it is practically impossible to allow disciples to use it freely.

Therefore,only three chances are given per year to every outer disciple which can be increased by paying contribution points.

Zhang Qingyuan only have one chance remaining for this year so this will be his last free chance.After completion of procedures,he headed inside the room ,toke out the spritual stone and closed his eyes.

Sinking into depths of his mind, not long after a panel appeared in front of him.

Name : Zhang Qingyuan

Realm : Spirit Origin (Level 6)

Cultivation Method : Yunshui Jue (Level 3: 987/1000)

Techniques :

Spring rain Technique (Level 3 : 871/1000)

Light body Technique (Level 2 : 98/100)

Plant growth Technique (Level 2 : 79/100)

Martial Arts :

Nine Lotus Bone Forging Arts (Major Success : 726/1000)

Mist smoke cloud step (Beginner : 9/10)

Yunshui 13 ways of sword (Small Success : 32/100)

"Goddess of Luck please bless me"

Sitting on the futon,holding the spirit stone,Zhang Qingyuan kept mediating while hoping for success.Then,he took a deep breath,


No response.

"Recharge!Recharge!!Panel Recharge!!!"

After getting no change in panel data,or sound as usual,his 'soar to the sky' plan failed again.

The last trace of hope also disappeared from his heart.Since the discovery of this panel,Zhang Qingyuan had tried numerous methods to recharge the panel like using copper,silver,gold,jade,writing books to collect beliefs,fighting monsters,beating people to drop attributes,etc.Using sprit stone was his last try.

"It seems that this is just a panel that can show status."

A faint sadness arose in his heart.He originally was not from this world.Three years ago,during a thunderstorm,Zhang Qingyuan who was lying in his bed playing a game of Immortal Cultivation was suddenly hit by a ball of lightning which had passed through the walls of his home and lost consciousness thereafter.

When he opened his eyes,he found himself in a body of 12 year boy.His parents died before he transmigrated,thus becoming an ordinary orphan in the Zhang Family,a small family under Yunshui Sect's many forces.

Zhang Qingyuan did not suffer any standard treatment of protagonist like humiliation from young master nor did he had a waste body.He also didn't got any benefits like standard system,ancient ring left behind by parents,immense luck in finding artifacts while checking the market.

After a month of his transmigration,he found out Yunshui Sect was recruiting.Zhang Qingyuan who knew there was no future for him in this small family sold the few ruined house left behind by his parents to his family in exchange for one family quota for entry assessment of Yunshui Sect.

In the subsequent one year entry assessment,due to his adult mind and proficiency panel,he was able to cultivate diligently and passed the test.After which,he finally became one of the outer disciple of Yunshui Sect.

This is also due to the peculiarly of the Yunshui Sect Outer Disciple Entry Test,in which basically all disciples who participates are arranged in the lower court,then a basic Qi training method is taught,after which a year later whoever reaches top 5000 in cultivation level among the participants becomes an outer disciple.

It doesn't matter if you reached your cultivation level through hard work,resources or talent.This is due to the fact that Yunshui Sect doesn't have any methods to measure talent.

Anyways, Zhang Qingyuan after cultivating diligently for a year broke through to third level of Spirit Origin Realm a few days before the end of assessment,thus barely entering Yunshui Sect.

This surprised the family a bit as they didn't had much hope in his succeeding due to the low resources provided to him which was just a concentration incense every month,due to thin connections between him and the family because of death of his parents.

Concentration incense can be bought with little contribution points in Yunshui Sect but still it was better than nothing.He even heard that a descendant of family who has hopes of getting into inner sect is provided as much as one spirit stone per month.

His one year of hard work is nothing more than that.Although he was a little envious,but Zhang Qingyuan doesn't have any resentment towards his family as his family doesn't owe him anything.

Maybe,this is one of the reasons why he is not the protagonist,after all those protagonists all kill anyone with the slightest injustice,whereas he is just satisfied with his current situation.

Anyways, after three years of struggling,he was finally able to settle down a bit in this another world.As for the past life,he can only go with the flow.He can only hope to cultivate to a higher level with the goal of having an ability which can cross space-time to reach his previous world.

Zhang Qingyuan refocuses his mind on the motionless panel in front of him,shaking his head with disappointment.

This panel is the character page panel of the Immortal Cultivation game he was playing before he transmigrated here,the only difference here being his name instead of game character name.At first,he was excited that he will be like game character reaching the pinnacle of life easily but all he was met with was disappointment.

All methods have already been used which means this panel is just a proficiency panel.

"Forget it.It seems it is impossible to find a shortcut to the peak and can only practice steadily one step at a time."

Although he still have some regrets,his character is still unrelenting after all this is his second life,and he is not the kind of person who complains to others.

The cultivation base of Spirit origin sixth level peak is all from his hard work in the past three years.

"Although there is no Recharge plus point function,it can still show proficiency in all skills which is barely an auxiliary function."

In this world,how many people can have motivation without seeing the progress?

In the past three years,Zhang Qingyuan was able to pass the test for outer disciples without much support from his family and grew all the way to peak of sixth level of Spirit Origin,it is not unrelated to the fact he can always see his own proficiency and practice hard.It was atleast better than the natives without golden fingers.

Thinking of this,he was relieved ,then he grabbed the sprit stone and resumed his mediating state.He intends to breakthrough to seven level as he was already at the peak and doesn't want to waste his chance in breakthrough room.

The time to cultivate in breakthrough room is limited,so he hurriedly closed his eyes and started using his mediation method.

After a quarter of an hour,the aura produced by refined spiritual stone in his hand is poured into meridians in his body,after absorbing his meridians bulge a little and as the sprit stone is consumed,Zhang Qingyuan clearly felt his bottleneck loosing.

Seizing this opportunity,he broke the bottleneck in one neck,as it burst open,the spirit essence nearly doubled its vigor and meridians also expanded.Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes,with excitement in his eyes.

Seventh level of Spirit Origin Realm!Reached!