
I Have A Mystical Clone Ability

Transmigrated to the similar planet with Earth but this world has 10 suns in the sky, and the world were ravaged by monsters. Everyone in this world has their own ability, to control the Lightning, Ultimate Speed, Teleportation, Telepathy, Prophecy. Ling Tian's ability is to breed a clone, as long as he is given any kind of Life Genetic Material, he can breed that Life! Three-Headed Golden Dragons, Golden Horned Beasts, Great Golden Apes...

Pyroscrappers · Urban
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63 Chs

Plundering Abilities?

The furniture in the villa is very complete, TV, refrigerator, sofa, dining table are all available, and you can move in directly.

The only thing missing was quilts, sheets, toothbrushes and other personal items, which his mother had already prepared for Ling Tian.

Clean up the room, preparing the bed... After a lot of tossing, it's getting dark.

Ling Tian was also hungry, so he called Song Hua and went to the cafeteria to eat.

There is a cafeteria in Peach Garden. According to Song Hua, the chefs in it are all poached from five-star hotels.

In addition, the cafeteria uses top-notch ingredients, and the meals are very delicious.

The two ordered a few dishes and found a place to sit down.

While waiting for the food, Ling Tian wanted to call his parents to report safety, but Song Hua suddenly patted him.

"Brother Ling Tian, look over there!"

Ling Tian looked around and saw a tall and beautiful blonde girl.

The height is close to 1.8 meters, a pair of slender and straight long legs are close to 1 meter, and the slender thighs are wearing a goose-yellow ultra-short miniskirt, showing a devil-like hot figure.

A waterfall-like blond hair draped over her shoulders, combined with delicate facial features, is simply a personal stunner.

"This woman... not bad!"

Ling Tian couldn't help but admire.

He is also a man, and when he encounters beautiful women, he inevitably takes a second look.

Of course, he was looking at it purely from the perspective of appreciation, without any lewdness, afterall he was not that kind of person.

"Do you know who she is?"

Song Hua asked.


Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Susanna Pandora!"

Song Hua squeezed his eyes: "How about it, this woman isn't bad right?"

"It looks good!"

Ling Tian nodded, this woman is indeed very beautiful, perfectly interpreting the face of an angel and the figure of a devil.

"Are you interested in chasing her?"

Song Hua smiled and said, "With your talent, strength, looks, and potential, it shouldn't be a big problem to catch up with her!"

"Forget it!"

Ling Tian shook his head: "I'm chasing all about strength right now, and trying to gain a firm foothold in the school. Women... will only affect my progress!"

Song Hua denied it: "I don't agree with this. Of course cultivation must be done, but the relationship cannot be left behind!"

"Imperial University's girls must have looks and talents, and they are all high-quality choices!"

"If you miss it at this time, you will definitely regret it in the future!"

"You're right!"

Ling Tian did not refute.

Abilities... have a high probability of being inherited!

Therefore, when people in this world choose their partner, they like to choose people with high-quality abilities, because it is easy to pass the abilities to the next generation, and the offspring will also have high-quality abilities.

Those who can be admitted to the Imperial College are not guaranteed with a good look, but their abilities are absolutely outstanding.

From the perspective of ability users, all the students of Imperial University are high-quality partner.

Therefore, many students will talk to their partners during school, because once they leave the school, they will have no chance in the future.

"Make a move when it's necessary, so as not to regret it after graduation!"

Song Hua suddenly lowered his voice: "Brother Ling, over there, look over there!"

Ling Tian looked over and saw another tall beauty.

Wearing a black leather coat, this beauty outlines a slender waist that is less than a single grip, with long legs comparable to a supermodel, a bulging chest, and a delicate melon seed face, which is simply perfect.

"This is my dish!"

Ling Tian licked his lips. Compared with the foreigners, he still likes this kind of domestic beauty. The woman in front of him is a perfect domestic beauty.

Song Hua laughed: "She is Mo Yuan, if you don't want your abilities to be copied by her, you'd better stay away from her!"

"She is Mo Yuan?" Ling Tian opened his mouth: "It's a pity, it's rare to meet a woman who looks pleasing to the eye!"

Ling Tian would never allow his abilities to be copied by others.

So, you can only keep a distance, no matter how beautiful you are, you have to stay far away.

"This woman can't be subdued by ordinary people!"

Song Hua shook his head slightly: "Her father is the chairman of Xuanyuan Ability Company and the top three terrifying powerhouses in the world!"

"The mother is also a tenth-level ability user, and Mo Yuan herself has the perfect copy ability. Who can be worthy of her status?"


Ling Tian's mouth twitched.

"It is said that when God closes a door for you, he will surely open a window for you!"

Song Hua shook his head and said, "This woman is an exception. When God was shaping her, he should have dozed off!"

Ling Tian sighed, perfect family background + perfect appearance + perfect ability, this reincarnation technique is simply invincible!


After dinner, Ling Tian and Song Hua returned to the dormitory. As soon as they arrived in the dormitory, Ling Tian went into the bathroom.

After closing the bathroom door, Ling Tian sent a message to his dad: Dad, how is the person I asked you to check?

Dad: Song Gaoming, the principal of the Imperial University does have a son named Song Hua, who ranks 18th, and he has 17 siblings above him... However, Song Hua's status in the family is average!

Ling Tian: Average? How do you say this?

Dad: His ability and talent is very poor, and the specific ability cannot be found out, but it can be speculated that he should not have strong offensive ability, or no other outstanding ability!

That's what happened!

No wonder this little white face wants me to help him breed a clone for him. Is this to use his clone to change his fate?

With this thought in mind, Ling Tian said again: Dad, there is also something I need to discuss with you.

Dad: Tell me.

Ling Tian told his dad about the deal Song Hua proposed, and Dad was silent for a while before returning the message.

Dad: If Song Hua really has this kind of enhancement ability, this transaction can be done.

Dad: Once your breeding clone ability is strengthened, and the breed time is greatly reduced, you will definitely not lose.

Ling Tian: Dad, will this kid play any tricks, such as plundering my ability with his plundering abilities?

Ling Tian laughed on the surface, but deep down he was actually guarding himself from any possibilities.

He wouldn't trust a person he had only known for less than a day, so he asked his father to investigate Song Hua.


It is not necessary that Song Hua has any intention to harm him, but the heart of preventing and guarding against others must not be absent!

Dad: I don't think so! Plundering abilities is expressly prohibited in the country. Even if he has this ability, Even if he has such abilities, he wouldn't dare to use them on you. Even if the Imperial University Principal's son dare to use it on you, but our company is also not easy to bully. —(1)

Dad: Besides, if he really has such a domineering ability, he would have used it long ago, why should he wait until now?

Ling Tian: Makes sense!

Dad: However, you still have to be careful, if you notice something wrong, call me immediately!

Ling Tian: I understand, dad!

After communicating with his father, Ling Tian deleted the chat record and left the bathroom.

Song Hua was sitting on the sofa, drinking a high-energy drink. When he saw Ling Tian coming out, he said, "Brother Ling, don't you want me to help you enhance your ability? Do you want to try it now?"

Ling Tian nodded: "Right now? Do we need to prepare anything?"

"No need!"

Song Hua's eyes were very bright: "We two brothers will settle the account, I will help you enhance your ability, and you will breed me a clone, but you can't deny the deals after I enhanced your ability!"

"Am I that kind of person?!"

---(1) Plundering abilities couldn't be used against human, and it's forbidden by law. Of course, it's possible to plunder monsters' abilities.

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