
I Have A Mystical Clone Ability

Transmigrated to the similar planet with Earth but this world has 10 suns in the sky, and the world were ravaged by monsters. Everyone in this world has their own ability, to control the Lightning, Ultimate Speed, Teleportation, Telepathy, Prophecy. Ling Tian's ability is to breed a clone, as long as he is given any kind of Life Genetic Material, he can breed that Life! Three-Headed Golden Dragons, Golden Horned Beasts, Great Golden Apes...

Pyroscrappers · Urban
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63 Chs

I'm Immune to Spiritual Attack!


Ling Tian was too lazy to talk, so he started the fight directly. With a kick of his feet, the boulder standing under his feet shattered.

The whole person was like a shell out of the chamber, and it burst out in an instant, and in an instant, it broke through a distance of tens of meters.

"So fast!"

Mo Yuan's pupils shrank and shouted, "Space Imprisonment!"


A strange spatial fluctuation emanated from her body, sweeping forward.

The space in front of him is like a frozen lake, quietly imprisoned.

Everything in this area is imprisoned, and the air, dust, breeze, plants, etc. are also imprisoned.

Ling Tian only felt a terrifying squeezing force acting on his body, squeezing his body crazily, imprisoning him in place.


Ling Tian roared, his whole body burst into power, and the imprisoned space collapsed, and Ling Tian broke free.

"It broke free!"

Mo Yuan's eyes flashed with disbelief. Her Space Imprisonment can suppress and imprison any third-level monster.

And Ling Tian actually broke free without any effort, it was incredible!

However, although Mo Yuan did not panic, her battle experiences were very rich, and this situation was not enough to shake her mind.

"Gravity Suppression!"

Mo Yuan pressed down with both hands, and a terrifying gravity acted on Ling Tian.


Ling Tian was pressed down from mid-air to the ground, and his body was bent.

"Just a mere gravity, you want to suppress me too?"

Ling Tian struggled hard, his waist suddenly straightened, and then he fought against Mo Yuan again under the terrible gravity.

Under the effect of gravity, his speed was much slower than the original, but compared to others, he was still very fast, very fast.

Obviously, Mo Yuan's gravity was terrible, but it couldn't suppress Ling Tian.

"Brother Ling is great!"

Song Hua shouted excitedly: "That's it, hit her!"

"This guy…"

Mo Yuan looked at Ling Tian, ​​who shot at him like a furious lion, and felt unbelievable.

Space Imprisonment is useless to him, and gravity suppression doesn't work either.

How strong is his physical body?

Surprised, Mo Yuan had no intention of admitting defeat, and she still had a lot of ways to suppress Ling Tian.

Admit defeat?


"Spiritual Imprisonment!"

Mo Yuan's eyes suddenly turned silver, and a terrifying mental wave rushed towards Ling Tian.

The same is spiritual imprisonment, Mo Yuan's spiritual imprisonment is obviously different from Song Hua.

Song Hua's mental imprisonment radiated in all directions.

Indiscriminate strike.

But Mo Yuan's mental imprisonment is aimed at a specific target and executes precise strikes in one direction.

The attack method is completely different!

"Your clone is strong, but your soul is still your original soul. How can you resist it?"

Mo Yuan had already seen that Ling Tian's ability was not an enslavement ability, but a clone ability.

Although I don't know where Ling Tian got such a body as a clone, the soul is still Ling Tian's own.

With his weak soul, combined with a powerful body, obviously, the soul is Ling Tian's biggest flaw!

Mo Yuan resolutely launched a mental attack, she was confident that this attack would be able to make merit and severely damage Ling Tian.


At this time, Ling Tian was only twenty centimeters away from Mo Yuan.

Mo Yuan didn't dodge, she was very confident in her attack.

The mental shock wave hit Ling Tian heavily, Ling Tian's eyes instantly became dull, and he was obviously hit.

"My guess was right!"

Mo Yuan smiled. The bright smile matched the delicate facial features, and the surrounding air seemed to become brighter.

Unfortunately, the next moment...


Mo Yuan only felt a piercing pain in his lower abdomen, followed by an unparalleled power.

She spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out like a kite with a broken string.

"Hahaha, hit it!"

Song Hua jumped up excitedly: "Let you be arrogant, you pretend again and again, it makes you look down on others, and now you get beaten!"

Song Hua couldn't get used to Mo Yuan for a long time. He wanted to beat Mo Yuan for a long time, but unfortunately he didn't have the strength, so he could only think about it.

Now that he saw Mo Yuan being beaten, he couldn't be happier!

After being punched by Ling Tian, ​​the other party had already been beaten to death.

But Mo Yuan was fine, her whole body suddenly exploded, turned into a pool of water and glided in the air for a while, and when she was about to land, she regained her human form.

The injuries on her body have recovered as before, but her face is a little pale, and the divine energy in her body has also been greatly consumed.

Transforming into a stream of water is also one of her abilities. Once transformed into a stream of water, she can be immune to most physical attacks.

If it is injured, it can also transform into a stream of water, and when it transforms into a human form again, the injury will heal.

The only downside is that this move consumes a lot of divine energy.

The heavier the injury, the more depleted the divine energy. She was almost killed just now, and 90% of the divine energy in her body was consumed.

Mo Yuan didn't care about this, she stared at Ling Tian: "Why?"

"You mean, why is your spiritual attack ineffective against me, right?" Ling Tian said.

Mo Yuan's face was cold and she didn't say a word. The blow just now was a bit big. She hasn't recovered yet, but she really can't figure out the problem.

"Forgot to tell you, my body is immune to all spiritual attacks!"

Ling Tian smiled lightly.

Immune to all spiritual attacks?


During the special training on Rhinoceros Island, Ling Tian and Song Hua tried it out.

No matter how much Song Hua's mental attack was, it couldn't affect him!

The two came to the conclusion that the golden giant clone was immune to all spiritual attacks.

Although I don't know why, Ling Tian was overjoyed!

Spiritual attacks are the most difficult and disgusting of all attacks.

Because the speed is comparable to the speed of light, it is impossible to guard against it.

The best way is to have enough spiritual power to minimize the damage of spiritual attacks!

If the spiritual strength is average, then wait for the stroke.

Immunity to all spiritual attacks means that any spiritual attack is invalid for the golden giant clone.

This also makes the golden giant clone, a pure flesh warrior, without any shortcomings!

"Immune to spiritual attack!!!"

Mo Yuan's eyes flashed with disbelief: "Is there still such a physique?"

"You saw it today!"

Ling Tian moved his neck and made a crisp sound: "Do you want to continue fighting?"

"I surrender!"

Mo Yuan conceded defeat generously. The divine energy was almost exhausted, and no amount of supernatural powers could be used. Continuing to fight would just be a self-inflicted humiliation!

"See you next time, I must win!"

Mo Yuan took a deep look at Ling Tian, ​​and disappeared in a flash.

Ling Tian looked at the place where Mo Yuan stood before, expressionless.

"Brother Ling, you are too strong!"

Song Hua excitedly patted Ling Tian on the shoulder, happier than defeating Mo Yuan himself: "Finally defeating that woman's prestige, you are indeed my brother!"

"Brother Ling, you are amazing!"

Zhang Wen's eyes were full of stars, and Mo Yuan's strength was obvious to all. The special training killed more than 5,000 rhinoceros, which was more than twice that of the second Ling Tian.

Many freshmen believe that Mo Yuan is definitely the strongest existence among the freshmen this year, and Zhang Wenwen also thinks so.

But she didn't expect it.

Ling Tian actually defeated Mo Yuan head-on, which was too unexpected!

"It was just a fluke just now. The next time we meet, I may not be able to defeat her. This woman has too many methods!"