
I Have A Mystical Clone Ability

Transmigrated to the similar planet with Earth but this world has 10 suns in the sky, and the world were ravaged by monsters. Everyone in this world has their own ability, to control the Lightning, Ultimate Speed, Teleportation, Telepathy, Prophecy. Ling Tian's ability is to breed a clone, as long as he is given any kind of Life Genetic Material, he can breed that Life! Three-Headed Golden Dragons, Golden Horned Beasts, Great Golden Apes...

Pyroscrappers · Urban
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63 Chs

Awaken New Ability

"Xiao Tian, ​​how do you feel?"

Ling Tian and Yu Yan looked at their son nervously, it was already past three in the middle of the night, and they were not sleepy at all.

"I feel much better!" Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief: "Mom and Dad, why haven't you slept yet? It's already late!"

"We need to look up on your situations, how can we fall asleep?" Mom asked expectantly, "How is it, have you awakened the second ability?"

Dad also looked at Ling Tian.

"Let me see!"

Ling Tian closed his eyes and sensed it carefully. It was easy to sense whether he had awakened an ability.

If there is a new ability awakened, the body will undergo great changes.

After a long time, Ling Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes.

"How about it?"

Dad asked.


Ling Tian said slowly.

"What ability?"

Dad asked.

Mom also looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian didn't answer, but looked at a chair by the dining table.


Ling Tian disappeared and was replaced by the chair. Looking at Ling Tian again, he appeared at the dining table.

"This is…"

Mom and Dad were stunned, Ling Tian looked at the chair again.


The two exchanged positions again, Ling Tian returned to his parents, and the chair returned to the dining table.

"This is my new ability!" Ling Tian said: "I can swap my position with the target, um, [Position Replacement]!"

For this new ability, Ling Tian was quite surprised, he could replace his position with the target instantly. This ability... is too familiar.

Isn't this the Heavenly Hand Power from Naruto?

Heavenly Hand Power is very powerful, especially in battle, it is an excellent life-saving ability.

Imagine that when you are attacked by an enemy, you suddenly switch your positions with other objects, and you can instantly avoid the attack.

But it's a pity... this is not the ability that Ling Tian wants. Compared with this kind of auxiliary ability, he wants the fighting ability more.

Such as Eye of Petrification, Lightning Manipulation, Super Muscle and so on.

Dad and Mom looked at each other with excitement: "This ability is very good!"

"It's an excellent life-saving ability!"

The mother was very happy: "Son, with this ability, mom will be more at ease in the future when you venture into the wilderness!"

"Although the ability is good, it is not a combat ability!"

Ling Tian was a little disappointed: "I want a combat ability even more, so I can make up for the shortcomings of my real body!"

"I think this ability is very good!"

Dad said with relief: "Xiao Tian, you have to remember that for ability users, living is always the most important thing!"

"Only when you are alive, there are infinite possibilities; You're dead, everything is over!"

"You have the ability to breed clones, you can breed all kinds of clones, and have all kinds of powerful abilities!"

"The real body is your shortcoming, but with this ability, your real body will be greatly blessed!"

Dad smiled slightly: "For you, even if the clone dies, it can be bred again, but if the real body goes wrong, it will be a disaster!"

"So, this new power is definitely more suitable for you than those combat powers. You understand, son?"

"I know!"

Ling Tian was persuaded: "Dad, you are right, it doesn't matter if the clone dies, but there must be no problem with my real body!"

"For me, the role and value of this ability is indeed much greater than those of the combat abilities!"

"It's good that you can think like that!"

Ling Tian nodded in satisfaction: "Remember, when fighting in the future, remember to protect the real body, this is your foundation!"

"I see!"

Ling Tian nodded heavily.

"Okay, time to sleep!"

Dad yawned: "I have to go to work tomorrow morning!"



After breakfast the next morning, Ling Tian came to the practice room to practice as usual.

Before cultivating, he first came to the breeding space to see the second clone.

The golden light cocoon is obviously bigger, and there are no other new characteristics shown.

"It seems that it will be born soon!"

Ling Tian sighed, his consciousness returned to his body, and he summoned Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon to start his practice.

Time always flies when cultivating, and before he knew it, it's already Friday again.

In the past few days, Ling Tian felt that the divine energy in his dantian had reached its limit.

This caused him to absorb less and less solar energy, and until today, he was finally unable to absorb any more divine energy.

This is a sign of success!

If you want to continue to improve next, you can only compress the divine energy in the dantian and make it liquefied.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian consciously compressed the divine energy in his dantian.

The misty golden mist in the dantian was condensed together under Ling Tian's thought.

And then... compressed with full force!

With the continuous compression, a drop of golden liquid quietly appeared in the dantian.

Seeing this drop of golden liquid, Ling Tian's spirit was greatly lifted, this drop of brilliant golden liquid was the liquefied divine energy.

The liquefied divine energy has a higher density and a correspondingly smaller volume.

After this drop of liquid divine energy appeared, a domino effect was immediately triggered in his dantian.

The surrounding misty divine energy rushed in, and then swarmed into this drop of liquid divine energy, and the golden liquid grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The misty divine energy quickly disappeared, leaving only a liquid divine energy ball the size of a peanut.

This liquid divine energy ball is quietly suspended in the dantian, like a drop of golden juice.

Compared with the misty divine energy before, its volume is much smaller, but its density is much higher, and the energy it contains is not inferior.

"Liquefied divine energy!"

"Level 3 ability user… It's done!"

Ling Tian was very happy, and immediately tried to absorb the divine energy.

This absorption was not hindered like before and almost immediately entered his body, and every cell in the body was thirsty to absorb the divine energy.

As the steady stream of divine energy poured into his body, Ling Tian felt that his body was rapidly strengthening.

The heart beats more powerful.

Muscles and bones were stronger.

His mind is sharper.

After a long time, the speed at which the body absorbs the divine energy slowed down, and the changes in the body gradually stopped.

Ling Tian clenched his fists and felt that his body has more than doubled in strength, and his mind was extremely clear.

"Upgrading from the Level 2 to the Level 3l, there is indeed a qualitative change. Let's see if I can multi-tasking now..."

Ling Tian's thoughts moved, and he released the Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon clone.

Ling Tian separated his consciousness and controlled his real body and the Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon respectively.

His real body does push-ups.

The Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon spun around.

The deity did fifty push-ups in one go, and the Three-Headed Ice and Fire Dragon avatars also spun more than a dozen times.

Ling Tian smiled: "When you reach Level 3, you can really multitask!"

But don't underestimate multitasking!

Because Little Dragon Maiden (Xiaolongnü) can do two things simultaneously, she easily learned Zhou Botong's Technique of Ambidexterity.

Using the Swordplay of Jade Maiden in one hand and the Quanzhen Swordsmanship in the other hand, the two swords combined directly beat the Golden Wheel Dharma King.

It's all characters from The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Pyroscrapperscreators' thoughts