
I Have a God in My Body

Lightning struck a mountain as the skies thundered. A god had landed, but he was about to pass away. What he could only do was to find a way to survive, and that way is to find a body. "You killing me? You are just a human, how will you be able to kill me?" Kaian, who was just a commoner, was born with a talent for magic. No one knows it. More shockingly, he has elven magic circuits in his body that similarly only existed 3000 years ago were the reason for his talent. In this world, plenty of challenges and battles were waiting for him to face in order to achieve the promising life he desired. Whether they were nobles, adventurers, hybrids, or even gods, he had to face every challenge. He sought to be powerful and achieve everything. Alternative Title: I Find Ways to Kill a God.

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21 Chs

Ambrose [3]

"The trust is that Kaian, I am from the past. I came from a thriving civilization 3000 years ago and faced the same predicament as the elves faced that I mentioned earlier. However, we got an idea, and it was to preserve human magic and also the knowledge of elven knowledge so that the future could use it. We also banned using magic, but it ended with humans killing each other, driven by emotions. So, here I am, on a mission to pass on all of my knowledge before I deteriorate to preserve the knowledge. And you are the one who fits in it."

Through different stories and explanations with present evidence, Ambrose was able to teach Kaian the history of magic and the purpose of his existence.

Kaian developed another mindset of having his existence as an important variable to the world, but not to the extent that he would become arrogant. Of course, he was arrogant at some point, but it could not be dodged since sometimes he felt that his body had become different from before.

Even so, Kaian still has the thought of making his life better and has a purpose, as he could always remember his parents. He slowly grew used to tiring his body, since learning and practicing magic didn't only have to be mentally prepared, but also physically.

Mentally, Kaian was already prepared. Ambrose would always be surprised that Kaian could remember or even memorize phrases and structures just after seeing them. But, when it came to physical strength, Kaian was still weak.

Every other hour, there would be no instance that he would pant and take a rest. Ambrose could not even complain about it since Kaian already had some knowledge intact in his mind, but not in his body. And as he gave another thought to it, he couldn't help but release a sigh.

Months had passed, and Kaian's body was still comparable to a ten-year-old kid's. He was already 16, yet his energy was still lacking. There were fewer developed muscles in his body, which Ambrose could accept.

'Kaian needed more energy, but he wouldn't be able to get it at this point since he grew up in an elegant and lenient life. There were fewer hardships for his body to grow stronger and this is unacceptable.'

Even if Ambrose wanted to give Kaian the energy at the end of their training, he slightly gave the thought of sharing some with him secretly. In this case, Kaian wouldn't get dejected by his process, and motivation could get him. And just as he wanted it to happen, the next morning Kaian woke up. He was elated that he didn't feel tired after a few hours of repetitive physical activities.

"Master! Look! I am still good! I can feel I can do this all day!"

Ambrose could see how elated Kaian was, and after joining him, his face flickered with a proud face.

"Hoo...? Of course, it is because of your hard work. Work hard more, and what you just said will truly happen."

But, that wasn't enough for Kaian to proceed with the next phase of his training. In the first months, Ambrose only taught Kaian more about the theoretical points of magic. However, just as Kaian reached the point that being theoretically good was not enough, Ambrose started to prepare Kaian's body.

Even though the concept of energy for magicians was about mana, Kaian was still not ready since his body would grow weak against the core. Hence, to prepare for mana circuit construction and also fill his premature core with mana, he should be able to accept at least twice the amount of mana compared to the normal process of magicians.

Kaian's process should be fast, but he could not be careless enough to result in killing Kaian because of extreme fatigue and too much exposure to mana.

'It is real that Kaian had the same circuits as elves, but it is not a matter that could tell that Kaian would be stronger against plenty of mana. He still has a human body, hence, measures of strengthening his body with mana should be looked over.'

After a year, Ambrose started to see that Kaian's body exceeded the normal physique of humans at his age. He was already 17, yet the physical energy he held exceeded those who were in their 30s. It was a result of unending physical training, which Kaian grew obsessed with. From the day he started to see progress in the process, he followed each method Ambrose would offer to him.

"Master, you called me for what?"

With confused and curious eyes, Kaian stood in front of Ambrose with his clothes, obviously not in good condition. Since the day that the village disappeared, Kaian hadn't had the chance to wear the appropriate size of clothes. Furthermore, the durability of the fabric had already dropped, and there was no chance to change it.

Kaian and Ambrose didn't rejoin civilization; hence, getting clothes from society was impossible for them. Ambrose also didn't have the magic to create fabric, or even if he had, he wouldn't waste his mana for the sake of convenience since he wanted to give it to Kaian after the training.

"Kaian, I hope that you are already ready for the next phase of your training. Since you are already done with theories and your physical body to have better preparation for extreme training with mana, your next phase is to..."

"Gather the energy needed for the application of magic. Is it what you wanted to say, Master?"

Ambrose paused for a few seconds and let out a sigh as he looked at Kaian's eyes, who was aware of what was happening. He then smiled, ruffled his hair, and casually sat down on a log. He then stretched his arms and continued.

"Yup, and you are ready for it, right?"

"Of course! I have spent my whole year destroying my mindset about escaping physical fatigue. How could I not be ready?"

A smile beamed on Kaian's face as Ambrose continued.

"I see. Then I hope that you can withstand the process of training with mana. This will be more difficult since you have to put your mind and body in sync to perform the perfect execution of magic."

Kaian scratched his nape.

"Don't be too worried, Master. I will be able to survive it!"

There are eight main elements in magic: air, fire, water, earth, darkness, light, metal, and nature, which stand for individual attributes and talent.

A person with one attribute or affinity is a normal magician. He could be among that percentage of people that have attributes, but talents that are not to be easily scaled.

A person with two attributes is talented. Even with just that discovery in their body, they can be called talented since more than one affinity only appears in those people who are talented.

But with three attributes, this magician is already exceptional. Those with three attributes have the slimmest chance of having three, and they are extremely talented at applying magical theories to their bodies.

However, there is still one category that is exceptional, and that is having four attributes. Nothing can explain further how they are powerful and talented.

More than four attributes, on the other hand, are impossible because not only has a history not recorded one like this, but logic also contradicts that idea.

For adopting theories to his body, he should learn how to flow the mana in his body. Most needed, the feeling of mana, not just how he should have pictured it, was present in his sensations.

And as Ambrose's guidance continued to hone Kaian, after a year, Ambrose reached the profundity in magic, which he was happy to see.

"Finally... my successor... ahem! My disciple, I finally shared the knowledge I could offer you that I got from my time."

Kaian stared at Ambrose and awkwardly smiled as he watched how he was becoming dramatic about the matter.

"Master, thank you for your guidance."

Ambrose smiled widely.

"And now, you should continue with your life and leave the forest. Rejoin human society and achieve what your parents wanted you to have. Having the life that you also wanted... you should get it."

"Yes, Master. I understand. But, what are you going to do? You still have time. How about you join me too?"

Ambrose bitterly smiled and disconnected the eye contact. Looking at his eyes, Kaian could see that there was something behind Ambrose's actions. It was not a simple movement, but a reaction to the question he raised.

"Is there something wrong, Master?"

Kaian knew that Ambrose's deteriorating body was inevitable and that he would die after it as well. But, Kaian prepared himself and already accepted it. In the two years and more of being together, Kaian grew closer to him, which gave him the urge to think of him as well.

"I am sorry, Kaian. But I am afraid that I cannot join you."

"Why is it, Master?"

"Well... it is because today will be my last day living."

As if another death was about to come and he had to face the phase of mourning, Kaian couldn't help but be frozen at the moment. He was surprised as the initial thought he had was that, at least, Ambrose would be with him until he reached 20.

"What? H-how? You said that you still have two more years to be with me. It doesn't make sense."

And then the terrifying revelation appeared in front of Kaian. He stood in the place before Ambrose, where below his feet were magic circles.

Kaian read the magic circle, and his eyes trembled, going back to Ambrose.

"M-master... don't tell me..."

"Yes, Kaian. I am transferring the mana I have to you."

"N-no... You can't do this, Master! Please don't leave me sooner!"

"It is already too late. As you have already finished your training, this shall be the end of it for me as well. I didn't expect that you would reach Blue Core fast. So, the two years remaining will be useless."

Trembling lips and watery eyes were all that was obvious on Kaian's face while the process of transferring mana continued. Light covered them whole until the next blink of an eye, Ambrose disappeared. Only his clothes remained.

Kaian's weak knees surrendered. His hands tried to reach Ambrose's clothes with his eyes wide open at the moment as well. And just like that, Kaian lost Ambrose without being prepared for the matter.

It wasn't much, but the first training arc was done. Also, his life story was already explained, so, his personality was established. Now, let us just see how it will further develop as the story goes on.

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