
I have a gateway to another world.

Alex's parents passed away when he was ten. He was raised by his grandfather, but he didn't understand his grandfather because he was one of the richest people in the country, but he still worked on his farm. Even though Alex has a girlfriend, his grandfather sent him to the military. Because of that, his girlfriend left him, and after three years, his grandfather also died. at this tragic point in his life. Alex found a door in the basement of his grandfather's farmhouse that led to another world 

THE_KING_2967 · Fantasy
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The door in the basement to another world

My name is Alex. My life wasn't easy for me. When I was ten years old, my parents passed away. I was taken in by my grandfather, and I was raised on his farm.

When I close my eyes, I can say that the years I spent with my grandfather were the best of my life.

But everything must come to an end. I had a girlfriend the year before I graduated. My grandfather enlisted me in the military once I graduated. My grandfather, who is among the wealthiest persons in the United States of America, confuses me.

He has enough money to goof off and enjoy life till old age. But he was still leaving and working on his farm. As a result, I also help him on the farm.

I'll have to say goodbye to both my girlfriend and my grandfather after I graduate. I didn't want to join the military. But because my grandfather insisted, I had to join. I can't say no to any of his requests. My grandfather loves me the most out of all his children and grandchildren. I, therefore, enlisted in the American military.

My relationship with my girlfriend ended after one year in the military. I remained silent in front of her. because I've matured into a man in this past year.

I know that long-distance relationships will not go very well in this modern era. I'm also glad she stood up to me and told me she couldn't have this relationship. She's a very beautiful girl, but it's a shame that you have to part ways.

My military service continued for an additional two years after that. However, due to his serious illness, my grandfather called me back home. I resigned from the military and returned to my house. I lived in Texas. Our house is about a three-hour trip from the city of Lubbock.

But it was too late now. My grandfather died before I returned to my house. My inability to witness my grandfather's dying moments will be my greatest regret in life. I was devastated.

There was my entire family. My uncle is the next person who loves me the most after my grandfather. My aunt didn't like me and thought her brother pass away as a result of me.

It has been two days since the funeral of my grandfather. Everyone was staying at the farmhouse. I heard a tap on the door in the afternoon. I approached the door and unlocked it. An elderly man wearing a black suit was there.

Good day, My name is Paul Morales. I'm a lawyer. I worked for your family for almost 40 years. Because your grandfather prefers to keep his personal and professional lives apart, I know you did not see me.

I welcome him inside the farmhouse. He's an old man, almost my grandfather's age, and he's still working as a lawyer.

Please take a seat. Thank you, Mr. Alex. I'm here to announce your late grandfather's will. Please call everyone in your family to come here. I called everyone, and after a couple of moments, everyone came.

Mr. Paul opened an envelope; there was a letter inside of it. He coughed slightly and started reading the letter. In the letter, my grandfather gave his entire business to my uncle and aunt, and he gave me this farmhouse. My uncle wasn't happy with this decision, so after Mr. Paul left, he transferred a good-performing tech company to me. I did decline his offer, but he insisted

After one week, everyone left.

I saw a door on the wall when I was cleaning the basement of the house. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but when I looked at it more closely, I understood it was a door.

Why my grandpa built a large door in the basement? I was curious and touched the door. The door immediately open but what I saw was stunning.

Inside the door was a dark vortex revolving around itself, looking like a black hole.

What in the world is this? Close the door right away, then dash upstairs. I inhale deeply to make myself feel better.

Is that a black hole? I go back to the basement and open the door again. Carefully, I throw a water bottle at it. The water bottle passed through the door. Is there another room on another site? I did not want to go through this door. I tied my phone to a hockey stick and started recording, Slowly inserting it into the door.

One minute later, I pull back the hockey stick with my phone and start seeing what my phone recorded. I was totally surprised because, in the video, I saw a jungle. I double- and triple-checked it, but it was the same. I thought to myself, "I think I'm hallucinating," but no matter what I come up with, it's a jungle out there.

I want to go out there and export that jungle. But I'm a military person, and I know what an unknown area can do to you; you can even die if no one rescues you.

So I begin preparing for this adventure. In the middle of preparing everything, I thought to myself, "Does Grandpa want me to explore this area?"

I thought nothing more of it. I started preparing everything. I go to the city and buy an M249 machine gun with modifications and ammo. In addition, I purchase gas masks, helmets, and body armor. After going around the city, I was completely geared up. I am thankful for American law; if it were any other country, I would not be able to buy this stuff. Yes, I have to do some paperwork, but I'm not going to use this stuff in the United States. I also buy some MRE.

I then return to my house. I am so excited as I prepare for this experience. Then I realized I needed a drone. I ordered a drone online. I told them to deliver quickly, and I gave them extra money.

Delivery men knock on my door an hour later and arrive at my house with the drone. He was looking at me weirdly. I inquired, what was wrong. I looked down at myself. I was wearing full gear like I was going to war. You look cool, man, after saying that the delivery man left.

I smile and lock the door. I go back to the basement and check everything. I was finally ready.

I took a step into the vortex, and immediately after, I passed through the door. I arrive in the jungle. Immediately after I crouched down and started to scan my area, There was nothing but endless trees. I relaxed, took out the drone, and I flew it. I was inside a mountain valley. I don't want to lose myself in this jungle. So I started taking pictures of my area. The door I came through it was inside a mountain.

I touched the door, and it immediately took the shape of a ring. I thought I was done. I will never be able to return to earth. I heaved a sigh. I picked up the ring and put it on my finger. I feel in my mind that there is some information that is not mine. After trying to recall the information, I figured out that the ring can convert back into the door at any time. I was relieved that I could go back to earth. After that, I start exploring the surrounding area.

After covering 60 kilometers, it was about to become night, so I went back to earth. I resumed my explorations the next morning. Again, I started flying the drone to see what was surrounding me, and I found something that will help me out. In the south, about 40 kilometers, There was a clearing in the area.

I start walking toward the south. After walking five kilometers, I heard someone yelling. Because of the ring, I can understand their language. It seems some people were running from something.

I get ready for combat. After a few moments, five people in medieval-style clothing and leather armor dashed in front of me. A couple of wild boars were chasing them behind them. They are armed with swords, spears, and bows. Why don't they use their weapons? Are they stupid? One of them made eye contact with me; obviously, he was surprised to see me there. I stand up and open fire on the wild boar. Bang! bang! bang! I killed all of the wild boars in a couple of seconds. All of them stop behind me. I looked at them and pointed my gun at them and said, "Do not try to move or I will kill you." Somehow, they understood what I was saying.

They appear surprised rather than afraid. From their group, a girl about nineteen or twenty years old bowed her head and said to me, "Thank you for helping us, Great Warrior."

My name is Elena Robertson. I am the daughter of Duke Eddie Robertson, and beside me is my brother Eric Robertson. They are our guards, protecting us from dangerous situations. Those animals are very strong, and you kill them with your mighty power. We are thankful for this help of yours.

They're not strong at all, and what are you doing here? You're acting like a nobleman.

She bowed her head in shame. Sir, my mother is ill, so we are trying to find a herb that will cure her illness. Eric told me. " Looking at their faces, they looked really serious, so I decided to help them. "Okay, if you promise me you will get me out of this jungle, I will help you find the herb." Thank you very much. We actually know the place, but there is a big animal over there, so we cannot get close to it.

Thank you. Wow, I cannot believe that someone read my novel. This novel will be an easygoing novel focusing on the new world. Thank you for reading this chapter.

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