
Chapter 545 Devour God Technique_2


Therefore, while contemplating the Azure Jadeite Sycamore Tree, one can construct a bridge between the human body and the tree using the Path of Heaven, allowing the vast but unconscious spiritual sense of this fourth-order spirit plant to surge towards the contemplator, speeding up the enhancement of the meditator's divine consciousness.

The closer one is to the Azure Jadeite Sycamore, the more rapidly the contemplative cultivator improves.

For the Azure Jadeite Sycamore itself, since it has been stuck at the bottleneck of the fourth grade superior for hundreds of years, the spiritual power it swallows and the divine consciousness it generates are unconsciously scattered between heaven and earth. Hence, meditating on the Azure Jadeite Lucid Strategy will not cause any depletion to the Azure Jadeite Sycamore; instead, it helps nurture the mountains and rivers of Red Sandstone City.