

In the end, Leo managed to collect himself and freshen up before heading downstairs to have breakfast with his family in this world.

Thanks to the memories he inherited from the original Leo, he did not have a hard time navigating through the house.

During his shower, Leo thought about his transmigration.

Why had he transmigrated?

What made him transmigrate?

How was he to live now?

Act as the original Leo in front of people and try to find a way back, or accept that he had transmigrated to another world and live with it?

Although it all seemed complicated, it didn't take long for Leo to find his answer.

And his answer was very Otaku-like: "F*CK earth!"

Back on Earth, Leo was an orphan.

When he was younger, he had once overheard the caregivers gossip and found out he was abandoned in front of the orphanage as a baby.

The reason was already obvious enough.

His parents probably never wanted him, as they didn't even leave him with a piece of cloth or paper tied to him in some way to let whoever found him know his name. They probably didn't even give him a name before abandoning him.

It wasn't only his biological parents that didn't want him. Back at the orphanage, no parent looking for a child wanted to adopt him.

This was understandable, though, as Leo wasn't as energetic nor healthy-looking as a child back then. No young couples, and even old people, wanted a child like that.

His fellow orphans at the orphanage also didn't want to make friends with someone like him who seemed like he'd break from a slight touch.

In actuality, Leo wasn't sick; he was just weaker than most people from birth.

It wasn't his fault that he grew up weak, but no one wanted him. This caused him to isolate himself and become a quiet kid who found fun and peace in reading novels.

This was how his life was until he turned 16 when he'd have to leave the orphanage. Ironically, he was later adopted by an old librarian.

Leo was so happy. Even though he got a family late, at least he got one.

Fate, however, was cruel.

The old librarian passed away a year later when Leo was seventeen, and Leo inherited his bookstore.

Another year later, he found himself in another world. Ironically, back on Earth, today was supposed to be his birthday.

Leo wondered if this was related to why he transmigrated, but he didn't dwell on it. That was his old life.

In this world, he had a family that loved, cared for, and wanted him.

In this world, he was healthier and more attractive.

This world also had magic, so why would he want to return to a world that offered him nothing?

There was no reason.

Perhaps others might find his reasoning for wanting to stay in this world absurd and too simple, but who was going to say that to his face?

No one.

Leo just wanted to live a life that had more promise and seemed brighter, even if it was in an entirely different world. He would learn to adapt with time.

Thankfully, it appeared the original Leo was relatively quiet and kept to himself most of the time, so he should be all right.

'At least the food is almost the same thing.'

Looking at the plate of rice he was eating, Leo was secretly glad that Earth foods were a thing here, and he didn't have to eat something like intestines. This thought might have been influenced by his morning experience, but Leo was relieved that some things were still normal.

"How's the food, son?" Mia asked.

The whole family was currently having breakfast at a rectangular wooden table with four chairs.

Leo and Mia were seated on one side, and Isabella and Lily were seated on the other side.

The cat also had a seat of its own, and as for how it managed to eat its food on the table, Leo preferred not to think about it.

"It's delicious, Mom," Leo turned to his mother with a smile and replied.

Hearing his words, a very bright smile graced Mia's lips, and she resumed eating her breakfast happily.

Silence descended on the dining table again.

Mia, Leo, and the Phantom ice beast ate their food quietly, while Isabella went through her phone.

Leo still liked the silence though, because what was going on at the moment was the first to happen in a long while after the old librarian died.

Eating with family.

After finishing his meal, Leo quietly stood up and spoke.

"Thanks for the breakfast, Mom. I'll be going to the store now. I'm already quite late as it is. See you tonight," he said.

The store Leo was referring to was the family business he had been managing since he was 16, three years ago.

In this world, humans awakened the ability to contract pets at the age of 16, which marked the transition to adulthood, albeit with certain restrictions until 18.

The family business was the reason they had been able to purchase the egg of a Phantom ice beast, which was very expensive but suitable for Isabella's affinities with illusion and ice.

As for why Leo did not have a pet of his own, the situation was quite complex.

Leo's father in this world died in an unfortunate accident when he was 13 years old, and his sister was 11 years old, six years ago.

With the head of the family gone, things suddenly became hard for the family.

The family pet store was the biggest earner for the family, so Leo's mother, Mia, had to quit her job to manage it.

Alas, with one of the two sources of income gone, the family situation did not improve.

Bills, school fees, clothing, food, and so on had to be covered, and the income from the pet store could only do so much.

At that time, young Leo decided to take on the responsibility of being the man of the house at a young age.

He dropped out of school to assist his mother with the store and reduce the family's expenses.

He preferred that they spend more on Isabella than on him.

While his grades were okay, Isabella's were exceptional. She was the top of her class every term, a smart kid, and seemed to have a bright future ahead of her.

Leo forsook his education for the sake of Isabella, believing that it was the best way to spend the family's limited income and secure her future.

As they grew up, Isabella came to respect Leo deeply, to the point where one might wonder if she respected him more than their mother.

It was also Leo's consideration for his sister's future that led him to convince his mother to start saving early for the time when they'd need to purchase a beast egg for Isabella.

Beast eggs were incredibly expensive, with even the less powerful ones costing a few thousand. The eggs of powerful creatures were often beyond reach with money alone.

Purchasing the Phantom ice beast egg had nearly bankrupted the family's business, but the old Leo believed it was worth it.

"Mhmm. Be careful on your way, son," Mia said as she turned to look at Leo's retreating back, heading towards the door.

"Stay safe, brother!" Isabella added.

"Meow!" Her cat chimed in as well.

Hearing all these well-wishes, a wide smile appeared on Leo's face as he opened the door.

While passing through it, Leo didn't forget to reply to them all.

"See you later tonight!" And he went out, closing the door behind him.

After taking a few steps outside, Leo stopped to take a deep breath. His new life had begun, and he was determined to live it to the fullest.